There's a monster under your bed!


Best Resource; Always Wins
Oct 25, 2022
In Your Capital's Starting Ring
That's right, and they mean business.

Thankfully, there are a few operatives that are ready to tackle the dangerous work of dealing with your under-the-bed guest(s). What kind of monster is it? I'm not sure; do you have any ideas? Or is it a total mystery?

Choose your crack team to handle the menace once and for all!

Bonus points if you explain your reasoning.

EXTRA bonus points if you write out an AAR about your monster(s) and how the scenario played out.

Good luck!

monster under the bed choose your operatives.jpg
For sure Prof. Langford, because he can not only attack the bogeyman but also calm my irrational fears that there is a bogeyman under my bed.

For sure Tiger, because it looks a lot like Tigey, the stuffed animal from my youth that did in fact protect me from monsters (in my closet, not under my bed)

I'll have to think about the third

B.E.S.S. (Bovine Eradicator of Scary Somethings) I guess, as a shout-out to cows.
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ITS THE BEAR BROS - I mean like, how could I say no to them? They might blow up my bedroom but that is a worthy price to hang out with then.

I trust B.E.S.S and THE KET to get the job done extremely efficiently. Their talents seem to syngergise well together. And the BEAR BROS on top of that? That monster will wish they picked a different bed…
I go pick B.E.S.S., Stegosaurer, and Specialist Chomp. I’m already a specialist at demoralization, so I need the intelligence, defensive bonii, and seafaring capabilities brought by the team. Also cutest.
"Supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting." - Sun Tzu's Art of War. To that end, Professor Langford's skills will be very valuable.

Sun Tzu continues: "Thus the highest form of generalship is to balk the enemy's plans; the next best is to prevent the junction of the enemy's forces; the next in order is to attack the enemy's army in the field; and the worst policy of all is to besiege walled cities." What I'm hearing is intelligence and speed should be prioritised. Therefore, B.E.S.S. shall be my second recruit, and Tiger my third.

By Heaven's will, with their plans in ruins, their morale in tatters, and faced with overwhelming might, the monster will promptly surrender; if they insist on fighting, their resistance should be broken quickly.
The M.U.B. has tentatively been identified as Red Roomba.

The few survivors claim it collects keys from its victims as trophies.

There is a lot of jingle jangle down there.

First I send in Tiger to distract the beast.
The threatening whir and smell of blood excites our 1st agent, and each successful pawstrike makes a lovely melody with the tiger snarls.

Next 2Pen dives into the jaws of the beast and holds the mouth at any cost.
The suction tries pull him into a dimensional portal to Hell, but our penguin is from New Jersey and is not troubled at all.

Finally, Agent Snek goes in for the kill to remove the Enemy Of The World's heart, the battery pack.
Most snakes can't wield a combat screwdriver in a fight to the death, but Snek can!

Were our heroes victorious?
Damn right they were.
That bedroom is filthy. :salute:
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They just might. Maybe tell us which do and how they'd best the horror?
It's not certain if anything will work. The Vita Carnis seem to be "living meat", and some of them have the ability to incapacitate electronics (so airstrikes won't kill them). They also - including lower species - number in the billions.
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Stegosaurer for proto-testudo formation agains possible attacks!

(Edit: I'll pick my other two team members lately, but this is like having a Greek army without hoplites)
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Greetings Off Topic,

The solution to this problem is simple. The crack team is Steg, Tiger, and Prof. Langford. This team offers the best aggregate defense while also creating an irresistible offense.

Steg: Of first importance dealing with the monster under the bed is to secure the above-the-bed battlespace immediately. The monster almost always must first redeploy to the beside-the-bed battlespace before it can engage in hostilities towards HQ which is most normally situated in above-the-bed space. From this space, Steg should deploy siege mode and take advantage of the long-range, high-damage splash attack. This also has the good side effect of applying area denial pressure to the beside-the-bed space.

NOTE 1: Some monsters have been observed to possess through-the-bed attack characteristics. Steg is still the best option for dealing with such attacks hands-down. Steg can prevent the enemy's advance through this medium more reliably than any other operator.

NOTE 2: On some rare occasions, HQ will not be situated in the above-the-bed space and should instead be secured wherever it is. In almost all less favorable circumstances, Steg is best.

NOTE 3: Under certain conditions, Steg may be substituted with 2Pen, who can perform at Steg's level in scenarios where a defensive posture is not possible.

Tiger: A no-brainer, really. The Tiger is the master of strong and graceful combat. It's a shame we can only take one of them.

Prof. Langford: This is the key ingredient. Ordinarily Prof. Langford would be too unreliable; despite the excellent potential at psychic warfare, Prof. Langford is physically weak. This might be considered a nice bonus but it cannot be the basis of a strategy, as Langford is a too-easily-removed piece. However, this is where the Tiger comes in.

Prof. Langford Riding A Tiger: By fusing Prof. Langford and the Tiger, you get Prof. Langford Riding A Tiger, which is easily capable of dispatching foes physically or psychically. The tiger, already formidable and an intelligent, adaptive warrior, is now augmented with a psychic terror beacon that weather down even the toughest monsters over time. Prof. Langford Riding A Tiger can apply constant pressure to the monster at all ranges and move into close range for the kill. Meanwhile, the support provided by Steg raining down molten tungsten and uranium slag all but guarantees the monster cannot efficiently maneuver through the kill zone to attack HQ directly. Steg's perfect support combined with the indefatigable offensive of Prof. Langford Riding A Tiger make this the king of all anti-monster squads.



At approximately 2100 hours, the Monster Under Bed (MUB) began its incursion towards HQ, typically located in the above-bed battlespace. A formidable force was assembled to counter this aggression, namely Steg, Tiger, and Prof. Langford mounted on Tiger. As per the prevailing operating procedures, the priority was to secure the above-bed and beside-the-bed battlespaces, anticipating MUB's potential redeployment.


Steg was deployed in siege mode, executing high-damage splash attacks to deny the MUB from venturing into the beside-the-bed battlespace. As anticipated, MUB did attempt through-the-bed strikes, which were effectively parried by Steg.

In parallel, Tiger and Prof. Langford, operating as a fused unit (Prof. Langford Riding A Tiger), were an exemplary blend of grace, power, and psychic terror. Their tactics significantly weathered the MUB's resolve, backed by Steg's tungsten-uranium slag rain that prevented the MUB from gaining a direct line to HQ.

Despite MUB's heightened resilience, Prof. Langford Riding A Tiger was able to close in for the kill due to the combined pressure from Tiger's physical prowess and Langford's psychic onslaught.


MUB was successfully neutralized at approximately 2130 hours, without any compromise to HQ's integrity. The team's strategy proved exceptionally effective, rendering the battlefield untenable for the MUB and limiting its maneuverability.

  1. Steg's role in this operation proved invaluable, particularly when handling through-the-bed strikes from MUB. Future teams should consider deploying Steg in similar scenarios, even when HQ is not located in the above-bed battlespace.
  2. Prof. Langford Riding A Tiger was an impressive force, displaying not just physical prowess but also effective psychic warfare. This dual approach proved advantageous in wearing down MUB.
  3. The fusion of Prof. Langford and Tiger was the winning stroke, however, the reliance on Tiger for Langford's protection against physical threats requires review. Additional protection measures for Langford need to be considered.

Given the success of this mission, it is recommended to further develop and refine these tactics for future engagements. Exploring additional protection measures for Langford, as well as alternatives for defensive positions, should be part of future strategic discussions.
Agent Sne(r)k: I know too little about this monster. I need intel, Snek will provide.

Stegosaurer: Indisposable if/when the crap hits the fan.

The ket: wildcard.
That's right, and they mean business.

Thankfully, there are a few operatives that are ready to tackle the dangerous work of dealing with your under-the-bed guest(s). What kind of monster is it? I'm not sure; do you have any ideas? Or is it a total mystery?

Choose your crack team to handle the menace once and for all!

Bonus points if you explain your reasoning.

EXTRA bonus points if you write out an AAR about your monster(s) and how the scenario played out.

Good luck!

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I love them all
I used to have this occasional nightmare that there's a monster under my bed pulling my sheets away from me. In the dreams I was always lying under the covers, trying to fall asleep.. I pulled on my covers a bit to adjust them and I felt something pulling back! So I'd pull harder and it pulled back harder too.. and eventually I'd wake up, freaked out.

Eventually I got fed up waking up like this (in the middle of the night, etc.) and decided to try to confront the stupid monster that was obsessed with me and my bedsheets. But at first this didn't work.. First of all, these were not lucid dreams, so I did not control them.. so for a while the dream continued playing itself out the same way, again and again..

Then one day I grabbed on to my bedsheets and decided to not pull back. I was yanked across my bed, but.. I woke up. I didn't quite get under the bed to face the monster, but at least it was progress.

Over the next couple weeks (or months?) this dream continued playing itself out the same way.. over and over.. but slowly over time I made a bit more progress.

Eventually it happened. I grabbed hold of the bedsheets and allowed the monster to pull me under the bed. I was pulled across my bed and swung underneath it. My face was pulled into the darkness under my bed, and the thing is.. I wasn't scared. I was eager to face this stupid monster and just deal with whatever happened when I finally reached it.

But I didn't reach it. As soon as my face hit the darkness, the dream dissipated and I woke up. Yet my mood was different, compared to all the other times this happened. This time I managed to enter the monster's territory and make it disappear.. instead of the monster controlling me mentally in such a way that I never was even able to get under the bed.

This happened a handful more times over the next couple months.. maybe 4-5? And each time I'd end up under the bed ready to face the monster.. not feeling scared, but almost looking forward to ruining the monster's day again. Each time it happened I was now eager to get under the bed and face whatever.

After those 4-5 times it happened again, it never happened again. No more monster under the bed dreams ever again.

I can't remember how old I was when all of this happened, but I must've been at least.. 10? 12? 15? when the monster stopped after I faced it? I honestly can't remember anymore.

So either way, I didn't get to see the monster, so I can't tell you what it looked like. What I can tell you is that the monster is weak and not scary at all. In fact, it's scared of me, and probably a bit ugly, since it has never revealed itself

As for which operatives I would send under my bed to battle this monster. I choose myself (I guess)
Maybe it didn't want you at all, just the sheet so that it could cover itself up as a cartoon ghost :)
I had an entity chasing me like that in dreams, and the only time I got a look at it there was this white sheet over it. I remember thinking this made it look stupid, which probably was the intention: you can't be afraid of something which you dismiss.
But I also thought, that maybe it wanted to dilute the sense it was scary. Anyway, I was 8-9 in that series of tens (maybe up to 100) dreams.
Well I usually don't like close quarters combat, preferring instead to deal with monsters from a safe distance. So my ideal team would be as follows:

Prof. Langford, Spooky, and Agent Snek in that order of deployment.

Here's how things would play out:

I'm not sure at this point what type of monster I'm dealing with. I could never really picture him in my head nor have I ever seen him before. But I know there is a monster under my bed and he must be destroyed at all costs.

The plan is to send Prof. Langford out to begin his campaign of psychological warfare from a safe distance. Prof. Langford employs loudspeakers with the volume set to full blast only he uses a very low and slow voice to begin taunting and terrorizing the monster. Think of Hannibal Lector's voice...Well haaaalo Clarice.

As the efforts of Prof. Langford begin to wind down Spooky calls in an AC-130 flyby which basically turns the area underneath my bed into swiss cheese. Then Puff the Magic dragon is summoned to absolutely incinerate the area. I want total destruction from a nice safe distance where I don't have to get my precious hands dirty.

Agent Snek is then sent to the area camouflaged as burnt ashes. He stealthily scours the remains of the land under my bed in search of the monster. If the monster is still alive then Agent Snek will sneak up from behind and Nagini him to death just like Snape.

If however the unthinkable happens and the monster somehow manages to kill me, Agent Snek has been instructed ahead of time to stalk and kill the monster until the end of time if need be. I would have died in peace knowing I would be avenged.
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