The questions-not-worth-their-own-thread question thread XII

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Is the red part of a safety cross-button supposed to be out when it's not in safety, on a BB gun?
Actually guys don't have to be attractive to get a girlfriend. If they're hot, great, but the fact is that girls are much more attractive than guys simply because they're preasured to be that way. If you look, you always notice that the girl is almost always more attractive than her boyfriend. A good personality goes way, way more than looks when it comes to males.
Do womens prefer big powerful manly muscles, or skinny boyish tonelike muscles?

There's a pretty wide gap between these two extremes.

I've found that a lot women tend to say that big veiny muscles are gross, but so few people actually look like pro bodybuilders that it's real tough (while staying off the juice) to actually get to a point where your excess muscles are turning women off.
Actually guys don't have to be attractive to get a girlfriend. If they're hot, great, but the fact is that girls are much more attractive than guys simply because they're preasured to be that way. If you look, you always notice that the girl is almost always more attractive than her boyfriend. A good personality goes way, way more than looks when it comes to males.
Somehow I find that to be a pipe dream in my view.

Anyone know any happy pills that are inexpensive?
Why am I crazy and not put in a mental institution?

Most crazy people never get sent to mental hospitals unless there specifically a danger to them selves or someone else, take me for example I'm batyer then apes--t but i've never been committed, yet my sister has been a couple of times for cutting herself. Besides leaving one is a hell of alot easier then you'd think, all you have to do id is tell the doctor what they want to hear (hint: theyll tell you what they want you to say when you arrive:king:) and "BAM" your out in a day or two.
Women (also gay men) find my back hair attractive.

There are exceptions to everything, but in general pubicare on a pale body looks scratchy and unattractive. If you have light hair that you can't see very well it's usualy not that big of a deal.
Women (also gay men) find my back hair attractive.

My back hair is only just coming in really unfortunately. It's growing like angel wings, just 2 tufts on my shoulder blades. My chest looks like a wolfman though.

There's a pretty wide gap between these two extremes.

I've found that a lot women tend to say that big veiny muscles are gross, but so few people actually look like pro bodybuilders that it's real tough (while staying off the juice) to actually get to a point where your excess muscles are turning women off.

Well I really doubt I'll ever be like Arnold either in size of muscles or low body fat percentage for my muscles to show like that either. I meant more like just a generally manlyness, big muscles nestled in a moderate amount of fat cushioning like most many man are.

Actually guys don't have to be attractive to get a girlfriend. If they're hot, great, but the fact is that girls are much more attractive than guys simply because they're preasured to be that way. If you look, you always notice that the girl is almost always more attractive than her boyfriend. A good personality goes way, way more than looks when it comes to males.

I know plenty of my friends with ugly girlfriends that they could surely do better than. Though I find a good number of relations are never matched right, it's usually one hot person coupled with an uggo.
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