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*** Unit Request Thread #2 ***

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Phil Schneider said:
My requests:

- Praetorian Guard: Special kind of Legionary, but attacking with a lance, defensing with a round (!) shield. Of course the tippical Roman Uniform must'n miss as well. It could be based on the Hoplite (Attack Hitting the enimy with the shield?).

- Nubian Bowman: Only put on by a loincloth, weapon is a 4 meters long bow, but it is not as fed the Longbowman's one. It shoots very thiny arrows.

Well, I'm not only too silly to animate untits, I'm even too silly to draw them with only one frame :rolleyes:. And I didn't find any pictures in the net

The Praetorian Guard, it is in Rise of Nations, so you just have to get someone to convert it for you.

For my unit request, I want to have a futuristic space battleship for my mod like this one:


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M3 - Lee/Grant! Weird looking but pretty cool. :D



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If anyone out there could do the Switchblade I would greatly appreciate it. This airplane is especially close to me (I have been sketching my own designs for years and saw this plane in Popular Science which looks very similar to one I had drawn back in middle school). One of the best sites I found for it is This One or you can go to the US Patent Office website and it is Patent # 5,984,231.

I moved my post to this thread (at the suggestion of subbss).

What about new unity base on street war ...
- Blood, crip, hell's Angels, Rockers, chinese mafia, italian mafia ...
- Ressouce will be base on street gang income:drug sale, prostitute, armo sale , tag ...
- Unity: shoot by car, chain, B-boys, baseball bat, knife , ...

enny idea ... please respond here
Anyone create these WWII Units

They are all aircraft. I know the F4F Wildcat is around, but what about the others?

6F Hellcat single-engine fighter
F4F Wildcat single-engine fighter
F4U Corsair single-engine fighter
F7F Tigercat two-engine fighter
SB2C Helldiver single-engine scout bomber
SBD Dauntless single-engine scout bomber
TBF Avenger single-engine torpedo bomber
SC Seahawk single-engine observation scout
SOC Seagull single-engine observation scout
OS2U Kingfisher single-engine observation scout
OY Sentinel single-engine observation scout
PB4Y-2 Privateer four-engine, land-based patrol bomber
PB4Y-1 Liberator four-engine, land-based patrol bomber
PV-2 Harpoon two-engine, land-based patrol bomber
PV-1 Ventura two-engine, land-based patrol bomber
PBJ-1J Mitchell two-engine, land-based patrol bomber
PB2Y-5 Coronado four-engine bomber (seaplane)
PBY Catalina two-engine patrol bomber (seaplane)
PBN Nomad two-engine patrol bomber (seaplane)
PBM Mariner two-engine patrol bomber (seaplane)
R5D-4 Skymaster four-engine, land-based transport
RY-3 Liberator four-engine, land-based transport
R4D Skytrain two-engine, land-based transport
R5O Lodestar two-engine, land-based transport
R5C Commando two-engine, land-based transport
JRM Mars four-engine transport (seaplane)
JRF Goose two-engine utility
J4F Widgeon two-engine utility
JM Marauder two-engine utility
JRB Expeditor two-engine utility
JRC Bobcat two-engine utility
J2F Duck single-engine utility
GB Traveler single-engine utility
GH Nightingale single-engine utility
AE Grasshopper single-engine utility

If anyone need pics, just PM me.
Could someone create a version of the Marines from Halo? Either a single one or a group of three-five? (The armored marines, the ones with the metal plates on them.)
Im looking for some Armoured Bears (as describe in Philip Pullmans "His Dark Materials"), also the following units from Dark Colony:


PM me for pics, or the intro video from game which is more useful (in an animation/design aspect)


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First off, where are the Babylon 5 units?

Second, has anyone thought about making any Wing Commander units?
http://www.wcnews.com/ships/ Link for ships fromt he various Wing Commander games.

Third (Star Wars), has anyone thought about making a 'Regular' Imperial Army soldier? Like taking the Imperial General/AT-AT driver unit, recoloring it brown and giving it the Civ color-specific pack from the Cold weather Stormtrooper? You might say 'there was no such thing in the movies', but I say they probably would exist. Also an Imperial Naval Trooper would be a nice addition.
I hereby humbly request that the following unit might one day be made.

A Sarmatian horseman:

The picture is snatched most foul from Osprey Publishing.

These Indo-Iranian boys rode around and ruined many a day for Romans, Scythians, and whoever else dared disturb them. The heavy knight-like rider here was armed with a very long lance and some also used bows. A full charge of Sarmatian knights was an unpleasant event indeed.

If you complete this unit, I shall sacrifice a thousand bulls in your honour. :salute:

While we’re at it… Would it be inappropriate to request this chap below? An Eastern-European spearman. Could be used for Russians, Scythians, Cimmerians, Sarmatians, Thracians, Balts, Germans, etc.
As if my Sarmatian horseman request is not enough, I hereby also suggest some of Rome’s early rivals. :mischief:

Etruscans and Northern Italics:
The Etruscans adopted the hoplite warfare when it was all the rage and favoured this peculiar Greek way of fighting for a long time. They even exported it to the early Romans, who were indeed delighted to beat the Etruscans at their own hoplite game. I guess the Latins, Sabines, Aequi, Hernici, and Volsci would also fight in this adopted manner. Interestingly the guy on the top, with the pot helmet, looks like a Salian-Roman (pre-hoplite army) tribal warrior, so I guess he could also be used as a generic early Roman/Italic/Iapygian/Venetic/Illyrian warrior.

Samnites and hill tribe Oscans:
These bad boys fought in a similar fashion as the Romans, manipular formations, and it is speculated that the Romans adopted, and adapted, their fighting techniques after the Samnite Wars. (Evidently the hoplite formations found it hard to effectively manoeuvre in hilly terrain, go figure)
The Samnite warrior in white is part of a Samnite ‘sacred band’ or elite corps of warriors.

This is my own artist rendering of a Samnite warrior:


Moving on,

Campanians and southern Oscans.
These lads feature some adapted hoplite techniques. The Campanians mingled with the Greeks and thus created a Greco-Italic culture, the Lucanians just caused trouble throughout Southern Italy.

Oh and,

Here are some more of those pesky rivals poor Rome had to deal with.

These are some later Germanic warriors

This guy has his hair tied in the special, and oh so popular, Suebian knot. Apparently, among the Suebi you just weren’t cool if your hair didn’t look like this. It was all the rage. :mischief:

This bad boy could be used as a Germanic champion, noble warrior, chieftain, whatever. He is dressed slightly extravagant for a mere commoner.

A more plain Germanic warrior, though I miss more warriors with spears and without shields. Among the early Germans, pointy sticks were the most common weapons and shields and armour was scarce.


Though this is meant to represent a Dacian warrior, I’m quite sure he could also be used by Eastern Germanic tribes, the Getae, and as a Sarmatian subject warrior.

Yet a Dacian warrior, this one evidently a little wealthier than the previous.


The Iazyges were a Sarmatian people, they flocked to the Danube region in the late 1st century BC. In 50 AD, they supplied cavalry to some Quadi potentate backed by Rome. In 92 AD they teamed up with the Germanic Quadi and Marcomanni and very much ruined the day for Legio XXI Rapax.
From 167-180 they again teamed up with the Quadi and Marcomanni and fought in the not too fortunate Marcomannic Wars, where the barbarians were severely beaten by Russel Crowe and his dog. In 173 the Iazyges was defeated in Pannonia. In 175, 8.000 Iazyges are pressed into Roman service, 5.000 of which are sent to Britain. From 236-238, Maximinus Thrax campaigns against the Iazyges, and in 282 the Iazyges are again defeated in Pannonia, this time by Emperor Carus.

The Unit can be any Sarmatian, and for that matter Scythian or Sakae, foot-soldier, though.

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