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Victory Chat 1818 AD, Saturday, October 25, 2:30 PM EST, 19:30 GMT, 21:30 RMT


Retired Moderator
Mar 2, 2003
Game Save
Previous Instruction Thread

Previous Turnchat Summary:
This was a very important chat for our nation, as we are now poised to win DG3. We built three spaceship parts with one more due next turn, which will put us up to nine total parts. Germany has entered into competition with us in the space race; they have six SS parts now but none are under construction. Germany is also now a nuclear power; the military advisor screen shows that they have a Tactical Nuke. America was almost wiped out by the Greeks, as well. Japan built another city near the site of Satsuma. Also, we successfully planted a spy in Persepolis, and it appears that nothing much of interest is in Persia. In addition, we culture flipped Istakhr into our empire. We are 4 turns away from researching the Laser and have already discovered Nuclear Power, Superconductor, and Satellites. Most importantly, we are now a definite 5 turns from victory, and the next chat will be a victory chat.

Please reserve this thread for official posts by elected officials before the chat takes place. However, celebratory posts after victory are allowed.
5, 4, 3, 2, 1 We have liftoff ;) woohoo spaceship victory :)

On another note: Its been a pleasure serving this game as Trade Leader, Chief Justice, Judge Advocate and Vice President. Thanks to all those that voted for me.
Science is prepared to liftoff. I will be piloting the spacecraft, as I was the main designer, as the Science Leader.

When we run out of techs in the que to research, please allow the LOWEST RANKING DG'er in order of the CoC that is in #demogame at the time to choose the next tech to research. The tech after that, or if that person isn't active, go to the next lowest ranking DG'er.
(that will be interesting :D)

(oh, If there is a tie for lowest ranking DG'er, go in reverse alphabetical order.)
Something just came up, so I'm going to have to reschedule this chat. I'm going to push it to 2:30 PM EST (19:30 GMT, 21:30 RMT) on Saturday. I'm sorry for any inconvienences this may cause.
Aventine Instructions: PARTY! I will be the chief engineering officer, if that is to be allowed. (That way I get all the cool lines to say and no work :p)
1818 AD

Build Queues & Laborer Instructions
Alexandria	Hospital	Harbor		Granary
Asyut		University	Police Station  Colosseum
Byblos		Wealth			
Heliopolis	Wealth			
Hieraconpolis	Granary		Research Lab    Police Station
Giza		Factory   	Mass Transit
Memphis		Wealth			
Nirvana		Bank		Research Lab	
River Crossing	Wealth			
Thebes		Wealth			
Walnut Creek	Bank		University	University

Worker Request
Asyut: Irrigate NEE, 2SE

Sycorax - In case the govorner does not post it.

Build Queue

1) Colosseum
2) Barracks
3) Coastal Fortress
4) Airport
5) Mass Transit

Laborer Assignments
Mine one irrigated grassland.
From the JA

Mara Jade and CivGeneral, THe Emperor's Hands, Are ready to take off in there Z-95s to escourt the spaceship :D.
Game Saves
Turn 1
Turn 4, one turn before victory
After Victory Save, Turn 5

Chat Log

Chat Summary:
We are on our way to Alpha Centauri. The last turns were uneventful, but we did build our nuclear arsenal up to 2 tactical nukes, 2 ICBM's. On Turn 4, upon the sucessful completion of The Laser, we dropped the science slider to 0% and increased lux to 100%. No other special things were done on the last turn. As Turn 5 started, we were informed that Hamurabbi had tried to sabotage our production at Noshuret. However, he got the wrong city. ;) On Turn 5, we built the SS Planetary Party Lounge at Gorina and launched the spaceship, bringing DG3 to a close.

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