These Divided States

Probably an issue with Opera, works fine on this tablet.
There's a mistake in mine though, the Southern Protectorate is functionally a Constitutional Monarchy as the government is appointed by Ottowa from among the elected representatives (if an actual monarch is required then it would be Liz 2).
Probably an issue with Opera, works fine on this tablet.
There's a mistake in mine though, the Southern Protectorate is functionally a Constitutional Monarchy as the government is appointed by Ottowa from among the elected representatives (if an actual monarch is required then it would be Liz 2).

2020 Elections in the Republic of Las Vegas and Reno

The annual elections were kicked off with a bang in January when poll numbers show the Gamblers' Union polling neck to neck with the Casino Owners while the Dealers and Enforcers both command noticeable minority shares of the hypothetical votes of those polled. The elections are poised to be watched by interested parties across the country, but few countries have anything in Nevada.

The Gamblers' Union's campaign revolves around decreasing the growing debt burdens of the republic's citizens, widening the social net, and a foreign policy of friendly relations with El Norte, the Southern Protectorate, and Free States of America. Some of those polled, however, have expressed concerns of the GU's waffling on the question of increased trade with the Pan-Asian Union. They have been criticized for their alleged ties with the Red Guard, but GU officials have rejected the allegations.

The Dealers have come out in full force in support of encouraging small business growth. The Dealers have denounced what they call the oligarchic rule of the republic by an oligopoly of powerful casinos on the Strip. However, the Dealers have denounced the socialism of the Gamblers' Union.

The Enforcers, for the most part, have remained silent. Their presence at election time merely a formality of the integral nature of the faction, and it is likely they will throw their voting weight behind the Casino Owners to give the Casino Owners the edge they need to clinch the victory when voters head to the poll in December.

Not likely to vote this year are the members of the Silver Sagebrush, the hypernationalistic faction that is ineligible for office.

It is unknown at this time the role organized crime will play in the elections.
Improved Public Transport Act of 2020

The state will appropriate fuel, buses, and personnel to operate/maintain these buses and serve as a free method with which a citizen may travel from any part of the Union to a different part, with 24 hour service. The service will start off with 1,000 buses country-wide, to be expanded upon or shrunk depending on results from this year.

International Trade Act of 2020

American Union Dollars (AU$) will be printed and be directly convertable to credits. AU$ may be used in transactions between foreign entities and the American Union government to purchase AU property and to purchase merchandise from foreign merchants. Regular citizens will still use credits to purchase goods and services, AU$ existing to facilitate vital trade bringing in important goods.

Illinois & Indiana Industrialization Program

Indiana - Construction specialists and militia units are to be mustered throughout Indiana at key population centers to begin construction of factories. Necessary supplies will be shipped to them. Factories to be built in Indiana include cement, small arms, ammunition, artillery, and automotive parts.

Illinois - Similar to Indiana, except only militia units in the north and east should be mustered to Chicago and the surrounding towns - militia units in the west and south should remain on high alert for possible crossings from the Missouri Conflict Zone. Factories to be created include slaughterhouses, food canneries, fisheries, small arms, and cement.
To: Imperial America
From: The Gulf States

If you do not withdraw from Lousiana immediately, our army will be forced to take action.


Gulf States Take Action!

In response to massive unemployment and war on the the horizon, the Gulf States have offered jobs in the military to those who will take them. From the assembly line to the front lines, the 'States have a place for the unemployed. The wage, while low, is livable, and those participating have a chance to serve their country. Moreover, by fighting off the foreigners, they will be protecting their families and their loved ones.

Florida Gears Up

Florida, always a populous area, has turned to industrialization to fund its country's war efforts. By expanding arms factories and military installments, they have provided a boost to both the economy and the army. However, acts of terrorism and civil unrest have arisen, raising doubts on whether this revitalization of the former state is universally seen as a good thing.

Dissent in the Gulf

While the Gulf faces enemies abroad, at home the situation is likewise plagued with problems. Many factions, including newly branded Sons of Eagles, have sprung up like a wildfire, obstructing legislation and slandering the government. Indeed, radical fringes of the Sons have claimed responsibility for an attack on a bank-owned shopping mall recently, where five loves were lost and over a hundred injured. The perpetrators are facing charges currently.
Silas Anders sat at his desk, taking a swig from his bottle of the finest Kentucky bourbon money could buy. In front of him were several of his advisors; it wasn't a full Cabinet meeting, just a gathering of the more important people in the government. This included the Secretaries of Defense, Intelligence, Labor, and the Treasury, as well as a smattering of generals in the Kentuckian Army.

"Unemployment is extremely high at this point; its hurting our national productivity. Its the damned Reds, strikes are hurting our factories." the Secretary of Labor said.

One of the various generals near him replied with "easy solution: send in the army."

"I'm a bit hesitant to deploy military units to break up the strikes; that could lead to an escalation." the Secretary of Labor said.

"Well that's why you're not in charge. You can't make the tough calls, not like ol' Colonel here." the general said, indicating Silas. It was a term of endearment for Silas common in some elements of the Kentuckian Army.

Silas had been a Colonel in the United States Army before the collapse. Afterwards, he had assumed a political role, with the core of the Kentucky Faith Council forming around him. He gained power in the Federal Commonwealth and had been the driving force behind shaping it. He shaped the Faith Council's agenda and, by extension, the nation's.

Silas took a deep drink and slammed the bottle down.

"Seems like that there's a good plan. The godless commies all pray to Chicago anyways, taking orders from the Polack. Get the Secretary of Intelligence to draw up some new posters reminding the people what it means to be a real American and they'll come around. Crack down on the cursed Red Guards and keep them from recruiting among the unemployed." He turned to the Secretary of Labor. "I also want to begin construction of a new munitions plant. Can never have enough guns if the unionists come and they will come over the Ohio."

"Yes sir. Right away sir."

"Good! Now then..." Silas reached under his desk and pulled out another bottle of bourbon, as well as several shot glasses. "Who wants a drink?"

Example of propaganda poster circulated by the Kentucky Faith Council
Southern Protectorate Announces Budget
The Minister of Finance of the Protectorate has announced spending plans for the coming year. Thanks to the surplus additional funds are being made available for the Science and Technology Grant Fund and municipal governments will receive extra money to improve the efficiency of their public transport infrastructure. As promised earlier in the year corporation tax has also been slightly lowered to make the Protectorate more attractive to entrepreneurs and European investors. Analysts expect these policies to put the treasury into a minor deficit for the year with a return to surplus within two to three years from extra corporate tax receipts.

Loosening of Immigration Restrictions
Ottowa have approved the government's request to allow some migration from the Imperial Kingdom of America. Skilled and educated individuals wishing to escape from the oppressive serfdom of the Imperial regime will be welcomed by the Protectorate and given full citizenship once proof of their expertise is ascertained. Due to the poor quality of documentation in the Empire and the possibility of forgery the proof shall be in the form of an examination or interview conducted by a recognised expert in their claimed field.
Whilst the government sympathises with the plight of the normal citizens of the Empire, they say the Protectorate cannot accommodate uncontrolled migration. Rejected migrants will be given time to arrange transport to a receptive third country before being returned to the Empire.
Ah screw it, this is really cool I want in. I might go a bit inactive closer to Christmas/New Years, but then a lot of people will probably so eh.

I would like to reserve the "Concerned Citizens Alliance" in the PAU and rename it to "The Governor's Men". I assume when it says "Demand Elections" it means to change the government into something more democratic.

My idea is Arnold Schwarzenegger leading a revolutionary movement to get rid of the PAU. I hope this is acceptable.
Ah screw it, this is really cool I want in. I might go a bit inactive closer to Christmas/New Years, but then a lot of people will probably so eh.

I would like to reserve the "Concerned Citizens Alliance" in the PAU and rename it to "The Governor's Men". I assume when it says "Demand Elections" it means to change the government into something more democratic.

My idea is Arnold Schwarzenegger leading a revolutionary movement to get rid of the PAU. I hope this is acceptable.

Yes to everyone except the underlined.
To The Gulf States

Keep your threats to yourself. We have no hand in the discontent of your nation. It just so happens that your people seem to agree with our policies. We can assure we took no part in this rebellion.

Message to the nobles Western Imperial America

Pull your head out of whatever unsavory place it is currently lurking in, or our army will march into your castles after we deal with these rebels in St. Louis. Stop with making your people act like serfs. Do you not have a brain? That will clearly not work. Give them some basic rights and lay off them and slowly repeal those rights. Otherwise I will personally dash your head against the wall and watch with satisfaction as the little brains that you had in there pour out bit by bit.

Announcement to the common people of Western Imperial America

Keep your heads on your shoulders. We are restoring some rights to you and stopping your idiotic nobles treat you like serfs.

However we are also creating a new convention. Dont like working on farms anymore? You have options. Apply for a job at a local factory that will soon be opening up near you! Or, you can join the military. Meals are guaranteed for you and your families along with a SALARY. A place to live. And a chance to kick some commies out of America! The more commies we kill the better life becomes for those here in Imperial America! Okay just trust me, you want to join the military. See your local Colonel today.
Yes to everyone except the underlined.


It isn't THAT ridiculous. And if I was allowed to use him I wouldn't be stupid about it, I would play it completely seriously. Or is it that you don't want any IRL people?
Maybe a child of his or a grandchild?
Just to be clear, Arnie isn't on the front lines fighting it up, he's in a cave somewhere on the Nevada/California border commanding it up and making a video every now and again. A ~60 year old man fighting on the front lines would be ridiculous.
To: All Interested parties, Specifically: Canada, The PAU, El Norte, and The Imperials

As the current head of the Casino Faction in Las Vegas, and the current President of Las Vegas, I wish to inform all nations on the North American continent that the heads of the biggest Casino's in Las Vegas wish to expand our business and that we request the rights to build new Casinos in your lands, providing your people with paying jobs and improving your economy through their spending and paycheck.

In return for allowing our faction members to set up new businesses, we will split the profit of the new casinos, 70 us and 30 you.

What do you all say?

- President Norton, President of The Republic of Las Vegas and Reno, and current head of the Casino Faction in Las Vegas.
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