unassailable AI tech leads

Mr Adeoye

Mar 26, 2002
Is it possible to catch up with AI on tech on emperor level once they have gone in front. It seems they just get further and further ahead and they wont sell the tech for anything not resources or luxuries, just outrageous cash demands. Any tips on this issue.

You need to do a couple of things:

1) Expand.
2) Go to war and take some of their cities, thus reducing their ability to research.. Also, taking their cities may allow you to demand some techs from them in exchange for peace.

War, if you behind in tech, can be painful - you will probably need bombard units. It may seem bad to send archers up against pikes, but if you redline the pikes (for instance), a vet archer can kill a pike.

The other thing is that, on emperor, it can be cheaper to buy a tech than research it, so those outrageous demands may be less than what you would have to spend in actually researching. Especially if you can find a couple of AI's who don't have the tech, if you buy it you might be able to resell it and make some of that money back.

But, on emp and above, it's not that uncommon to be behind the AI.
If you have a good start and manage workers well, you do not hve to fall behind. It is ok to be down some in the Aa where techs are popped from huts and trading is a function of contacts, but near the end of the age, you should be right there.
so basically if you don't keep up during the early eras you'll never catch up. I dunno maybe it's just me but it seems after a while the other civs would rather be destroyed than trade a tech.
No thats not what we are saying.

If you go in and take over a few cities, you can bargian for peace for a few tech usually. Then you can sell those tech to other civs, and then maybe use that money to buy another tech. Or you can just make peace, and then try to take some cities from somone else. You can also try to go capture the great library.

The bottom line is, if your waaaay behind. You need to go to war to get back on the horse. It kills 3 birds with one stone: hurts a leading AI player, expands your empire, and allows you to bargian for techs you need. You will not catch up without it.
Mr Adeoye said:
so basically if you don't keep up during the early eras you'll never catch up. I dunno maybe it's just me but it seems after a while the other civs would rather be destroyed than trade a tech.

Forget pointy stick research, i.e. fighting wars for the purpose of getting techs in peace negotiations, after the AA. The best you can manage are discounts.

the other thing is: figure out where you are behind. If you are in the middle ages, then maybe you can catch up to a point find a tech that the AI doesn't have and use it to catch up.

Optional techs can sometimes make for good trade value to help you catch up.

Where are you? Where is the AI?

The thing is, that even with out of date units, you can often beat the AI. Longbowmen, with trebuchet support, can beat rifles. archers can take pikes (with catapult support). Armies can be a big equalizer if you can get them.
Mr Adeoye said:
so basically if you don't keep up during the early eras you'll never catch up. I dunno maybe it's just me but it seems after a while the other civs would rather be destroyed than trade a tech.

What I was trying to say is that is is understandable to fall behind in the AA as they may get techs and even settlers from huts. They may make contacts and that leads to trades and cheaper tech research.

It does not have to go down that way. It is not hard to fall behind up the early middle ages as you may have other issues. Maybe you have a not so great start, or are isolated on an island or small contient.

Maybe you got into a war and had to give more to fighting than normal, any number of things. Soon you will make contacts and get into gear and get even or ahead.

C3C seemed to have tightened the AI on ending wars and giving up tech. Emperor and beyond it is not a given that the Ai will cough up any techs for peace. Once you are well into the middle ages, I would not expect them to have any I did not have and also wanted. They have things like Music and won't give it up till the wonder is done by someone.
vmxa said:
C3C seemed to have tightened the AI on ending wars and giving up tech.
I'm not sure if I understand this sentence. Do you mean in C3C they are more reluctant to give techs for peace?
yeah the AI is more stingy with its tech on conquests than the original civ 3, in civ 3 u could get loads of tech by just giving them a mediocre city you've just captured or with peace treaties.
I think the best option is to just trade as much as possible in the early ages making sure you don't get too far behind and keeping your trade rep in tact.
there is rarely an "unassailable" tech lead at emperor.

As the AI gets further ahead buying techs becomes cheaper. Look for optional techs they do not research. The AI's usually get into 'tiers', the top tier near the front in tech, the middle tier which are somewhere behind and the bottom tier. If you play with lots of AI some are bound to fall into these groups. If there are no such AI, start an AI dogpile on some AI and drag them down.

I agree they are stingier with the techs but if enough pressure gets on an AI (i.e. dogpile and losing lots of cities), you have a better chance of getting techs. At the very least the victim will fall behind and create trading opportunities for you.

Also global wars is a great way to slow the tech pace.
if already behind in tech race try to check trading options every turn, sometimes You will be able to get one and sell it to all others. to do this You need to have as much contacts as fast as You can, to have better 'choice'.

one advice : to not to get to far behind, do not start game after coming back from some party late at night/early in the morning (ehm...)
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