Vox Populi Congress Proposal Workshop

Currently promotions with AlwaysHeal = '1' give their unit the full value of the heal they would receive while fortified at the end of each turn, regardless of action.
This makes fortifying much less valuable for infantry, and completely useless in the case of Skirmishers, who don't get fortification bonuses. It also incorporates various healing bonuses like friendly/enemy land, medic, etc, so it is highly variable in value. This makes March promotions hard to balance, and better for humans who can escort march units with medics, and know to combine the effects of medic and march on the same unit.

Edit: also air repair is the single most valuable air promotion because it allows air units far more uptime without having to stop to heal. Air units already benefit from being stationed in cities, often with hospitals and military bases that give consistent heal bonuses regardless of action

Proposal: change how March promotions work

Why not change Always Heal from a Boolean on/off effect to an integer value that heals X amount at the end of each turn instead? This would make it work like existing building bonuses like Hospital, which heal units stationed in the city for a defined amount each turn, regardless of action. It would make March more consistent in value, and therefore easier to use and more reliable for the AI. We also wouldn't have to do silly things like add CS % maluses to counterbalance the potential effects.
The heal from AlwaysHeal would stack additively with fortification now, and not interact with healing bonuses like Medic, etc.

Also, this would open up the AlwaysHeal ability to be used as a Damage Over Time (DOT) effect for plague promotions. Just make the healing at the end of each turn negative, and the unit will take damage until the plague expires. Neat! I bet that would be a fun effect to add somewhere.

Specific implementations:
March and Skirmisher March : AlwaysHeal = 5
Heli Repair : AlwaysHeal = 5
Air Repair/Repair : AlwaysHeal = 5
Survivalism 3 : AlwaysHeal = 10
I might not agree with the numbers presented here, but the concept is sound, I see no downside to having that flexibility.
Proposal 1:
I want to revisit the notion of having Atolls behave as water-hills
I second this... But let's not stop there -- consider adding the ocean natural wonders from the more wonders modmod. They're excellent, and do a good job of adding some interesting features into the monotonous water tiles

I've played around with adding a "shoal" feature -- the stone resource art looks pretty good in ocean for this purpose. Ultimately removed it from my modmod as I have not really worked out what makes it different from atoll, functionality-wise.

As a companion to changing Atolls, look into adding a "stormy ocean" type of tile (art most likely to be a challenge on this one).
Not such a challenge; see latest version of maritime battles+ modmod. This remains a relatively heavy mod for general play, and I will do another overhaul this summer to try to squeeze out some more inefficiencies from my implementation. The art I have is yet imperfect, but probably about 90% there. If you don't scrutinize the visuals too closely, it's very adequate imo. I need to improve my blender skills to fix it up the rest of the way (or @ghost toast might do it for me), but it should be achievable.

Stormy oceans would need new functions entirely. Placement logic tbd, but freely floating and using world temperature and rainfall would probably be a good place to start. Maybe logic for clustering them a little bit.
My mb+ implementation makes these work as temporary "features" (have to use improvement system to make the art change dynamically, it's a little hacky from db perspective, but fairly seamless from player perspective). Next version will be doing a procedural system for their appearance and movement.

There's one big caveat to any ocean features however -- any new features in ocean makes them always accessible to embarked units (mountains too for that matter). I've reported it on git but so far an unsolved mystery. Would have to limit any water features to coast only til fixed.

Deserts gain pockets of fast-healing
See my "recon pay" modmod series. One of the modules there does this for recon only in oasis. It's good gameplay imo... Not sure I want it on every unit but for recon it works

In any case, some good thoughts here, I'd be in favour of many of these terrain feature proposals, with some additional refinements maybe. Til then we have some modmods already available to experiment with these concepts
I want to revisit the notion of having Atolls behave as water-hills: +1 terrain height, 15% defense bonus to ships stationed over them, 2 movement cost.
Of those changes, the one I'm least sure of: do naval units benefit if a tile has defense boosts? Or are they like mounted units and ignore terrain for that?
yes, this is good. I've always thought this is how atolls should be

as for currently, I believe the only water tile with a combat bonus is barrier reef
not sure if your question is whether ships currently benefit or should benefit. if it's the latter, I think they most definitely should. 99% of water combat is ships, so if ships don't benefit there's no point
Zealotry has a lot going for it.

It comes out at point where you probably have a lot of faith generation but not much to do with it, the race is over. It gives you a big faith sink and you can paly very aggressively when your units have less value. Just throw them into the AI and make more hen they die.

It is also scales really well. We have a similar issue with old orders where the other religion stuff gets worse as time passes but you can faith buy six landships if you want, if anything it gets stronger as time passes as units get very expensive.

So possibly suggestions:
Remove the % strat per city, there is no need for this on top of the main ability.
Have more limits on what units can be bought, either in terms of era or just melee for example.
have lowered exp as they are bough, same as other bought units.
Remove the % strat per city, there is no need for this on top of the main ability.
I'm not sure this contributes to zealotry's power in any real tangible way, but its also just a weird space to have this that removes it from a potentially better source. I would be 100% good with its removal.
Where else would you put it? It’s a scaling bonus from spread; an enhancer is the perfect place for it.

I like the idea of adding a turn cooldown. I’m less enthusiastic about adding an XP penalty. I don’t know why you would pick the belief if it had no benefits over gold purchases. We can also modify faith costs with far more granularity now that they don’t scale; we were never going to get the faith costs perfect on the first try.
Where else would you put it? It’s a scaling bonus from spread; an enhancer is the perfect place for it.
I meant more the "gain more strategic resources". obviously you would change the mechanical way its obtained if you moved it.
yes, this is good. I've always thought this is how atolls should be

as for currently, I believe the only water tile with a combat bonus is barrier reef
not sure if your question is whether ships currently benefit or should benefit. if it's the latter, I think they most definitely should. 99% of water combat is ships, so if ships don't benefit there's no point
I think I forgot that Barrier Reef already has defense bonus. My question was the former, so without that as an issue it should be an easy change to vote on.
I've played around with adding a "shoal" feature -- the stone resource art looks pretty good in ocean for this purpose. Ultimately removed it from my modmod as I have not really worked out what makes it different from atoll, functionality-wise.
I don't know about the technical differences between new terrains versus new features, but I wouldn't be opposed to shoals just being a simple 1 :c5food:, 1 :c5production: terrain (rather than a feature at all).
So Grasslands : Plains :: Coast : Shoal.

If shoals aren't a feature then you can still spawn resources over them (I assume), which would add some variety to fishing boats. To further differentiate shoals from atolls I'd probably skip the height change as well, leaving them with just the move cost penalty and defensive modifier.

My mb+ implementation makes these work as temporary "features" (have to use improvement system to make the art change dynamically, it's a little hacky from db perspective, but fairly seamless from player perspective). Next version will be doing a procedural system for their appearance and movement.
I understand the desire for storms to be dynamic and mobile but I don't think it's necessary from a gameplay perspective. If it makes the implementation easier and less hacky, I'd be strongly in favor of just treating it like any other feature and representing a static location that's stormy more often than not compared to the rest of the ocean.
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There's nothing stopping resources from appearing on features. See literally any resource.

Shoals should have a defense penalty, due to the severely reduce mobility while inside it, and no sight blocking. That would make them sufficiently different than atolls.

Also, the main point about atolls is that they only spawn in specific areas (because those the conditions required for them to form), while shoals can be in more varied areas.
For the same reason defense penalties were removed from Marsh and Oasis, I feel like we wouldn't want to add defense penalties to shoals, even if it makes more sense geographically. Could be put to a vote though and the community could decide. The main goal is introducing strategic variety to the map.
A few notes re last few ocean posts:

Adding terrain is not so easy, in fact I think we can only swap existing terrains but not add more; the art in particular I believe is hard-coded to some extent? Could be wrong on the details but I think we'd never find sponsor for this.

Adding features is very easy. Any added features are permanent as far as their art goes (only reloading a game updates them -- forests and marshes the exception, but their properties cannot be copied to new features). Can also have features and resources combined, as was noted. Features is the way to go, and stone resource art hooked up to feature database entry works great. 100% viable proposal.

For storms, for main branch vp we want art to be A grade if not A+. I have a design in mind that should be achievable, and that my current mb+ is part way towards; essentially I need someone with blender knowledge to copy and move around a few invisible points on a 3d model that has no other structure, just these tiny triangles that the game uses to spawn in effects. I know what needs to be done, but I don't have the blender knowledge to do it (yet). I think once executed we'd have a storm art solidly in the A category. The way the effects work, A+ will not be achievable no matter how good the blender work is, but I think we might at least get a viable proposal candidate out of it. Blender knowledge in our modding community is extremely rare these days, however... (@ghost toast has pretty much made every 3d art we've seen added in past couple years now, just about). Might be ready by the time next Congress rolls around; anyone that wants to learn blender can make sure it is, it's probably relatively easy blender task
Sadly I think it is time to talk about Zealotry nerfs. I have never not taken this belief as a warmonger and often even take it as a peaceful civ if I have an aggressive neighbor just so they can't take it. Policies/beliefs that are "always take"s reduce the variety and fun of the game.
I think the culprit is actually the Fealty opener. -25% Faith cost reduction is functionally +33% Faith on empire. On an opener. Gold doesn’t get a discount like that until much, much later. it’s very easy and very worthwhile to divert to this 1 policy without going down the rest of the tree.

I think if that were removed, or moved to a later policy/etc, that would control a lot of Zealotry’s power. It would also mean we wouldn’t have to balance Zealotry’s power for two widely divergent price points.
Now that the spy stuff has settled down a bit I'd like to come back to Elizabeth II's England.

England is the designated civ to highlight the spy system, but I feel like the power level and interest level isn't really there. There is also the early spy, which people often complain about and/or don't understand, which I think could easily be cleaned up. Finally there is a naval subtheme left over from the Sun Never Sets version of the civ. I wouldn't want to remove this, but I think it can be made to fit together better in a more unified vision of the civ.

Some resources for the reader:
Current UA and UB
Spoiler :

UA : Perfidious Albion
  • All Naval and Embarked Units have +1 :c5moves: Movement.
  • Naval Unit :c5gold: maintenance is reduced by 25%.
  • +15 security in owned Cities.
  • +25% network points in foreign cities.
  • Starts the game with a :espionage: Spy

UB: White Tower -- unique Ironworks
Provides 2 Iron.

+40 :c5gold: Gold and :c5science: Science when you identify, capture, or kill a foreign :espionage:Spy or when you perform a Spy Mission, and +25 :c5gold: Gold and :c5science: Science when you successfully rig an election in a :c5citystate: City-State or construct a Building in this City, scaling with Era.

Contains 1 slot for a :greatwork: Great Work of Art or Artifact, and comes with a Free Great Work of Art.
+1 :c5culture: Culture to all Constabularies, Castles, and Armories.

The :c5production: Production Cost increases based on the number of Cities you own.

There also exists a Hinin rework to England.
That changes a lot, like replacing the UB with a UI (too many UIs in the world to my taste), but I want to take some inspiration from it also.

The first thing I would do is move the extra spy onto the UB (easy to implement). This retains the increased spying ability of the civ, but we avoid the weirdness of having network points supressed until other people have spies. In fact I would complete the change and remove this suppressing effect completely -- if you reach statecraft a bit early on any civ, good for you!

Hinin adds Great Admiral Points to Strategic Resources. I like this addition of more GAdmirals, but to me a better place, that reinforces the spy design (and avoids Russia), is on the UB. In addition to Gold and Science I propose we add GAdmiral points, linking the two themes of the civ.

Hinin's next cool thing is a non-combat promotion. This promotion makes diplomats, workers, missionary/inquisitors, and great person units invisible and have increased visibility range. This allows English units to keep calm and carry on in the midst of a war. Your diplomatic units can sneak round enemy lines to ally city states, your missionaries can keep trying to convert enemies that would otherwise immediately execute them, and your workers can repair roads and forts before the front line is even fully secured. All this is aided by the extra vision so you don't accidentally walk into an enemy recon unit or a barbarian galley. I think this is a super-cool ability that makes the civ feel unique and thematically fits with the spies and spying theme.

Spoiler :
Several modded civs have tried giving invisibility to a UU, but it always goes badly -- the AI cannot effectively war against invisible combat units with the "exception" of submarines. However this time it's the civilian units and that concern is avoided. The AI just won't immediately try to capture these units it can't see, which for me is close enough to human behaviour to justify the added fun-factor. It may also bear a DLL check to see how the AI places invisible units (i.e. does it know they are "more safe"?)

Then perhaps the biggest change is to consolidate the UA's naval changes with the (glaring omission of the) Redcoat. The promotion "Sun Never Sets" would be granted to all Naval units and also to Gun units. This promotion would do two things:
Firstly it would give +1% :c5strength: combat strength for every tile from the capital, capping at 30% (DLL implementation: the only change needed is a max(X, 30) in the current code for the Mehal Safari promotion), this is a unique mechanic that encourages a wide empire across many continents and rewards use of the navy. Together with the global reach of spies, nowhere is safe from invasion!
Secondly it would give +1 :c5moves: Movement. This is an important part of the current UA because it allows 5 movement ranged ships early, which lets you siege cities outside of their range of retaliation. The extra movement of course helps enable this global reach of the military. This also applies to gun units, so some comments. By restricting it to gun units we don't upset early game balance. Clearly a 3 move warrior would be overpowered, but things have changed considerably by the time the Fusilier appears (note: Tercio are melee units, not gun). It has some overlap with the Persian UA (and a lesser extent the Swedish UA) but really gun units benefit the least from this effect -- skirmishers and siege, to a lesser extent ranged and mounted, are the classes that really need it -- so I'm not very concerned about power level. In general it's quite hard for gun units to make use of this movement in-combat, I see the major use as being to cover large distances more quickly. Note that I would have this +1 movement apply to embarked gun movement also, as this is important to keep up with the navy. I can see an argument for only this part, but what do you think?

Finally I would clean up and balance by removing the extra security on the UA. If you want to run counterespionage you already have an extra spy and, more significantly, you actually want people to do missions in your cities because when you identify (or kill) them you receive yields! It's not like Britain has been immune to spies historically speaking.

Spoiler :


We already have gorgeous icons for these two UA promotions:
"Die Another Day" (shaken not stirred) promotion icon is extraPromo atlas 60
"Sun Never Sets" promotion icon is extraPromo atlas 43

UB: White Tower -- unique Ironworks
Provides 2 Iron and 1 Spy

+40 :c5gold: Gold, :c5science: Science, and :c5greatperson: Great Admiral Points when you identify, capture, or kill a foreign :espionage:Spy or when you perform a Spy Mission, and +25 :c5gold: Gold, :c5science: Science, and :c5greatperson: Great Admiral Points when you successfully rig an election in a :c5citystate: City-State or construct a Building in this City, scaling with Era.

Contains 1 slot for a :greatwork: Great Work of Art or Artifact, and comes with a Free Great Work of Art.
+1 :c5culture: Culture to all Constabularies, Castles, and Armories.

The :c5production: Production Cost increases based on the number of Cities you own.

Together this rework gives England an identity as a civ with global reach, where large distances become a military strength rather than a crippling obstacle. P.s. register to vote ;)
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Several modded civs have tried giving invisibility to a UU, but it always goes badly -- the AI cannot effectively war against invisible combat units with the "exception" of submarines.
Invisibility currently only works for Submarine since if you add more it would get broken and you can't see them even when next to your unit. That's why AI cannot war against it since they can't see it.
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You want to give +1 movement to gun units?
a) I don’t like boosting gun without boosting melee; I don’t like a unit bonus on the UA not unlocking until renaissance (Tercio)
b) doesn’t that stack with Zulu? The Buffalo horns promotion line gives all melee/gun units +1 move

I don’t think the +25% network points bonus makes sense on the UA without the free spy. That bonus should move to the earliest possible place you could use it. If that’s the white tower then put it there. Unusable bonuses that exist for multiple eras before you can possibly use them is never good.

Otherwise I like it. If you can get it to work.
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