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TSG154 After Actions

Hammer Rabbi

GOTM Staff
Jan 3, 2012
Welcome to the TSG 154 After Actions Report. In this thread you can post the results of your game. Please state victory date and score (preferably in the post title), as recorded in the Hall of Fame, and the most important: your path to glory!

STOP - Please do not continue reading this thread until you have completed and submitted your game.

Please use the Civ5 game submission page to submit your final, first play through, .Civ5Save file, saved AFTER the victory ceremony if you were not conquered (using the "Lemme play one more turn" feature.).

- Describe your scouting and how it impacted your domination plans.
- Describe your city settlements and tech/social policy strategy.
- Who was easy to roll over and who gave you some problems? What order did you conquer them in?
- Did you enjoy the Medieval era start? Describe any useful or useless features you found from the late start.

**Please use spoiler tags for any surprise details you'd like kept hidden. Thanks.**

Players are encouraged to provide feedback on the game. Some players like to replay the game, and although we will not record the results from a replay, you can still post your new experiences (please state if the game is a replay). Please refrain from posting videos until the deadline for submission is over.
I went directlz for chemistry and cannons asap, then artillery. Everything was fine, but when I conquered last capitol - Washington I found out that I mised Iruquious capitol. I thought I already conquered it , but it was another city, not capitol. I am bad in geography.
It took me 15 turns to get army there and finish.

Game status: Domination Victory
Game date: 1120AD
Turns played: 172
Base score: 1580
Final score: 4647
Time played: 3:00:00
- Describe your scouting and how it impacted your domination plans.
I didn't build any scouts, and I had to keep my initial 3 spearman close to home b/c of raging barbs; I even goofed and let one die. Everyone but Siam scouted me and traded embassies so I knew where everything was. Assyria was the obvious first choice to kill, and he cooperated by building a few wonders for me while I prepared my attack. That army would later push down to Arabia and then curl back east to Indonesia before being disbanded. Meanwhile I sent my second army east.
- Describe your city settlements and tech/social policy strategy.
It seemed fairly obvious to settle a city on the gold tile just from looking at the start. I wanted to move my second settler south b/c of the tundra, but after scouting the gems to the west I decided to settle on that. I grabbed a 3rd settler immediately from liberty, which I moved south. I wanted to settle on the river near Assyria, but the gold tile to the east with all the horses around it ended up looking too good to pass up, so I took another 4 turns to move over there. I think it was a very good choice, there was tons of production with a stable in that city (3 horses + a cattle, on a gold tile, with 2 salt tiles...yeah), plus most of the map ended up being to the east of that. I went ahead and finished out liberty after that, the extra worker was useful and I used a GE from the finisher to rush build an ironworks for extra military production. Tech-wise, I went for workshops, then crossbows, then impis, then knights. Nothing else was needed to complete this game, though I believe I was about to finish gunpowder right at the end.
- Who was easy to roll over and who gave you some problems? What order did you conquer them in?
They were all pretty easy. Arabia was the only civ where I had to conquer and raze a non-capital city to get to the capital, so I suppose that was fairly annoying. Siam was last and I lost quite a few units there. Partly I didn't care about preserving them since I just needed to take the cap to finish the game, but the terrain was also rough and their unique elephant thing was busting up my melee capture units quite a bit. In order I conquered Assyria (first army), Arabia (first army), Iroquis/Egypt (around the same time with second army), Indonesia (first army with a few reinforcements), America (Egypt branch of second army), Siam (Iroquois branch of second army).
- Did you enjoy the Medieval era start? Describe any useful or useless features you found from the late start.
I like the advanced era starts mixing things up every so often, but don't think it should be a regular occurrence. I would have liked it to start me with another worker or two, especially in light of the fact that I was never able to steal any workers (prior to taking capitals) because of raging barbs. I spent some time building a few workers when I wanted to be doing other things, like attacking sooner. I also think liberty is pretty much the mandatory social policy opener in these kind of games, as you wouldn't ever reasonably have time to get a 3rd city otherwise (and you get it immediately).

Game status: Domination Victory
Game date: 400BC
Turns played: 99
Base score: 1000
Final score: 5263
Time played: 3:07:00


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Game status: Domination Victory
Game date: 1675AD
Turns played: 245
Base score: 2869
Final score: 5855

- Describe your scouting and how it impacted your domination plans.
My scouting was entirely by spearmen. The first neighbouring civs I focused on trade, leaving attacking for the end game, which is probably not the fastest strategy.

- Describe your city settlements and tech/social policy strategy.
Just two settlements, south in place and north to get a port which turned out to be on an inland sea with only two trading partners. Techs followed the lower military path. Policies were Honor, Piety to get a religion and Tradition to speed more policies. After getting an ideology I wished I'd completed Honor earlier.

- Who was easy to roll over and who gave you some problems? What order did you conquer them in?
First I beat Indonesia and then Egypt to have a central base against the west. With everyone it took time to eliminate their units, do ten turns of peace to get a strategic city and finally get the capitol.

The only two to go fast were the last two: the Iroquois and Siam. I thought the Iroquois would use nuclear weapons against me but I guess I managed to destroy their uranium mines before they finished the bomb.

- Did you enjoy the Medieval era start? Describe any useful or useless features you found from the late start.
I like later starts. With an Ancient start the opening is often decisive and the game is over by the Renaissance. Here advanced units come into play.
Game: Civ5 GOTM 154
Date submitted: 2017-03-20 01:51:46
Reference number: 35302
Your name: zxcvbob
Game status: Domination Victory
Game date: 1240AD
Turns played: 184
Base score: 2751
Final score: 7641
Time played: 10:15:00

I played the first half of this when it first came out, then it sat for a week or so while I was out of town, and I finished it today. So I don't remember a lot about the first half.

- Describe your scouting and how it impacted your domination plans.
I think I trained one scout and he found a few CS's and Indonesia and Egypt before getting killed by barbs. Mostly I scouted around my immediate area with my starting spears and I let the AI's find me and we traded embassies. Because I didn't scout well, planning my eventual attacks on Siam and America was tough because I knew where they were but the approach was in the fog.

- Describe your city settlements and tech/social policy strategy.
I went straight Liberty, then Commerce, and I took Autocracy for my ideology (paid cash for 3 factories.) I settled in place, then a little south on top of the gems, and a third city by whatever natural wonder that was a little to the east. I researched Civil Service first, then Machinery for crossbows, then gunpowder and chemistry. I delayed Rifling for a long time so I could spam Impi, mostly for the extra movement when eventually upgraded to rifles.

- Who was easy to roll over and who gave you some problems? What order did you conquer them in?
Assyria was easy, and so was Arabia. Indonesia was harder, but not too bad. I lost a lot of units capturing Thebes (Great Wall plus easily defended terrain.) Hiawatha put up a good fight. Ramkhamhaeng built the Red Fort and had lots of elephants, so it took a while to capture his cities, but I didn't lose many units (mostly sacrificed Landsknechts) America was last.

- Did you enjoy the Medieval era start? Describe any useful or useless features you found from the late start.
I did enjoy the game. I wonder if taking Honor instead of Liberty might have been a faster finish? I could not have taken Assyria as quickly as with Liberty, but by the time I got to Egypt (and beyond) the extra experience and the adjacency bonus and a few extra generals might have really helped. Also, barbarians were a pain the entire game.
Didn't find enough to finish this one, but I was on no good way anyway: Didn't pay attention enough to happiness when starting conquering so that stopped me...

Had some good cities, but founding 4 myself was definitely too much; so after keeping assyrian cities I was not able to reduce happiness quick enough to keep it on.
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