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Unhappy? I think not, madam!


Aug 6, 2011
My advisor sometimes tells me my citizens are very unhappy/livid when my happiness indicator is actually positive, sometimes by as much as 25.

I take it this is a bug that needs to be ironed out - but does anyone else get it?
Archipelago map?
Enemy ships blockading your capital's harbor, thus temporarily interrupting your trade routes?
My advisor sometimes tells me my citizens are very unhappy/livid when my happiness indicator is actually positive, sometimes by as much as 25.

I take it this is a bug that needs to be ironed out - but does anyone else get it?

Even at +80 happiness she's complaining :)

I guess the game only looks at the unhappiness, not the sum of the unhappiness and happiness..
Same here! :)

My advisor keeps popping up about how my people are unhappy and livid......sometimes this popup is followed by a Golden Age! :D

Hope this bug is ironed out soon!
It happens with my G&K too. "Your empire is not happy now" and I have more than 100 of happiness
I also love when I am destroying the AI and taking their cities and my military advisor keeps telling me to "sue for peace immediately" because they threaten our very existence!
I also love when I am destroying the AI and taking their cities and my military advisor keeps telling me to "sue for peace immediately" because they threaten our very existence!

Unfortunately this is one is not a bug, just bad design.
Unfortunately this is one is not a bug, just bad design.

Yeah. The AI considers the person with the most units to be winning, rather than the person who has taken the most cities or won the most battles. You can literally win a war just by declaring it, staying at home, building units, and waiting for the AI to give you all their stuff for peace.
If I listened to my advisors, I would be dead... :D

Of course thats their plan the Grand Vizier is always the one with a knife in his hand and an eye on the throne.

Would make CIV a little more realistic if there was an ending.

You have lost, while obsesed with expansion of your empire your advisors have infitrated an assasin into the palace, you have died.
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