
Lanzelot, Warriors did not form line. It was risky move.

:confused: The line is as good as it was possible!? How else should I have moved? The northern warrior was still too far away for a complete "4 line", we should have retreated it south much earlier... But even if the Hoplite would have moved S instead of onto the iron hill, I could have blocked him on the sugar tile this turn, using the warrior coming from the south.
I draw red barrier. most important not let them settle near sugar. If hipotetically they have sonething that move along road they make a hole at west part.
Yes, I know, but it was impossible to block all the "holes", the northern warrior was too far away:

If I leave one of the two red holes open, and they block it until they get a settler there, we would not have been able to settle on the tile 1N of tobacco. (At the time I made the move, we were still discussing, whether that might be better than the tobacco. E.g because of the fresh water.)
So in order to keep the option of settler both, either tobacco or 1N of it, I made the difficult decision to close the two red holes and leave the blue hole open... It was "choosing between two evils", I know, but I was "almost sure" that d7 would not move the Hoplite 1S, because their curragh would certainly see our warrior on the tobacco tile...
use an actually pic

the warrior goes north outside anarchos, but we don´t need him to block anarchos.
the new warrior goes on sugar and next round E from sugar

the north warrior can pillage all streets now


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Yes I know, this was my plan, when I moved as I moved last turn. I used last turns pic to explain my thoughts, because Ivan said I could/should have moved differently last turn. But I don't think the alternatives were really much better.

BTW: "actually" = "eigentlich" ...
You probably want to say "current" = "aktuell" ... ;)

How much time do we have? I still need about an hour before I get home. If that's fine, I will play the move then.

A few points we need to decide:
  • Next settler in Glaston is ready in one more turn, and it needs 3 turns to reach tobacco. Should we settle on tobacco? (1N is probably not that good?) Or should we wait with the tobacco side, until it is clear whether the Anarchos will attack or not? In that case we could first settle our west coast. But I think they will not attack, so let's secure and fortify the tobacco position.
  • Lanzelot's Edge will finish the barracks in one more turn. Numidians for the defense of the northern border? The southern cities can continue to produce chariots.
  • Should we upgrade a couple swords in Lanzelot's Edge?
  • Marketplace will finish in 7 turns. I guess this is useful no matter whether we go for GLib or not.
  • One curragh is going to the east coast, the other to the west coast. By the time they get there, we should have harbors for upgrade.
  • Settler in Tintagel finishes perfectly without shield-overrun, right when the town would turn size 7. Move to the "Whale site", or take a longer walk somewhere else?
A few points we need to decide:
  • 1 Next settler in Glaston is ready in one more turn, and it needs 3 turns to reach tobacco. Should we settle on tobacco? (1N is probably not that good?) Or should we wait with the tobacco side, until it is clear whether the Anarchos will attack or not? In that case we could first settle our west coast. But I think they will not attack, so let's secure and fortify the tobacco position.
  • 2 Lanzelot's Edge will finish the barracks in one more turn. Numidians for the defense of the northern border? The southern cities can continue to produce chariots.
  • 3 Should we upgrade a couple swords in Lanzelot's Edge?
  • 4 Marketplace will finish in 7 turns. I guess this is useful no matter whether we go for GLib or not.
  • 5 One curragh is going to the east coast, the other to the west coast. By the time they get there, we should have harbors for upgrade.
  • 6 Settler in Tintagel finishes perfectly without shield-overrun, right when the town would turn size 7. Move to the "Whale site", or take a longer walk somewhere else?
1 I think West coast better, if road ready. For Tobacco better have 2 Galleys and/or road there.
2. Yes
3. yes
4. Hope we will make decision about GLib. Still not sure.
5. You mean south coast? Another may scout northen Islands, but I am not sure. May be return better.
6. Whale
1. on sugar? many woods
2. yes
3. not now. we are weak to anarchos and that is good. if we upgrade swords they build more military
4. we will see in 7 turns

is north warrior on a road? can we pillage or go on horses and pillage there?
Glastonburry switch MM to grow and settler in 1.
Lanzelot switch for Barracks in 1

Eagles + Küche still in anarchie
1 Next settler in Glaston is ready in one more turn, and it needs 3 turns to reach tobacco. Should we settle on tobacco? (1N is probably not that good?) Or should we wait with the tobacco side, until it is clear whether the Anarchos will attack or not? In that case we could first settle our west coast. But I think they will not attack, so let's secure and fortify the tobacco position.

larkin is right, west coast first is better
1 I think West coast better, if road ready. For Tobacco better have 2 Galleys and/or road there.

There is no road to the dyes. We could build the town 2W of Carlion, however.

For tobacco, a second galley will not help: there is no place where we could switch galleys, because the settler never has any movement left. 1 galley is enough to reach the tobacco in 3 turns, but it can't be made any faster!

I think, tobacco is best, then Memento's Humour can work the iron hill, and for the next settler, the road to the dyes will be ready.
save is there

Curragh from Küche at our west coast

Glastonburry: Settler again or worker+grow in 3 t first?
Tintagle switch MM from forest to sea->3 more commerce

eagles+küche still in anarchie :)
Sorry, can't look at save.
But will Lanzelot play?
Memento, can you play if Lanzelot dissapear?
Done :)


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