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Things in Civilization IV which should be corrected, because they don't make sense

Do you think at least one thing should be corrected in Civilization IV?

  • Yes, I think there are things that should be corrected.

    Votes: 99 83.9%
  • No, everything is just fine.

    Votes: 19 16.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Expanding on the England/Britain thing, Rename them Britain, remove Elizabeth, and make Boudicea a British leader, thus including Britons both Ancient and Modern in the civ. Alternatively, replace her with Queen Anne.

Also, Victoria is as ugly as hell. They made Catherine sexy, why not her?
The Praetorian should be called the Legionary.
The Navy SEAL should be renamed to U.S. Marine.
England should be renamed to Britain.

While we're on that subject, what's the deal with the U.N. requiring Mass Media, or the Pentagon needing Assembly Line? They don't fit at all.
I agree 100%.
Civlopedia claims that Persian culture does not exist anymore. I would beg to differ.

They should add either Mossadeq (Charimatic, Philosophical) or Khomeini (Spiritual, Protective) as a leader for Persia.
You've necro'ed a four year old thread. It's probably better to start a new one.

Just a suggestion... (It's bad form to resurrect really old threads. :))
I thought this kind of thing didn't matter I mean rock and roll should obviously require music but then again should music even be in the tree as we had music before 4000bc but aren't our civs supposed to progress different to how they did really for example the guy who said about the assembly line and pentagon just because assembly line came first (or vice versa I don't know modern history) doesn't mean that you should have to have it first because historically it was we.make our own history in this game.
I don't know if this has been mentioned but adopting slavery is one thing I cannot see peaceful Ghandi doing.
Replace Mechanized Infantry with Modern Infantry, or beef up the Mechanized Infantry and make it "Defend Only" to resemble an IFV. You don't see IFV's replacing Infantry on the battlefield.

Beef up the Marines, SEALs, and Paratroopers and make the Marines and SEALs available with Radio. Most Modern Marine and Paratrooper forces had been used more widely with radios, and what would Industrialism have to do with Marines? I understand Tanks but, yeah.

Navy SEALs? The U.S. Military is known for it's Marines. Rename the SEALs "U.S. Marines" and make the unit graphics look a bit less high-tech and it would help. Give them around 32 strength and a bonus vs. Gunpowder Units, around %20. May sound a little too overpowered but we know how late into the game this is.
1. That stupid 'Bermuda triangel' random event should be removed.

First of all, the 'mysterical event' doesn't exist for the first place(just another story made by people who want to sell more books) and second, it is annoying as hell.
I understand that certain level of randomness made game more enjoyable, but this one have gone too far.

I don't care that AI has the same chance to suffer the tragidy as me. If I want to defeat them, I want to defeat them(or avoid them) by my own brain and skill, not by the bless of holy RNG!

Just give me back my fleet of 5 Drill IV-promoted Battleships! Arrggh!

2. Change mechanic of Siege Weapon.

The Suicidal Siege attack don't make sense. I think it can be solved by borrowing mechanic of Bombing mission. It is like;
When Siege Unit perform 'Bombing' mission(having same effect with attack), certain units(Siege, Mounted, Helicopter) in the targeted tile get chance to perform 'couter-artillery', just like Intercept mission. If they succeed, they going into combat as they normally did. If they fail, the attacking siege unit gets no hit.

The chance to perform 'couter-artillery' can differs from units(SPAs and Chopers should have highest chance), there also can be promotions to increse the chance(like Intercept promotion), promotions and that give more chance to avoid that(like Ace promotion). SPA could have basic 'Evasion' chance like stealth figher.

3. Air units should able to sunk naval units.

Do I even have to mention Battle of Midway(4 Japanese and 1 US carriers to the ocean floor) or Sinking of Prince of Wales and Repulse? I can understand that air bombing can't 'kill' the ground units, since they may able to hide, camouflage, or dig in to avoid being wiped-out completely. In naval battle, however, there is no way to run. Carrier is too underpowered in current circumstances compared to real Carriers.

But, I generally satisfied with CivIV BTS. I know there is no 'perfect' games, and also understands that accepting my suggestion may made game more complicated to unnecessary level. Yes, I know it is no more then nit-piking, but I just want write about it since I found this thread.

P.S : I forgot to mention Global Warming. It encourages players to build Coal Plant instead of Nuclear Plant, which is completely nonsense!
Also, Nuclear explosions rather causes Nuclear Winter, not Summer.
1. That stupid 'Bermuda triangel' random event should be removed.

First of all, the 'mysterical event' doesn't exist for the first place(just another story made by people who want to sell more books) and second, it is annoying as hell.
I understand that certain level of randomness made game more enjoyable, but this one have gone too far.

I don't care that AI has the same chance to suffer the tragidy as me. If I want to defeat them, I want to defeat them(or avoid them) by my own brain and skill, not by the bless of holy RNG!

Just give me back my fleet of 5 Drill IV-promoted Battleships! Arrggh!

2. Change mechanic of Siege Weapon.

The Suicidal Siege attack don't make sense. I think it can be solved by borrowing mechanic of Bombing mission. It is like;
When Siege Unit perform 'Bombing' mission(having same effect with attack), certain units(Siege, Mounted, Helicopter) in the targeted tile get chance to perform 'couter-artillery', just like Intercept mission. If they succeed, they going into combat as they normally did. If they fail, the attacking siege unit gets no hit.

The chance to perform 'couter-artillery' can differs from units(SPAs and Chopers should have highest chance), there also can be promotions to increse the chance(like Intercept promotion), promotions and that give more chance to avoid that(like Ace promotion). SPA could have basic 'Evasion' chance like stealth figher.

3. Air units should able to sunk naval units.

Do I have to even mention Battle of Midway(4 Japanese and 1 US carriers to the ocean floor) or Sinking of Prince of Wales and Repulse? I can understand that air bombing can't 'kill' the ground units, since they may able to hide, camouflage, or dig in to avoid being wiped-out completely. In naval battle, however, there is no way to run. Carrier is too underpowered in current circumstances compared to real Carriers.

But, I generally satisfied with CivIV BTS. I know there is no 'perfect' games, and also understands that accepting my suggestion may made game more complicated to unnecessary level. Yes, I know it is no more then nit-piking, but I just want write about it since I found this thread.

I completely agree with your sentiment about carriers. Modern naval warfare is fought by missiles and airplanes, not antiquated battleships.
There should be 2 levels of open border, one for non combat units, one acting like it does now.

When declaring war, your neighbors should cancel the 2nd type of agreement, unless tbey also DoW the same civ.

Tanks should require iron, MI oil.

If your city makes 100 hammers a turn, you should get two 50 hammer units per turn.

State property should reduce commerce.

There should be more requirement buildings for units, a city with no infrastructure should not produce advanced troops.

Units after gunpowder, 200 hp; after industrialism, 300.

Culture defense is dumb.

Resource in the empire should be pooled together
If your city makes 100 hammers a turn, you should get two 50 hammer units per turn.

Threads like this risk descending into "here are my ideas for a mod", etc. However this one - hammer overflow - is something which is generally accepted to be broken and require a fix. Actually it was broken in a previous official patch :crazyeye:

mediterreania, if you're really interested in this I would suggest a new thread, and then if and when people post, keep the first post updated with a fairly concise list of things which everyone agrees on (and remove things that aren't). Keep it to actual broken mechanics, and perhaps some easy rebalances - certain hammer costs or whatever. The space elevator tech requirement for example makes the wonder less than useless.

I would think the chances of another official patch now are minor, but an unofficial patch might have a chance of being done, and accepted as "standard", if it were specced out in a considered way be the player community, either here or on one of the other places.
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