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TurnChat 170AD - Sunday, Sept 26th - 1:00pm EDT (1700GMT)

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Retired Moderator
Feb 10, 2002
Build Queues:
Epolenep: Horse, Spear, Horse, Sword
Regent Town: Barracks, Spear, Spear, Spear
Manchai: Worker, Harbor
Gerunshi: Walls, Barracks, Spear
New, Captured, or Culture Flipped towns: Walls, Temple

After the expansion of Manchai (4 turns), set the laborer to the whale tile. After 5 turns (from the start of the turnchat), make sure Manchai's second laborer works the roaded horses tile.

Suggested Worker Actions:
The DP shall take control of the workers, however, there are some suggested tiles to work: forest tile SE, SE of Epolenep; roaded hill E of Epolenep; forest tile E, NE of Epolenep; cattle tile SW of Regent Town - no fear of horses killing the workers. We have two workers in the province by Gerunshi that will finish next turn, as well as a worker being built in Manchai who can work with the other two workers.

Keep in mind these instructions may be edited as long as it is 1 hour before the turnchat. I may attend it depending on time. Have fun.
Osgiliath:courthouse, library
After two turns, switch the forest to the flood plain. If after growth in four more turns, I have miscalculated and the courthouse is not due in one turn, try to reorganize the laborers to do so; then reorganize them more appropriately.

Sto'vo'kor:temple, courthouse, harbor
switch coast to flood plain

Windurst: harbor, courthouse
switch grassland to forest

Pete: courthouse, harbor
switch hill to grassland

Bentropolis: courthouse

New cities should start production on a courthouse, spearman, or temple, up to the DP's discretion (it doesn't really matter because it won't finish this turnchat anyways)

If Swazi flips, follow this poll. In case of a tie, I prefer (in order of preference) workers, not immediate abandonment, and specialists.
Science: Reduce Science to 50% to allow for a greater income (8GPT, give or take). After 5 Turns, modify Slider to run with best research at Positive GPT. If multiple settings give us Feudalism at the same time, go with the one with the least cost, unless the Tech is 1 turn away. In that case, go 1 setting higher than the lowest 1-turn setting, regardless of Cost.

Luxury: The Luxury Slider may be increased to 10% if:
A: A Luxury is Pillaged OR
B: At least two of these cities have goen into Disorder this TC and all Luxes are intact: Fanatikku(2), Epolenep, Zojoji, Odawara, Shorin-Ryu, Corrino, Osgiliath, En'gah, Sto'vo'kor, Windurst.

In other cases, use Specialists as dictated by the situation. (Low Growth = Taxman, High Growth = Clown.)

Follow the results of this poll regarding the possible rushing of Walls at Gerunshi.

Hold off on Upgrades until Feudalism.

With regards to the Galley in the West carrying the Settler, follow the dictates in this poll. If "Offload Settler" wins the poll, Galley is to be returned to the Ministry of State Authorized Violence.

If we get 1 Leader in the TC, take it to the nearest Japanatican Town not under imminent threat and...

If This poll says we build an Army, then create an Army as prescribed by the MSAV.
If it says we build a Wonder, then follow any Culture Ministry Instructions or polls regarding this. If the wonder specifically requested is unavailable, or if the Culture Ministry does not Specify a Wonder, then Stop Chat.
If "Build the Forbidden Palace" is chosen, then Stop Chat.
Pending on This poll we will either continue pre-builds or stop them by city. If any of the pre-builds are stopped, what they are changed to shall be chosen by RegentMan ,as I know he is in posting Zarnia's instuctions and has already begun discussion on this subject.
Research Queue:
1. Continue with Feudalism

These may change.
The queue was decided by unanimous support in discussion, no poll was done.

Edit: Because of the Zarnia province instructions T have decided to stop the chat once we receive feudalism(instead of going onto monotheism), the reason for this is so we can discuss if we want sun tzus or another wonder on the Zojoji prebuild.
Trade Department

As before, please check up on any trades on turn 5 for any profitable trades that would give us 60 or more gold.
Odawara: Barracks, Spearman*, Spearman**, Swordsman
Corrino: Library, Barracks, Swordsman
Shorin-Ryu: Swordsman, Swordsman, Swordsman, Swordsman
En'Gha: Library, Barracks, Swordsman

* Use Spearman to garisson Odawara (to avoid riot)
** Send 2nd Odawara Spearman to garisson En'Gha (to avoid riot).

Group of 3 Workers near Shorin-Ryu first to road desert they are on. Then send them to mine hills Shorin-Ryu is using.

Worker on plain tile to irrigate and road plains. Than clear a forest 2 tiles south of Shorin-Ryu (because Corrino can't grow).

Send worker that mines desert near Shorin-Ryu to help Worker on the plains.

Group near En'Gha to continue mining hills En'Gha is using.

**Please follow this instructions as precise as possible.

Corrino: Switch laborer from gold hill to plain tile when its irrigated.
(Just in case Blackheart doesn't get around to it - the turnchat starts at something like 3:00 Monday morning here and it's time for bed for me!)

---Null and void if Blackheart posts---

Follow the results of this poll (ie choose the highest ranked option) in relation to the Iroquois MA

In relation to the Zulu renegotiation, if the results of this poll show that at least 10 people have voted and a 66% majority have voted to renegotiate peace, then renegotiate peace. If a majority of people vote for option 2, then establish the embassy as well.
In Governor Zarn's absence, I am posting the queues. For reference, here is the pre-build poll, which shows Zojoji gaining support to build a wonder (as of this post).

Colosseum (Will waste 29 shields)
Swordsman (Produce until end of chat)

Great Lighthouse Pre-build (If the above poll changes before the chat, change this to a colosseum (Mayor Cyc's preference))
Swordsman (If the above poll changes)
Swordsman (If the above poll changes, produce these until end of chat)

Marketplace (Due in 32 turns)

Galley (Due in three turns)

Any last minute changes/suggestions/questions? Post in the Zarnia thread.
Ministry of State Authorized Violence Instructions

The central swordsmen will function according to this map:

The colors assigned to each settler escort group will corrsespond with the swordsman that will follow and destroy them. The Green swordsman is not produced yet.

The swordsmen in the east will function according to this map:

The swordsman moving SE will pillage the horses on his next move.

All new swordsmen produced will rendezvous 1 tile West of En'Gha
  • The horseman that will be created in Epolenep will move to Gerunshi and then to the horses near Antium and make an effort to pillage the resource.
  • The horseman West of Antium will pillage the horse tile if he does not get killed. If he gets attacked and survives he will retreat to the hills and abandon his mission to pillage the horses.
  • The horseman above Antium will move 1 tile NW into our territory, after that it will be used to pick off enemy units wandering around the Roman border. If the horsman is attack, retreat it to Odawara.
  • Our Galley holding the settler will move to 1 tile S of Windurst. I am confident if the Bab galley attacks we will win.
  • The swordsman 1 tile N of Neapolis will move to the hill that is 1 tile NE of Eridu and then fortify.
Good job Civman2004, you beat me to it :lol: :lol:.

Basically follow what Civman2004 posted about the
Iroquois MA Poll

I'm going to modify the Zulu Poll though. At least 15 people must have voted and options 1 & 2 must have the majority (add both of them together).

If either Rome or Babylon want peace (which is unlikely) stop the TC. If another MA is signed towards us stop the TC.
CT, can I please have a brief summary (or anyone else for that matter) - sorry for not being able to attend, we went into the city for the afternoon to a preformance. Thanks.
BH - which saves? All 3 of them?

The saves are correct. You probably downloaded and loaded the wrong save.
Why do we only have one MA signed with the Iroquois? The poll options specifically state that an both MA (meaning Rome and Babylon) were supposed to be signed.
Because the instructions were not clearly stated. When you include an instruction, *PLEASE* post word per word what you want. Don't assume that the action taken based on a poll is going to be the same at the start of the TC, and a few hours after.

I don't want to have to follow a trail of 2,3,4 etc. threads just because the one before just didn't have enough information. I also have to rely on what everyone says in the chatroom, too. This is why your instructions have to be concise, and not rely on the DP to search 3+ threads to find that out. If the DP has to do the same for all major departments, then it only creates confusion because of all the open threads the DP has to deal with.
In other words, Ministers should not post UNLESS and UNITL ALL Relevant Polls are Closed and the Results are finalized. Is that it?

That would mean everything has to be Rubberstamped 24 Hours Before the TC, due to Article G, Section 2.

Given we only have 72 Hours give or take between Turnchats, that means 24 Hour Polls, if any polls at all. Or else we drop the Discussion period (by which we get a few good ideas...)

(Persoanlly, I'm a bit miffed that you took "Sea Lane" to mean "Around the French Coast" even though the French Settlement option recieved 0 Votes. And I'm betting that you do not use the "attachment" feature for these small (i.e. <100 Kb) pictures...)
Sir Donald III said:
(Persoanlly, I'm a bit miffed that you took "Sea Lane" to mean "Around the French Coast" even though the French Settlement option recieved 0 Votes. And I'm betting that you do not use the "attachment" feature for these small (i.e. <100 Kb) pictures...)

About the "sea lane".

1 - There was no clear lines labelled where you wanted to move it.
2 - A "sea lane to you" might be different to me. I'm not sure what you meant by that.
3 - Only Military can handle troop movement, including gallies.

Also, I use the file upload for all images and files.
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