The Paths of Glory

To the esteemed Sultan of Mysore:

The Republic of Sweden wishes to establish a trading post in your state in the cities of Calicut and Cannanore. Our two nations would benefit greatly from mutual trade. Sweden can provide a market for the purchase of your goods. Additionally in the event that Mysore needs a heavily manufactured good we could provide that as well. As we have discussed privately The Republic of Sweden will provide the Sultanate of Mysore 5 Economic Points as well as one of our Manufacturing Capabilities in exchange for these tradeposts.

Ståthållare of the Riksdag of The Estates and the Republic of Sweden - Hans von Roxendorff
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To: The Qianlong Emperor

Spain would like to acknowledge you as the supreme emperor of China, and is gracious that you deign to let us rule Macau uncontested. Accompanying these regards is a sword made of the finest Toledo steel, with a dragon inscribed into the blade, a silver hilt, amethysts set in the crossguard, and a yellow diamond set into the pommel.

To: Spain

The Qianlong Emperor, Son of Heaven and Ruler of All Under Heaven, is pleased to receive your offering and gesture of respect. The Spanish are sure to receive the Emperor's favor and this gesture will not soon be forgotten.
To the Qianlong Emperor

While your diplomatic contact came as somewhat of a surprise, we are gladdened to hear of your interest in continued peace and harmony between our kingdom and your Empire. While neither the king nor his family can visit China due to the vast distances involved, he sends his portraits bearing his likeness as well as rings of gold and gemstones as is customary.
Here can be found the official acceptance of the non-aggression pact with France for the period of 5 years
We accept the non aggression pact with France for duration of five years.
Confirmed, non-aggression pact agreed with Poland and Great Britain for a duration of five years to be renegotiated upon lapse.
To: The Afsharid Sultan Shahanshah of Eranshahr
Khalistan would like to impress upon you that persecution of our faith, as you have done so often in the past, will not be tolerated to any extent. Any persecution the Sikhs in your realm will be treated as an attack on our own empire, the Khalsa shall be mustered and the swift retribution of Waheguru shall descend upon your 'sultanate'. However, should you remain peaceful towards Sikhs, we will gladly allow for peace to exist between our realms.

To: Khalistan
From: Afsharid Persia

We sincerely hope that you are not foolish enough to make demands of how the Shahanshah treats his subjects. The Shahanshah is more than happy live and let live, but if you presume to question his holy authority, we will not forget this insult.
To: Afsharid Persia
From: Khalistan

We did not intend any insult now that this has been clarified. We simply wish to prevent history from repeating itself. We respect your authority as Shahanshah of Eranshahr so long as you respect our people.
To the esteemed Sultan of Mysore:

The Republic of Sweden wishes to establish a trading post in your state in the cities of Calicut and Cannanore. Our two nations would benefit greatly from mutual trade. Sweden can provide a market for the purchase of your goods. Additionally in the event that Mysore needs a heavily manufactured good we could provide that as well. As we have discussed privately The Republic of Sweden will provide the Sultanate of Mysore 5 Economic Points as well as one of our Manufacturing Capabilities in exchange for these tradeposts.

Lord Protector of the Riksdag of The Estates and the Republic of Sweden - Hans von Roxendorff

The Kingdom of Mysore accepts this offer.
From Russia-Lithuania
To Poland

We, too, extend our offer of a non-aggression pact lasting five years to your kingdom.
Poland extends an offer of a non-aggression pact with the Rhine, as well as a guarentee of independence.
To: Netherlands, Ottomans, Sweden, and Bavaria
Poland extends a defensive pact to the Netherlands, the Ottomans, Sweden, and Bavaria.
The Netherlands gladly accepts Poland's generous offer and hopes this will help bring an end to senseless, wasteful war in the center of the continent.

King Willem Casimir I, Prince of Orange and King of the United Netherlands and her Colonies
France hopes that Poland's establishment of an alliance with the Netherlands, and offers of the same to other powers, however defensive in character, does not result in all of Europe being drawn into internecine war as a result of needless entanglements between states. It is likewise unfortunate that parties otherwise neutral with regards to the historic rivalries between the great powers see fit to align themselves to one or another faction heedless to the potential consequences.
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From Russia-Lithuania
To European nations

Our sentiment mirrors that of France. We hope that the new alliance becomes a tool of peace and stability, and not a net that could draw the continent into a needless bloodshed.
Poland is sure that these pacts will act as a tool of peace and stability and that our neighbors have peaceful intentions, we hope these pacts are unneeded.
Given that the pact is purely defensive in nature, they should only come into effect to oppose a bloody and needless war. If one of us should be the aggressor in a conflict then the pact will do more than be a statement of mutual friendship. If you're truly worried about a Polish-Dutch invasion of France I will happily sign a mutual non-aggression pact with you, and I'm sure my Polish comrades would as well. A war in the center of the civilized world is the last thing any sane person would desire.

King Willem Casimir I, Prince of Orange and King of the United Netherlands and her Colonies
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