The Thread of Musical Shame


Sheep are welsh.
Jul 30, 2005
We all know you have one. Lurking in the depths of your tapes, CDs, records, or mp3s... there's one song that you're too ashamed to let anyone know you own. Or maybe even one that you were too ashamed to buy, but deep down you know all the lyrics too.

Well, its time to 'fess up. What song is it that you can't help but like?

Here's my confession: I have a lot of awful songs in my mp3 collection :p Some of them are there because they make me laugh... but there are a few that i actually enjoy listening to!

I think the worse song would have to be... Backstreet Boys - All I Have To Give. I have no excuse. Back in the day i despised them, but i had a secret love of their songs... this one in particular!
Ooh, the shame!

Now, all of you 'fess up! I know Mise has one :p

Edit: We'll have none of this masquerading behind "I like this song... because ______ is so hott!!!!" cos that's cheating! Name a song you like regardless of the artist or band, and regardless of how uncool it is :p
Love me for a reason, by Boyzone. Yeah, that's right, I like a Boyzone song, gonna make something of it?! :p
The Bad Touch, by the Bloodhound Gang.... "You and me baby, ain't nothing but mammals, so let's do it like they do on the Discovery Channel"

Terrible. Plus it has that booming bass dance beat... and yet, and yet...
I downloaded the Lady Marmalade music video, because Mya is ungodly hott in it.
Godwynn said:
I downloaded the Lady Marmalade music video, because Mya is ungodly hott in it.
That's not the same as liking it for its music though! Admit it! You like to listen to it regardless of the hot ladies!
feline_dacat said:
That's not the same as liking it for its music though! Admit it! You like to listen to it regardless of the hot ladies!

Hell yeah I would, and Pink is also very lovely in it as well.
Godwynn said:
Hell yeah I would, and Pink is also very lovely in it as well.

LOL You are not grasping the point of the thread! :p

I changed the rules in the first post :p
feline_dacat said:
LOL You are not grasping the point of the thread! :p

I changed the rules in the first post :p

I just said "Hell yeah I would".
Godwynn said:
I just said "Hell yeah I would".
Sorry - my bad - i misunderstood what you meant :)

Now to have more people posting their shame!
Godwynn said:
I downloaded the Lady Marmalade music video, because Mya is ungodly hott in it.
lol i did that too. But I don't think its a bad song!


Well, my shame would be: Groove Coverage - 7 years and 50 days. Normaly I don't care about techno at all, but this song (and some other groove coverage songs) is just great :).
Rambuchan said:
"How Deep Is Your Love" by the BeeGees. (Come on - it's a great song!!!)
hahahaha! :lol:
Its a classic but yes... quite embarassing!

Bizon77 said:
Clocks by Cold Play
:confused: I thought Coldplay are supposed to be cool? What do you usually listen to?
feline_dacat said:
:confused: I thought Coldplay are supposed to be cool? What do you usually listen to?
Probably the Bee Gees :rolleyes:
"Larger than Life" by the Backstreet Boys
"S8er Boi" and "Complicated" by Avril

Does that have some Man of La Mancha stuff on it? That was a good episode...
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