TSG44 After Action Report

Reference number: 27243
Game status: Culture Victory
Game date: 1844AD
Turns played: 292
Base score: 674
Final score: 1162

Well it looks like I finished slower than most folks, but I am generally terrible with culture victories and am just glad to have finished sub-300. From what the faster finishers have written, it appears I made several mistakes.

I settled in place and built scout - monument - shrine - granary - worker. I loaned gold and bought a second worker to get everything up and running as quickly as possible. I probably should have dropped the shrine and second worker. I did build GL, Stonehenge and Hanging Gardens, but I missed ToA and Terracota Army, which I probably should have built (Stonehenge was not needed). I used GL to pop Drama, which got me a quick ampitheatre. However, I forgot to add the artist to the slot for like 12 turns :blush:.

My religion was Godess of the Hunt (+:c5food: from camps), World Church (+:c5culture: from other civs), Cathedrals, Feed the world (+:c5food: from shrines/temples) and Religious Texts (faster spread). I used one prophet to spread it, and it spread to about 1/2 the cities. I probably should have taken swords to plowshares as my second follower (no one ever DoW'd me). I saved up a bunch of faith to buy artists, but did not even end up not even needing them with Chichen Itza and Freedom making making GAs last a long time.

I think I focused on science too much. My screenshot shows my BPT at almost 500, while most of the faster finishers had around 200 (I was probably still over 400 BPT at T260). I should have backed off science and focused more on culture to finish faster.

I used spies to help keep CS allied, although one coup in Manilla failed :sad: and I lost that ally for a few turns. Otherwise it was a very interesting game strategy-wise (lots of decisions to make), but not very eventful. That's how most cultural victories are. With all the militaristic city-state allies I had, I really wanted to DoW someone, but I just didn't have it in me.

Thanks for putting together this great game!


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With regards to spying: Right when I entered the renaissance, Wu began spying on me. I had my own spy out rigging elections, and I had not yet built a constabulary. At first she was stealing techs at a pretty fast rate, every five turns or so. However, at some point it got really fast. There were three turns in about five where she got a technology. How is it possible to steal this fast? I thought once you moved, you needed three turns to set up, then 15 to steal a technology. Is this not right? It seemed way too fast, so I had to build the constabulary and bring back my spy to catch her and ask her to stop. Later in the game, my spies were all out rigging elections but the theft rate was more like what I would expect.

I wish I had done that. As soon as I got the first spy I got paranoid and kept him on defense. Maybe if I would have let them steal, they would have discovered industrialization in time for me to buy a coal from them so I could build that damn factory. Built utopia in 12 turns without the factory :(. Nobody knew how to get the damn coal. not the civs, and not the city states for some reason, even if they were gifting me machine guns...
Game status: Culture Victory
Game date: 1790AD
Turns played: 268
Base score: 783
Final score: 1477
Time played: 3:30:00

Had a slow start culture wise: Took Philosophy with GL, which probably was a big mistake. And also waited a long time before I researched Drama and Poetry to finally get the Amphitheater.

My capital was only size 32 in the end, so should probably have build the Temple of Artemis in the beginning and bought Citrus 170 turns :rolleyes: sooner to get the wltk-growth going.

Darius came to visit with his prophet on turn 229 and I didn't notice that until it was too late. :sad: Didn't get my religion back before I had won already. Probably only lost 1 turn (God of the Sea) thought because of that. Took me 14 turns to get Utopia project build (didn't have factories).

The raging barbarians was a must for this scenario, otherwise it would have been a little dull. Now I enjoyed the hunting until around turn 200, after which it was more just pressing the turn button.

Settled 9 GA:s, 3 GP:s and 1 GS.

- Gof of the Sea (to get wonders quickly)
- Tithe (didn't really know what to get)
- Cathedrals (for the artist slot)
- Divine Inspiration (I knew I would build a lot of wonders (16))
- Messiah

- Tradition opener
- Honor opener
- Tradition 3 or 4
- Piety full
- Tradition full
- Patronage full (because I was slow to get to Industrial era)
- Honor 3 (as above)
- Freedom full
- Honor full

Peaked 960+ cpt and 330+ spt.
Game: Civ5 GOTM 44
Date submitted: 2012-09-17
Your name: Suntechnique
Game status: Culture Victory
Game date: 1836AD
Turns played: 288
Base score: 719
Final score: 1261
Time played: 2:44:00

Made few stupid errors:
- built shrine instead of just using Sinai
- went for liberty instead of faster piety
- built Colossus
- Lost Taj Mahal for 1 turn
- didn't pay enough attention to culture/maritime states. Found out Lhasa way too late.

Built Utopia in 8 turns although :) 2 water oil spots were welcome addition.
I wish I had done that. As soon as I got the first spy I got paranoid and kept him on defense. Maybe if I would have let them steal, they would have discovered industrialization in time for me to buy a coal from them so I could build that damn factory. Built utopia in 12 turns without the factory :(. Nobody knew how to get the damn coal. not the civs, and not the city states for some reason, even if they were gifting me machine guns...

Interesting. In previous games, I kind of learned that it doesn't matter that much if the other Civs steal techs, as I can usually tech faster than they can steal, especially on warlord. However, every GOTM strange things seem to happen that I cannot explain. Maybe I am just crazy, but Wu was stealing a tech per turn for a while there. I was so far ahead on tech there was no point trying to steal a tech from someone else, so my strategy was to use spies to make sure I had all those CS allies. For one, each CS gave me science, due to one social policy. For another, every CS resource gave me double happiness, thanks to a commerce social policy (later in the game). Thirdly, every two happiness gave me one culture thanks to the piety social policy. So my 200 happy at the end were good for 100 culture/turn.

About the coal, could you not improve the resource for your CS ally by giving the gift and improving the tile? They discovered their strategic resources when a second player got the necessary tech for me, but I was able to improve a CS coal myself the same turn I discovered it for 200 gold.
Game: Civ5 GOTM 44
Date submitted: 2012-09-16
Reference number: 27236
Your name: Attaturk
Game status: Culture Victory
Game date: 1695AD
Turns played: 249
Base score: 918
Final score: 1873
Time played: 1:35:00
Settle in place
Monument - Worker - Granary - (Skipped shrine, due to World Wonder) - Temple of Artemis - GL - NC - Oracle - HG - workshop - University - Alhambra - ...

Full Tradition
All but 1 piety
Full Patronage
Two liberty (waiting until Freedom)
Full Freedom
Finish Liberty
Finish Piety

Seafood +1 hammer
missed on +8 Hermitage, so took +15% hammers

Everything hard researched. No RAs. All money went to buying CS

Fantastic! You finished off most policies before entering freedom. I guess early CS alliances made it happen? @ what turn did you unlock freedom?

And your game length just made me happy :lol:

EDIT: Just tried a random archipelago map Korea/Warlord to test this opening (ToA). Finished Utopia on turn 253, which is far beyond all my previous culture games. Utopia took me 20 turns to construct though. One thing i have done differently - Representation after Freedom. Thanks for the insight ;).
Game: Civ5 GOTM 44
Date submitted: 2012-09-17
Reference number: 27250
Your name: Agent Cooper
Game status: Culture Victory
Game date: 1770AD
Turns played: 264
Base score: 686
Final score: 1319
Time played: 3:25:00
Submitted save: AgentCooper GOTM44 t264.Civ5Save
Renamed file: Agent_Cooper_C504401.Civ5Save

Policy Path:
Full Tradition
Full Piety -1
Full Patronage -1
Full Freedom
Full Commerce

Skipped Stonehenge with the natural faith wonder to the southwest. Beelined for the GL, HG, Oracle and NC. Tech-wise, I beelined for Education and bought a University, beelined for building Alhambra and then it was off towards Industrialism, so I could open Freedom asap) via the upper tech tree.

Most mid-/late-game building were bought for gold, making Seoul a Wonder-whore. Just like you guys, the allied CSs with coal wouldn't give it to me, until 6-7 turns before the game was finished, so I bought the factory, put the specialists to work and it saved me 1 turn :lol:

Saved Oxford for bulbing Radio, bought Broadcast Tower right away. Signed RAs with 3 AIs twice. War was never a problem - I had the largest army by the midgame because of all the units I got from friendly/allied military CSs. It was pivotal to friend/ally the cultural CSs asap - luckily I didn't have to fight that much over them with the other civs. Parked units close by to deal with barbs and score easy points.

Pantheon: Goddess of the Hunt
Beliefs: Cathedrals, world church, Religious Art, Religious Unity.

Max cpt - about 780
Max bpt - about 400
Max fpt - about 25

Didn't bother much with religion or religious spread via missionaries in this game. Made a huge mistake in the endgame - left a tile open next to the capitol and someone sneaked a prophet in there and converted Seoul. Cost me at least a couple of turns, because I lacked the Artist I counted on getting via faith. Oh well, you learn the hard way...

Got about 11-12 GAs in total, 3 GSs, 2 GPs, 1 GE, 1 GM, 1GG, 1GAd.
Settled 7 GAs and 2 GSs
4-5 of them from allied city states

Nice with a fast game for my first GOTM rapport. A couple of times I simply forgot the Korea UA and couldn't figure out where the science boost came from? A RA I had forgot about? :)

Spoiler :

Spoiler :
Interesting. In previous games, I kind of learned that it doesn't matter that much if the other Civs steal techs, as I can usually tech faster than they can steal, especially on warlord. However, every GOTM strange things seem to happen that I cannot explain. Maybe I am just crazy, but Wu was stealing a tech per turn for a while there. I was so far ahead on tech there was no point trying to steal a tech from someone else, so my strategy was to use spies to make sure I had all those CS allies. For one, each CS gave me science, due to one social policy. For another, every CS resource gave me double happiness, thanks to a commerce social policy (later in the game). Thirdly, every two happiness gave me one culture thanks to the piety social policy. So my 200 happy at the end were good for 100 culture/turn.

About the coal, could you not improve the resource for your CS ally by giving the gift and improving the tile? They discovered their strategic resources when a second player got the necessary tech for me, but I was able to improve a CS coal myself the same turn I discovered it for 200 gold.

You can do that? Really? Wow. Awesome.
Game: Civ5 GOTM 44
Date submitted: 2012-09-18
Your name: Tabarnak
Game status: Culture Victory
Game date: 1715AD
Turns played: 253
Base score: 752
Final score: 1504
Time played: 2:52:00
Submitted save: Sejong_0253 AD-1715.Civ5Save

Max cpt : 734

After finishing Tradition and Piety i put 1 in Patronnage and 2 in Liberty. Then i reached the Ind. era at turn 161 with Oxford(Archeology). I burned 1 ge for Sistine and 1(from Pisa) for Louvre. The free gp from Liberty has been a ga. 2 ga from faith as well. Others from cities and wonders.

I really should have waited Oracle for Freedom opener...but it was still a bit risky. I would have shaved a couple of turns. I had way too much gold. I allied every cs needed very fast and i even signed 5-6 RAs(useless). Rush bought everything needed. Finished with over 11 000 :c5gold: (and 186 gpt).

Edit : After reading other games(nice one Attaturk) it's obvious now that i didn't reach the highest cpt possible. I didn't think about the cathedral and maybe another religious bonus that could get me more culture. I entirely focused on food. That was still a cool game with the most populous capital of all games so far :)(almost reached 43...but had to focus on production at the end). I think the beginning is ok(food food food) but maybe i didnt focus on alhambra soon enough and iddnt rush a ge soon enough for Sistine too.

It's probably better to get Metal Casting after Education then go for Chivalry and Acoustics.

Turn 161 :

Spoiler :

Turn 220 :

Spoiler :

Turn 248 :

Spoiler :
Game status: Culture Victory
Game date: 1854AD
Turns played: 297
Base score: 898
Final score: 1522
Time played: 2:04:00

What I did right: I think the pantheon sea god was the way to go. Six fishing ships meant six more production early.
I also saw Japan trying to sneak a Shinto GP to my city, so surrounded my capital with units. He lingered for about 20 turns then went off never to return. Crisis avoided.
Focused on CS quests to stay entertained and have something to do beside click end turn.
Built worker instead of scout.

What I did wrong: Wonder whore. I prioritized wonder building based on making sure no one else got them (IE, building the one most likely being built by someone else). While I was never beat to a wonder, I didn't prioritize correctly.
Too slow to get to industrialization.
Should have used GE on Statue of Liberty, not Christoredentor. By the time I got Christo, I only had one policy left. And those extra production from Statue would have increased my build speed on Utopia.
Waited too long to close tradition, so aqueduct didn't show up until my city was 15 or so. Wasted growth.
Built shrine early instead of monument. I'm paranoid about not having early pantheon.

Some more thoughts: I also took the belief that gave me five culture for every foreign city with my religion, then set about converting cities. In the end this was worth about 30 or 40 cpt, but was only 8cpt at beginning with local cs converted. Not sure if that is better because there were a lot of religions in my game.
I'm not sure why, but Utopia took me 13 turns even though I had factory and maximized production. I thought it should have been lower.
Your name: pontias
Game status: Culture Victory
Game date: 1810AD
Turns played: 275
Base score: 754
Final score: 1370
Time played: 5:13:00

Seem to be slower than most.
I'd convinced myself it was a archipelago so probably went too early into sailing. Also built Great Lighthouse and colossus which wasn't particularly useful in the long run.

My start was pretty bad - I skipped a worker thinking I'd easily pick one up from 1 of those 3 CS to the south on about turn 25. got it at turn 50 in the end :( so was pretty slow at getting improvements up and running.

I followed the wonder spam + next turn tactic like most people. My religion stunk the place out and didn't help as much as it seemed to do for most people.
Finished my game last night.

Some general thoughts on TSG44:

- Loved having a DLC GOTM. Playing Korea for a Cultural win was fun (in contrast, a Science win would have been a bit boring). Also loved having the Wonders of the Ancient World available as options. Please continue some DLC GOTM's in the future (and taking into account that other factors, like this being OCC may distort the popularity of this session).

- The initial start area was very generous (and needed) for OCC. *However*, I felt like there wasn't enough variety to make things interesting. There were only a couple of viable settling spots. Would have been better of there was an actual mountain or some grassland or desert, or different luxuries that were farther away so that people actually had to make more tactical choices and trade offs. I'd love to see a future game where all the luxuries are 2 tiles away from your starting settler and in different directions so you have to make a clearer choice (go to the lonesome tundra marble in one corner, the pair of wine or incense in another, or the multiple clump of ivory/fur.

- Also, I felt like the placement (isolated start) made the game a built boring. If the placement had been where the Huns or Japan was (in the middle of the main continent) things would have been more interesting. In contrast, it was easy to be Friendly with the other AI's, you never really had to worry about war (with 3 City States as a buffer to your south and a long expanse of nothingness to the west) and even if you were attacked, the snaky land made it all too easy to defend. As a result you really didn't need to build much of a military at all.

- The map creator *did* anticipate the need for Mt. Sinai, which was smart. Founding a religion with OCC can be challenging. I hope future OCC map makers also take this into count.

- I feel like OCC really limited the options. I think the game would have been a lot more interesting and diverse without OCC. However, I still did end up enjoying it. Made the game easier (with fewer mistakes) when you only had to micromanage a single city! :)

- I normally play Emperor, but I did enjoy the casual pace of Warlord.

- I don't know if it was intentional, but the lack of Coal was really irritating.
I settled in place due to the river placement (which is hard to see in the Announcement screenshot). The only other two starting spots which seemed like they had potential were the two hills to the SW and SE. The SE one loses out on the river and the SW one gains the hill but wastes the extra food from the deer.


Full Tradition, Full Piety, Full Patronage, Commerce opener (not yet in Industrial), Full Freedom, rest of Commerce, Honor opener (while building Utopia).

I wonder whether I should have opened Piety and gotten Mandate of Heaven before finishing up Tradition, but the growth bonuses really helped.

Unfortunately I didn't get to the Industrial era fast enough so I opened up Commerce before accessing Freedom. If I timed it better, my game could have been a bit faster.

Alternatively, maybe I should have saved the Oracle (since the AI doesn't usually prioritize it) until Freedom was ready but I was worried about someone snatching it. Plus, it helped me complete Piety sooner.


Religion played a major factor for my game. As an inherent Wonder Whore, I went for a high production focus, choosing:

Pantheon: God of the Sea
1st GP: Tithe
1st GP: Religious Community
2nd GP: Cathedrals
2nd GP: Messiah (cheaper Prophets)

Ethiopia was the first to Pantheon, I was the second. But I got my religion enhanced before anyone even founded another religion. Eventually all the religions were founded but it took a long time.

I tried World Church in the last Cultural GOTM (#41 with Byzantium) and wasn't too impressed with it so I went with the ever reliable Tithe instead. Usually I have better things to spend my Faith on than missionaries, but it actually might have worked decently in OCC, especially if combined with Great Mosque + Holy Order (cheaper missionaries).

I also considered Divine Inspiration but decided that the extra Great Artist slot from the Cathedral was worth it.

I eventually spread my religion to China, Egypt, Persia, and the Huns. Never got around to spreading it to Siam.

After me and Ethiopia, the others to get religion were Egypt, Japan, and Persia. (This partly displaced my religion in Egypt though most of Persia still kept my religion).


Pottery -> Sailing (for God of the Sea) -> Calendar (from Ruins) -> Writing -> Archery -> Animal Husbandry -> Trapping -> The Wheel

Scout -> Monument -> Granary -> Stonehenge -> Temple of Artemis (those two wonders for the Great Engineer points, since I was going production happy)

In terms of overall technology:

I almost missed out on the Statue of Zeus since I didn't have Bronze Working ready (but rushed the tech and the wonder).

I did accidentally enter the Renaissance when I didn't plan to. I wanted to pre-research Acoustics and forgot to change it when it was at 1 turn away. I did prioritize Architecture (for Hermitage) - it's weird because I'm still used to its older Vanilla placement.

I didn't get to Industrial fast enough for my next social policy. I probably should have used Oxford or burned my slacking Great Scientist to reach Industrial sooner but I was worried I might need them in the end (which I didn't).

I ignored Military Science until too late since I was focused on possibly needing to reach Ecology. As a result, I didn't have enough remaining time to build Brandenburg which really would have helped!

In the end, I was firmly in Modern Era with: Refridgeration (those oil platforms helped!), Plastics (from Oxford), Replaceable Parts, Flight, and then one turn away from Railroad.


1. Stonehenge
2. Temple of Artemis
* 3. Statue of Zeus!!!
4. Hanging Gardens
5. Great Library (prebuilt)
* 6. Pyramids!!!
* 7. Mausoleum of Halicarnassus!!!
8. Terracotta Soldiers
9. Great Lighthouse
10. Colossus
11. Great Wall
12. Great Mosque of Djenne
13. Chichen Itza
14. Oracle
15. Sistine Chapel
16. Alhambra
17. Hagia Sophia
18. Taj Mahal
19. Angkor Wat
20. Notre Dame
21. Forbidden Palace
22. Leaning Tower of Pisa
23. Himeji Castle
24. Louvre
25. Porcelein Tower (prebuilt)
26. Kremlin
27. Big Ben
28. Statue of Liberty (GE)

Only wonders that other civs got were Petra (Egypt) since I had no desert and Machu Picchu (Persia) since I had no mountain.

Focused on Engineer wonders initially.

Regarding the Ancient Wonders DLC: Being able to get the Temple of Artemis was very nice. It helped make my capital big. However, I probably did non-optimal build orders to get Statue of Zeus and the Mausoleum, just to prevent the AI's from getting them. I probably would have been "faster" if I had ignored these two wonders.

Another player mentioned using the GL for an early Drama & Poetry for the extra Amphitheater culture (free from Legalism). Maybe I should have done this. I ended up using it to enter Medieval with Guilds.

After building SH and ToA, I had finally met most of the other civs. Between scouting out their capitals and paying 25 gold for embassies, I noticed that both Egypt and Ethiopia were building the Statue of Zeus, and I hadn't even researched Bronze Working yet (was halfway through Mathematics). Even though I didn't need the Statue, my wonder whoring nature meant that I had to go for it. Quickly researched BW and then prioritized production, beating both of them to it. Kind of non-optimal since it didn't help me, but I gotta get them all!

After that, Ethopia started working on the Great Library, but I easily beat him to it. Similarly, I also built the Pyramids and the Mausoleum far earlier than I would have wanted, to prevent Egypt from building them. Ideally, I should have built the National College before the Pyramids, but I wanted to beat Egypt so I did the Pyramids first.

Being a culture game, I did prioritize cultural wonders like Terracotta Army, even though I was itching to build Great Lighthouse and Colossus first! Similarly, I prioritized Sistine Chapel, Alhambra, Taj Mahal, and Louvre.

I was saving Hagia Sophia for later to reduce the cost increase of Great Prophets and almost lost it to Persia as a result. Fortunately, my traveling spy spotted Persepolis building it at 4 turns away and I hadn't even started! Switched production and it was at 4 turns, played around with tile selection to get it to a 3 turn build time, which beat Persia. I was also a bit complacent with Angkor Wat and Notre Dame and probably should have built them sooner (tech stealing AI's can cover a lot of ground!).

I saved the GP popping wonders (Leaning Tower, Louvre, Porcelein Tower) to all go off around the same time in order to generate as many normal Great People as possible.

In the end, not enough time to build the Eiffel Tower or Cristo Redentor. I did have a spare GE (in addition to the one used for the Statue of Liberty) but thought it would be faster to settle for extra Utopia Hammers. Also, if I had researched Military Science earlier, I could have gotten Brandenburg. Darn.

In terms of National Wonders, I probably should have built Oxford a lot sooner. And I forgot about how helpful the National Treasury was so I didn't do that until the very end. It was nice being able to build National Wonders in just 1 or 2 turns! One of the few perks of OCC.

For once, I actually managed to get overflow to work! Did: Armory -> Arsenal (pre-built to 1 turn) -> Stock Exchange (pre-built to 1 turn) -> Statue of Liberty (GE to 1 turn) -> Utopia. Normally Utopia would have taken 10 turns with my fixed tiles and production focus, but got it to 8 turns due to overflow and then after unlocking my tiles and playing with specialists (due to Statue of Liberty) got Utopia built in just 7 turns.


Besides the two Great Prophets for my religion, I also settled 4 Prophets by the end of the game. Settled 3 Engineers and used one (from Educated Elite) for the Statue of Liberty. Used 2 Great Scientists for bulbing. Only settled 4 Great Artists but I used a bunch for Golden Ages (also bought 3 of them with Faith). Got 1 Great Merchant (Educated Elite) which I settled and then in the final turn I bought one more. 1 Great General generated normally, 1 Great Admiral from Educated Elite.

Educated Elite: Merchant (crappy), Admiral (crappy), Engineer (good!)
Faith: 5 Prophets, 3 Artists, 1 Merchant
Wonders: 1 Scientist (Porcelein Tower), 3 Artists (Louvre + Leaning Tower), 1 Prophet (Hagia Sophia)
Normally: 3 Engineers, 1 Scientist, a bunch of Artists

By the time I built the Taj Mahal, I was in a near constant Golden Age, though I did miss a turn in between (wasn't paying attention) which was annoying. Need to pay better attention.

Was pretty good assigning specialists, though after I rush bought my museum I forgot to assign specialists for a few turns.

Should have gotten an earlier Great Prophet instead of spending it on a Missionary (after Great Mosque).

I probably should have settled my 2 Great Scientists. They were costing me maintenance and didn't actually help bulb anything useful at the end.

For Leaning Tower I chose a Great Artist, but it probably should have been an Engineer instead. The extra artist didn't help out that much.

Should really have built Brandenburg to get that extra Great General! That would have let me get the coal I needed to build a Factory, which would have shaved a turn or two off of Utopia.


Wasn't that useful. I didn't mind other civs stealing from me to keep up but that didn't help. RA's were still too expensive and no one could access coal.

My main use for spying was sharing intrigue to bolster my diplomacy.

A well placed spy did tip me off about Persia building Hagia Sophia in time for me to get there first. They also gave me heads-up on Angkor Wat and Notre Dame.


Prioritized the Cultural City States and spent most of the game allied with them. Gradually allied with all the other City States until I had them all by the end. This sucked up most of my gold and I didn't have much for Research Agreements or to rush buy too many buildings (though rush buying felt really wasteful when I could build anything I wanted in just 1-3 turns).

One early RA with Siam, and then in the end game I had 6 RA's go off with 6 different AI's before the game ended.

Never got in a war. Spend most of the game gaining XP with barbarians. Other than my initial Warrior, a Scout (upgraded to Archer), a Trireme, and 2 or 3 rushed Archers, never built any military units. But my CS alliances meant that I was awash in military units. Was usually in the top for military, securing the top when I bothered to upgrade. There were several times when CS gifts resulted in exceeding my supply limit so I had to gift units away (which I normally never do). I probably should have gifted even more to save on maintenance, since I didn't need all those units. However, it did mean that my capital was usually awash in units, so I never had to worry about enemy Great Prophets sneaking through.

By the end of the game, was friends with 6 of the AI's (only Ethiopia was standoffishly Neutral). Siam was quick to befriend me in the beginning and we were friends all game long (though near the end he was getting annoyed that I was friends with his enemies). Japan and then later the Huns seemed to be the main pariahs of the international community. After saving a Japanese settler and worker, Japan offered friendship but I initially turned it down due to the diplomatic consequences. I gave some money to China which was enough for her to offer Friendship. Egypt and Ethiopia didn't like me due to wonder coveting and city state jealously. It took a lot of effort to get Egypt to like me (rescue his worker, give him gold, share my religion) but that's due to Egypt's AI programming (like Elizabeth) and he eventually offered his friendship. After that point, I finally accepted Japan's friendship offer. Needed to give Persia gold and share my religion to get him to DoF. Near the middle end game also made friends with Attila (it was easier than I expected, considering that I was friends with several of his enemies). Could never get Haile to like me enough though.

Someone mentioned that warring has little purpose (other than for gold) in OCC. I disagree. You can eliminate rivals (who might compete for wonders on higher levels) and improve diplomatic relations with others. Also, you can generate XP for Great Generals. In hindsight, I should have warred with Ethiopia, to generate an extra Great General or two.
Game: Civ5 GOTM 44
Date submitted: 2012-09-18
Reference number: 27258
Your name: Morcar
Game status: Culture Victory
Game date: 1680AD
Turns played: 246
Base score: 817
Final score: 1667
Time played: 7:41:00

Well, i was very unlucky in this game regarding CS's GP: i received GM then GK (Khan) then Merchant again and only then GE... So if someone of those had been GS i could have finished inside 240 turns... But still i enjoyed the game pretty much. Also one thing that annoyed me were constant coups from Egypt, which managed to do it 4 times in a row (Kuala lumpur). On the turn 114 i managed to get 3 GP in one turn: GA, GE, GS - this helped a lot (and later GA and GS in one turn as well ). Completed Utopia in 6 turns. Also completed 2 RAs in the end.


2 in Tradition (+15% to wonders) then 2 in Liberty (took free worker) then 5 in Piety (except temples giving +10% to gold) then 5 in Patronage (except left bottom policy) then 1 again in Tradition (legalism) then 6 in Freedom and etc...

Max cpt was about 890.

Thanks for the game to the staff!
Well, i was very unlucky in this game regarding CS's GP: i received GM then GK (Khan) then Merchant again and only then GE... So if someone of those had been GS i could have finished inside 240 turns...
Would have loved to have gotten a Khan (or normal Great General) from the City States. Better than the Merchant or Admiral I received. In the end game, I would even have swapped one of my Great Scientists for a Great General! I would have been faster that way! :)
Would have loved to have gotten a Khan (or normal Great General) from the City States. Better than the Merchant or Admiral I received. In the end game, I would even have swapped one of my Great Scientists for a Great General! I would have been faster that way! :)

Not sure how Khan would help you in the end game, but i had nothing to do but to spent mine on borders extending - i captured dyes. Despite having big army in the end (which mostly consisted from the gifts of military CSs) i never went to war, but succesfully demanded some 200 gold from the Egypt in the early game :)
Not sure how Khan would help you in the end game, but i had nothing to do but to spent mine on borders extending - i captured dyes. Despite having big army in the end (which mostly consisted from the gifts of military CSs) i never went to war, but succesfully demanded some 200 gold from the Egypt in the early game :)
If I had one more GG or Khan, I could take control of some coal which would have let me buy a Factory. By the end of my game, none of the City States could access their coal yet and only one other civ (Ethiopia) had just entered the Industrial Era but apparently he had gotten in with a different tech so he didn't have any coal either!
By the end of my game, none of the City States could access their coal yet [...]
Like mentioned here before: Just pay your CS ally 200 gold and they will connect the resource for you. I did it that way ;)
Fantastic! You finished off most policies before entering freedom. I guess early CS alliances made it happen? @ what turn did you unlock freedom?

And your game length just made me happy :lol:

EDIT: Just tried a random archipelago map Korea/Warlord to test this opening (ToA). Finished Utopia on turn 253, which is far beyond all my previous culture games. Utopia took me 20 turns to construct though. One thing i have done differently - Representation after Freedom. Thanks for the insight ;).

Correction to build order. It was Monument - Scout - ... .

To speed up Utopia without coal, try to hit high population number, say 35 and build Statue of Liberty. Remove all people from spots that give you less than 2 hammers. (Unemployed under SOL give you 2 hammers).

Settle Engineers.

I had several hills that had settled artists on them, a few turns prior to hitting utopia, I mined them.

Some people play tricks with overflow, I am too lazy to do it.

I also picked +15% religion modifier.

I think at the end I was getting 180 hammers and build utopia in 8 turns
Like mentioned here before: Just pay your CS ally 200 gold and they will connect the resource for you. I did it that way ;)
I tried that but the option to Improve a Resource was redded out. Wasn't allowing me to do it.

To speed up Utopia without coal, try to hit high population number, say 35 and build Statue of Liberty. Remove all people from spots that give you less than 2 hammers. (Unemployed under SOL give you 2 hammers).
Hmm, can someone please confirm whether Statue of Liberty gives +1 hammers to unemployed people? It used to but not so sure after the latest patch, since the Korean +2 science no longer works with unemployed people (it used to).

I had several hills that had settled artists on them, a few turns prior to hitting utopia, I mined them.
Yeah, I probably should have done that, but I thought my capital looked so much prettier with the landmarks! :lol:
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