TopHatPaladin's Civilizations

I've just released an update for each of my civs!

Essentially, some people have been having a problem where the 45-pixel icon wasn't showing up for my civs, and this round of updates is intended to fix that problem.

New civ releases are also coming soon— check under the spoiler for a teaser:
Spoiler :
These civs look great THP! Thank you!
THP, thanks for continue making great quality mods for civ v! ,i enjoy greatly playing the Aleuts, but i find the healing ability of the Iqyax very, very, very situational; why not something like "+1 food on sea resources stacked with Iquiax" , or "can construct workboats in x turns".... anyway it`s just an opinión,i like much this civ :)
Thanks for the feedback, everyone! It's good to know that people are still playing new Civ V mods :)

Re: the situational nature of the Iqyax, that's actually by design! The Aleut are intended to excel at naval expansion, and one of the planks of that is by encouraging the player to maintain a fleet of embarked land units. Since embarked units are basically defenseless, the Iqyax can act as a support unit to keep them safe.
The Mod Support Update has been released for each of my mods! This includes:

– Additional Achievements
– Inventions (part of JFDLC)
– corrected Community Balance Patch support
– correction of other typos / pieces of sloppy code
Awesome release, thanks!
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Thanks THP!
Billah's decisions did not show up when I played as him.


    44.7 KB · Views: 182
Thanks for letting me know! I'll take a look and see if I can get it sorted.

Edit: Solved it! I had some syntax errors in the Billah_Decisions file that were preventing it from loading. I've uploaded a fixed version of the resource, let me know if there are any further problems.
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Thanks for your reply, Billah is fixed. However, I find that France has the same issue
once Appoint a Wasita is enacted,, all the decisions will disappear


    488.7 KB · Views: 129
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