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Turnplay Log

Turn 178
The galleon is gone from Pale Dove. Try to hunt it down. No dice. Two privateers continue south towards the MIA core. Draft a rifle at Malice and short rush a MI for 24g and switch to a frigate. Hurry a gran at Spite for 56g and switch back to cav in 4. Change Dinsog's Dancing 'Nana to BCLG's Bears Brewery. Our first rails are finished connecting Frog and Auda City. A new line is connecting Frog and Spite. It should be finished next and will then allow us to connect to the capital. 3 cavs and a GS are down by Eureka Stockade. They will land on the mountain in 2 turns.

Here's the epitome of a specialist farm. I tried to fit it all in but had to shrink the picture.
They got a ways to go before those towns start putting out much of anything. They are still size two and won't grow all that fast.
Turn 179: Punchinello rax to cav.

Creaky galley relocates the Snarling Narwal Galleon. Send the redlined SS Arrowhead to the area trying to draw the Snarling Narwal into a trap. Vet galley Perky galley is also dispatched to the area. Here's the set up.

Auda City, Frog and Spite are railed. Start railing to Malice and towards Boomboom. Start the slow research on commie.

Rush the frigate at Malice for 68g.
Set up the 3 cavs and 1 GS for Eureka Stockade's mountain next turn.
Battle log in the box:
3/3 MIA galleon sinks our 1/3 galley off the coast of Abdera.

Turn 180:
Greece sends a peace treaty. Clear the table again.
Finishes the frigate at Malice and start another. Fofomeno finishes rax and starts cav. We are railed from Malice to Spite to Frog and just outside of Frog.
We find the galleon off the coast of Abdera. It's the Trusty Guppy. Time to sink that hunk of junk. We find the Snarling Narwal too.
Our vet privateer goes 3/4 sinking the Trusty Guppy! Woohoo!
Our reg privateer promotes to 3/4 and enslaves the Snarling Narwal!

Our Frigate bombards the furs at April Fools and is successful cratering it!

Draft at Spite and short rush a LB at Auda City for 52g. It brings the privateer build down to 3. Rush the cav at Spite for 28g.
We'll have 2 more draftees next turn.

Move to the mountain at Eureka Stockade with 3 cavs and a GS.
Turn 181;
Sorry I forgot to snap pictures.

Battle Log in our box: 3/3 MIA Frigate attacks 3/3 KISS Galley – MIA wins with 2/4 Frigate
MIA sends a peace treaty again. Clear the table.
Spite finishes a cav and starts another.
Find the 2/4 frigate near Tarkingrad and our enslaved privateer promotes to 3/4 sinking it.
MIA has abandoned Eureka Stockade. The have a reg cav and a MI fortified on the spot.
Vet cav promotes to 3/5 taking out their reg cav.
Vet cav loses to the vet MI who goes 2/4. Even with a 68.6% win and 17% retreat. Sheesh.
Vet cav is flawless 4/4 taking out the MI and MIA is off the continent.
Short rush an explorer for 36g at Punchinello and switch back to cav to knock off two turns to 10.
Short rush another explorer for 12g at Boomboom and back to cav in 12.
Short rush a gran at Fairfield Street for 34g and back to cav in 5.

We are nearly railed to Donut. We will start heading west next turn.
Turn 182:
Battle log: 3/3 MIA Frigate attacks 1/3 KISS Galley – MIA wins with 3/3 Frigate

Privateer finishes in Auda City and start another. Rail towards Donut and west. Our ships are not successful finding anything.
Short rush a LB at Decrepit for 44g and back to cav in 7. Short rush a settler in Boomboom for 16g and back to cav in 9. Draft a rifle at Bears Brewery.

There's a barb galley that appears NW. We may have to dispatch a privateer for easy enslavement.
And another Battle Log:
4/4 MIA Frigate bombards 3/3 KISS Galley Hunky Dorey – Hit for 2 points
4/4 MIA Frigate attacks 1/3 KISS Galley Hunky Dorey – Sunk. MIA
Frigate is still 4/4

Hunky Dory was up north near Fe's Winery so I send send ships back north. Our frigate moves towards our fur colony along with a privateer.
Send 2 privateers further south together. Rush a LB for 64g at Crack a toe and back to Privateer in 4. We'll need one up there. Hurry setter at Left overs for 20g and back to rax. I'm not sure we can afford any rax so anyone who reads this please comment.

We are now railed to Donut.

Turn 184:
A frigate hit our galley for 1 hp in the battle report. There's a 70% probability the galley will take off 1-3 hps from the frigate at Pale Dove so our privateer can knock it out at 65-85% versus 45%. Hit it with the galley. The arrows miss the frigate altogether and promote it when our privateer goes in to the see the damage. Well crap. Back the privateer off at the 30% odds.

Hurry a privateer at Crack a Toe for 28g. It can go after a barb galley. Hurry a duct at Punchinello for 52g and drop the raxed cav to 5 turns. Draft a rifle at Beer's Brewery and it set up MP duty there.

We'll have another reg cav next turn.
Turn 185: Get gems back from Donuts. Beer's Brewery still goes into disorder but save the capital.
Fairfield Street gets a cav and Crack a toe ah finishes its privateer. Send the privateer after the barb galley to the west sink it flawlessly and capture a new privateer! I'll send the new one back east. We may want to leave that area for barb galleys.
Cash rush in the capital for the frigate, Punchinello's cav and Auda City's privateer. Auda City drafts another rifle.

I'll get another picture up next turn.
Turn 186: Not much news this turn as we didn't find any boats however we did find the Great Meleet's message. hehe

Send some galleys home so we can upgrade to galleons to protect our frigates and privateers. Short rush a galleon and back to frigate in the capital for 60g.

Turn 187: Hurry a frigate at the capital for 24g. upgrade a galley to galleon so it can defend our privateer and frigate stack. Rush a settler for 20g back to frigate at Auda City in 10. Draft another rifle at Spite and Where's the Love.
It is Daghie. They abandoned it and left their 2 units there. We got a cav promotion out of it.
Pre-turn: We receive replaceable parts from our friends the Donuts. We receieve a peace offer from our enemy the Greeks. Clear the table on that one. Frigate finishes in Malice start another. Cavs in Punchinello and Frog start infantry in both.

Many RP is so cool. Rails are railed faster, arty, infantry, guerillas. Stuff and things....I digress.

Upgrade two vet rifles to infantry for 60g. Short rush a settler at Fishy or 20g and switch back to privateer due in 10.
Not too much else. Trying to draw out some ships with our 2 frigates and a galleon.

State of our military.
Wow. That is one depressing screenie, Whomp.

On the upside, now that we don't have to worry about winning we can see how much havoc can be created by a Donut client state.

Good job Whomp. Thanks for you're hard work. I've been ungodly busy these last two months (you know what I mean...), but I do check the board regularly.

I love you guys man!
Turn 189
Pre turn: Receive salt and incense but Bear's Brewery still revolts and have to save a couple cities from anarchy by going through the big picture. Decrepit finishes a cav and starts a infantry. It may be time to consider a market or two.
Short rush a privateer for 56g at Auda City and back to frigate in 4. Raise lux this time to 10% since we'll lose another lux on the IT. Not much else to report.
Own said:
Having not been here for a while, I have a question. Are we winning? What's our tech, military and diplo situation?
Hehe. No we are not winning. We got run over by rails and cavs. :(
Turn 190: MIA Frigate bombards KISS Galleon - Hit. KISS Galleon now 2/4
Bears Brewery is still revolting. Can't find that MIA frigate. It keep hiding.
Rush a frigate in Auda City for 24g and a raxed infantry in Boomboom. A bunch of cities will grow next turn.



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