Version 2.7 bug reports and feedback

Some issues with the new version...

- I'm getting weird unhappiness... in one city it's saying that improvements are causing unhappiness when I can't find any that could be causing it. Also "we long for the open country" unhappiness when there's no civic that should be causing it.
- It's showing that I'm over the domination limit of 41%? Isn't domination 75% or something?
- I'm also seeing gold dissapearing for no explicit reason even though I'm showing a positive gold increase per turn. Could it be due to this domination limit?
@tardis79 do you have any shaft mines? Mines turn into shaft mines after a hundred turns.
With Archer Bombard enabled, the Horse Archer can't perform ranged attacks, even when the description says it can.
Some issues with the new version...

- I'm getting weird unhappiness... in one city it's saying that improvements are causing unhappiness when I can't find any that could be causing it. Also "we long for the open country" unhappiness when there's no civic that should be causing it.
- It's showing that I'm over the domination limit of 41%? Isn't domination 75% or something?
- I'm also seeing gold dissapearing for no explicit reason even though I'm showing a positive gold increase per turn. Could it be due to this domination limit?

1. Mines in particular shaft mines cause unhappiness to occur. Its a feature not a bug.

2. "longing for open country" is the old overcrowding issue. Need to build more culture and happyface city improvements.

3.Nope, around 37 to 60% depending upon Map size.

4. The City AI will shift your citizens/specialist around for you depending upon what you are trying to build. I personally find it very annoying. But that is part of the "benefits" of building certain buildings or using certain Civics. ( with this wonder/building/civic you can have more engineers/priests/etc. specialists) Turning the city AI off helps somewhat. But I've found that the game will sometimes turn it back on (which I Do Not Like). If you notice your gold dropping per turn check out your city screen. Bet you'll find your Merchants/Nobles have all turned into Engineers or Priests. Then you have to manually set how many of each you want/need.

Domination limit is not the cause. The City AI is.

JosEPh :)
+1 Food from farms was moved to Crop Rotation tech so once you research it, you get the +2 food. Food resources of course give higher output of food even at the start of game.
Hi Zappara!

First of all, thanks for the explanation.
Yet, I would like to ask you to give this a second thought.

It may have been bad luck, but I happened to come up three times in a row in areas where I only could find plains - well, there was this one alibi field of wheat or corn, ok.

But that way, you don't have any chance against nations coming up in grassland areas. The additional production doesn't help much, since your cities are just completely limited in size.

I will agree that this might be a special problem of giant-size maps, but there it really IS a problem. I don't have the game open now, so I cannot check when crop rotation will become available, but I assume it will be quite late - some 10 - 15 technologies (given that you cannot bee-line to it, or the barbs and the other nations willl make you toast) after the start?

Talking about this - could you just re-invent the option of having flood plains even on "normal" fields to the smartmap generator? That way, you could stay with your decision, and players like me could survive :mischief:
The specialist icons are displayed incorrectly in the domestic advisor (on "city details" page). For example Engineers are displayed as Spy icons. I play with No Espionage, if it matters.
Okay, just a few quick thoughs, seeing as I'm not very far into my first 2.7 game. (It was out almost a week before I knew it was here!)

Given that farms now give only +1 food at the start of the game, maybe Cottages should lose their +1 food bonus? As it is, there's little reason to build farms, aside from fear of losing your food bonus when your cottages finally reach hamlet stage.

No production bonuses at all from the Glassworks? I can kind of understand that, given that it gives a bonus resource that provides happiness, but it seems like having a facility like that in a city would provide *some* kind of industrial capacity. Unless you felt the Engineer slot was enough.

On a positive note, I *really* like the way you handled the roads now. It seems a lot more reasonable to have to go back and actually upgrade your network from normal roads to highways, etc. than to just receive a sudden bonus to the travel speed on your existing network.
Here the few things ive noticed that need to be fixed.
1. When using the state church civic it states that you get unlimited and monastery free priests. this dosnt work. still requires monastary and max of 3 priests.
2.The holding alt while upgrading a unit dose not upgrade all units of the category anymore. I dont know how it is choosing them but it only upgrades about 80% of the units.
3. My christian holy city status has been erased. the church of the nativity still works but my star is gone for founding.
4. Priests dont successfully auto-spread their religion every time. sometimes they sit in the wilderness near a city even if open borders and there is no intolerant civic.
5. There are still siege tower attacking along with my infantry and marines...wierd
6. I seem to be randomly declaring war on people even though there is no event.
The one real change that I found annoying in 2.7 was the forge. It only gives 15% hammers, instead of it's old 25%. Now the townclock gives the same bonus as the forge. How does that make sense? The ability to shape and form metal is much more important than telling time.
Thanks for responding Zappara, I swore I remembered you talking about expanding the future era a short while back, but I left that out of my comment because I have bad memory lol so I didn't want to quote something that was never said, but apperantly it was.

I'm really exited to have you wanting to get the future era even better, and I would suggest that you make an official thread on ideas for the future era and such so you can get the communities oppinion.
Here the few things ive noticed that need to be fixed.
1. When using the state church civic it states that you get unlimited and monastery free priests. this dosnt work. still requires monastary and max of 3 priests.
2.The holding alt while upgrading a unit dose not upgrade all units of the category anymore. I dont know how it is choosing them but it only upgrades about 80% of the units.
3. My christian holy city status has been erased. the church of the nativity still works but my star is gone for founding.
4. Priests dont successfully auto-spread their religion every time. sometimes they sit in the wilderness near a city even if open borders and there is no intolerant civic.
5. There are still siege tower attacking along with my infantry and marines...wierd
6. I seem to be randomly declaring war on people even though there is no event.
1. I think you may be confusing unlimited priests in a city with the missionary type priest which is a unit.

2 & 6 I have these problems also.

4. some of my Amen_Ra missionaries also do this.
Talking about this - could you just re-invent the option of having flood plains even on "normal" fields to the smartmap generator? That way, you could stay with your decision, and players like me could survive :mischief:
I'll think about the farm "issue". I'll try check and hopefully modify smartmap but note that this might not happen soon - mapscripts are really complex and it's hard to even read and try to comprehend it and then I'd have to edit it without breaking the whole script but I can try.

The specialist icons are displayed incorrectly in the domestic advisor (on "city details" page). For example Engineers are displayed as Spy icons. I play with No Espionage, if it matters.
Domestc advisor is low priority for me as the screen is fully customizeable by players - so you could edit it by yourself in-game and save "fixed" version. At the bottom of the screen there's edit buttons which take you to edit interface - computer pic there saves the screen you want to use. ;) Revolution screen is also fully customizeable the same way.

The one real change that I found annoying in 2.7 was the forge. It only gives 15% hammers, instead of it's old 25%. Now the townclock gives the same bonus as the forge. How does that make sense? The ability to shape and form metal is much more important than telling time.
Townclock production 15%->10% I guess would be in order then. Foundry was added to Medieval to give some extra production. Iwas thinking also Forge->Foundry->Steel Mill building path but there's tiny problem with buildings that require Forge...

2.The holding alt while upgrading a unit dose not upgrade all units of the category anymore. I dont know how it is choosing them but it only upgrades about 80% of the units.
3. My christian holy city status has been erased. the church of the nativity still works but my star is gone for founding.
4. Priests dont successfully auto-spread their religion every time. sometimes they sit in the wilderness near a city even if open borders and there is no intolerant civic.
5. There are still siege tower attacking along with my infantry and marines...wierd
6. I seem to be randomly declaring war on people even though there is no event.
2. Not sure if this is a problem with python or with DLL - I'm leaning towards DLL problem as the python has stayed pretty much the same.
3. You are playing with Inquisitions on? Holy city relocation option on?
4. This sounds like AI problem ie. bug in DLL is most likely cause. Better BtS AI team probably fixes it sooner or later
5. Ups, I think I know what causes that - Now I got to find how to turn of siege towers on later eras... :lol:
6. If those civs are Minor civs (rebels for example), they are always at war with others until they settle down.
Thanks for responding Zappara, I swore I remembered you talking about expanding the future era a short while back, but I left that out of my comment because I have bad memory lol so I didn't want to quote something that was never said, but apperantly it was.

I'm really exited to have you wanting to get the future era even better, and I would suggest that you make an official thread on ideas for the future era and such so you can get the communities oppinion.
There's V2.7 - Future techs -discussion thread. ;) What I did for v2.7 was that I searched internet for future technologies and what they might be - I chose some that seem to exist today or have prototypes already and then added some which seem plausible. The buildings and units for those tech have bit more room for imagination and I'm sure many just like science fiction unit types (Mechs etc). Some future era units have connections to real life, for example NLOS Cannon is real artillery unit, Thermobaric weapons were recently developed (high explosives that are used to clear long tunnels) and hypersonic planes are in development (scramjets). Feel free to make any suggestions - there's still plenty of room in Transhuman era techs. ;)
When the mouse cursor is over a civ in the scoreboard, the tooltip is displayed twice with two different forms of the civ name ("Contact Wang Kon of Korean EmpireContact Wang Kon of Korea").
I still see that the very same problem that plagues storms is still there, meaning they are spawned when the a new game is launched but as you progress they disappear and are no longer spawned anymore. If it's not possible to fix I suggest getting rid of it all together, no use in keeping it.
About the capital distance "bug", I've opened the and it looks like the way it is calculated has completly changed compared to previous versions. It previously took into account only distance from capital and size of the empire (roughly) while it now considers distance, technologies and ROADS.

So there may be no bug, but an incompatibility with RoM features I think (technologies coming too late or not identified, roads providing a real movement bonus coming quite late in the game etc ...).
I'll try to solve this at least temporarily by copy pasting the old calculation method in the new file, if it works I'll attach the file there ;)

edit: Tested, no weird distance rebellions anymore, here is the file to be extracted in beyond the sword/mods folder :)


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Can someone please post a link for the latest test version, I always manage to miss them! Thank you!
2.7 is the latest version cr0ws.

So when did Filling factory get limited to 3?

At least that what is says in the Build que. Just like Brewery.

About the capital distance "bug", I've opened the and it looks like the way it is calculated has completly changed compared to previous versions. It previously took into account only distance from capital and size of the empire (roughly) while it now considers distance, technologies and ROADS.

So there may be no bug, but an incompatibility with RoM features I think (technologies coming too late or not identified, roads providing a real movement bonus coming quite late in the game etc ...).
I'll try to solve this at least temporarily by copy pasting the old calculation method in the new file, if it works I'll attach the file there ;)

edit: Tested, no weird distance rebellions anymore, here is the file to be extracted in beyond the sword/mods folder :)

Thank you for this, I can finally enjoy revolutions again! :goodjob:
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