VoxPopuli Modpacks (last update: 4.7.3)

You have a lot of modmods that I do not know it is beyond my skill !
If you are compiling modpack for MP games, I don't recommend to add a lot of mods. There are many mods which are incompatible with MP: they may cause desyncs, crashes and so on. The less your modpack is, the more stable it is.
Personally I think the most dope combo is: VP, 3/4 UC, supersetttler, More Wonders, Even More Resources. Such combo is stable, tested and has a lot of content besides original VP.
I know that's a lot of mods, but I've verified game files, reinstalled VP, made a modpack with only VP, and city states are still not spawning in multiplayer, I've tried changing the number of city states, and not touching any game options as well. I'm losing my mind hahaha.
I know that's a lot of mods, but I've verified game files, reinstalled VP, made a modpack with only VP, and city states are still not spawning in multiplayer, I've tried changing the number of city states, and not touching any game options as well. I'm losing my mind haha
Have you done the mapscript part of the guide?
Misc. Tweaks is always compatible with VP, being pure database changes.
Ok this thread is turning into a public archive of my stupidity. I've been using 43 Civ VP this whole time, standard VP works fine. I don't suppose there's a way to make 43 Civ VP work with multiplayer modpacks?
Ok this thread is turning into a public archive of my stupidity. I've been using 43 Civ VP this whole time, standard VP works fine. I don't suppose there's a way to make 43 Civ VP work with multiplayer modpacks?
Maybe there is a way but I do not want seeing 43 civs in a multiplayer game :')
Ok I am trying to make a modpack, but I'm stuck at the part where I need to load "MultiPlayer Modpack Maker (v 1)". I've only got "Multiplayer Mods Workaround (v. 1)" which is the 'file at the bottom of the first post" at that link, but it breaks the UI and makes the game literally unplayable (the corporations & monopolies menu opens at game start and refuses to close). I am using EUI.
Ok I am trying to make a modpack, but I'm stuck at the part where I need to load "MultiPlayer Modpack Maker (v 1)". I've only got "Multiplayer Mods Workaround (v. 1)" which is the 'file at the bottom of the first post" at that link, but it breaks the UI and makes the game literally unplayable (the corporations & monopolies menu opens at game start and refuses to close). I am using EUI.
That is normal, assuming you followed the instructions, you should be fine to proceed to run the "CreateMP()" command in Firetuner. If all goes right, you should see the "Done!" message, follow the rest of the instructions and restart Civ V, and go straight into multiplayer/singleplayer (no need to load mods again).
Ok I am trying to make a modpack, but I'm stuck at the part where I need to load "MultiPlayer Modpack Maker (v 1)". I've only got "Multiplayer Mods Workaround (v. 1)" which is the 'file at the bottom of the first post" at that link, but it breaks the UI and makes the game literally unplayable (the corporations & monopolies menu opens at game start and refuses to close). I am using EUI.
Thank you for the report, I will update the guide to make it clearer :)
UPDATE Language_en_US SET Text = 'Maximum [COLOR_POSITIVE_TEXT]3[ENDCOLOR] active Archaeologists per player at any one time. Archaeologists are a special subtype of Worker that are used to excavate Antiquity Sites to either create Landmark improvements or to extract [ICON_VP_ARTIFACT] Artifacts to fill in [ICON_GREAT_WORK] Great Work of Art slots in Museums, Palaces, Hermitages, and selected Wonders. Archaeologists may work in territory owned by any player. They are consumed once they complete an Archaeological Dig at an Antiquity Site. Archaeologists may not be purchased with [ICON_GOLD] Gold and may only be built in a City with a [COLOR_POSITIVE_TEXT]Public School[ENDCOLOR].' WHERE Tag = 'TXT_KEY_UNIT_HELP_ARCHAEOLOGIST';

=> V.P 3.8 changed Archelogist, need Museum. Is right?. But this code did not change.
I had allways deleted InGame.lua file in "Steam\steamapps\common\Sid Meier's Civilization V\Assets\DLC\MP_MODSPACK\Mods\Community Patch\Core Files\CoreLua\" when i have created MODPACK or it would crash my game. I can see you still have this file inside in modpack.
I had allways deleted InGame.lua file in "Steam\steamapps\common\Sid Meier's Civilization V\Assets\DLC\MP_MODSPACK\Mods\Community Patch\Core Files\CoreLua\" when i have created MODPACK or it would crash my game. I can see you still have this file inside in modpack.
I have cut/past the one available in "UI" folder to the "CoreLua" folder (so I have replacing the "bad one" by "the good one"). It also works this way, it is just more work. I have tested them quickly and the UI stuffs work fine :)
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Hi, I have updated the base modpack to 3.9.1 but I advice you to wait the next patch: It will have some multiplayer issues fixed :)
You can find modpacks for Vox Populi here!

Modpacks versions:​

VP Only modpack with EUI (recommended version): 3.9.1_VP-EUI.zip (Some CTDs can happen for non-host players. Load the last autosave generally fix the problem)

VP Only modpack with EUI (last updated version): 3.9.1_VP-EUI.zip

VP + ¾ UC (Link), Even More Resources for Vox Populi (Link) and supersettler* (from Link modified by Seroperson) with EUI: 3.9_VP-SSEM-EUI.zip (Some CTDs can happen for non-host players. Load the last autosave generally fix the problem)

*This modmod allows the first settler to move farther (4 moves here) and to see farther at turn 0. It helps finding a good spot and seeing if the map is good for everyone (really useful in multiplayer as setting-up a multiplayer game can take a lot of time if something like 5 turns is needed to assess if the map is fair or if a restart is needed).

Modpacks link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Sv2p7jq2TaZNqtuuVFf3bJc_bCPgIEW_?usp=sharing

Spoiler What is a modpack? :

What is a modpack?​

A modpack behaves like a “fake” expansion for the game. It will let you play with your mods without using the “Mod” menu on the main menu of the game. It will also let you use your mods in multiplayer.

Spoiler How to install a modpack: :

How to install a modpack:​

  • Search for the Civ's DLC folder. The path should be something like C:\...\Steam\steamapps\common\Sid Meier's Civilization V\Assets\DLC.
  • Delete your old modpack if you already have one.
  • Extract the downloaded .zip here. It should add “ZMP_MODPACK”, “VPUI”, “UI_bc1” to your DLC folder:View attachment 670372
  • Before the first launch of the game delete the Cache folder from here "Documents\my games\Civilization 5"
  • Now you don't need to use the mod menu from the game's main menu.
This installation needs to be done by every players in case of multiplayer game: the exact same modpack needs to be used on each PC.

Spoiler How to use VP fixed Map scripts/custom Map scripts using a modpack: :

How to use VP fixed Map scripts/custom Map scripts using a modpack:​

When you use a modpack the Map scripts need to be added inside the Assets\Maps folder, for every player in case of a Multiplayer game:
  • Create a save of this folder (if you want to recover vanilla map scripts in the future): C:\...\Steam\steamapps\common\Sid Meier's Civilization V\Assets\Maps
  • Copy the map scripts from here :
  • C:\...\Steam\steamapps\common\Sid Meier's Civilization V\Assets\DLC\MP_MODPACK\Mods\(2) Vox Populi\Mapscripts
  • To here:
  • C:\...\Steam\steamapps\common\Sid Meier's Civilization V\Assets\Maps
  • Copy all the map scripts you want to play in the same folder: C:\...\Steam\steamapps\common\Sid Meier's Civilization V\Assets\Maps
This installation is required for every player in case of multiplayer game: everyone needs to have the map script you will play inside their Sid Meier's Civilization V\Assets\Maps folder.

Spoiler How to uninstall a modpack: :

How to uninstall a modpack:​

  • Search for the Civ's DLC folder. The path should be something like C:\...\Steam\steamapps\common\Sid Meier's Civilization V\Assets\DLC.
  • Delete “ZMP_MODPACK”, “VPUI”, “UI_bc1”.
  • If you want to play at VP as a "normal mod" you need to install it normally.
  • Bring back your old "C:\...\Steam\steamapps\common\Sid Meier's Civilization V\Assets\Maps" folder to bring back Vanilla map scripts.
  • Before the first launch of the game after uninstalling the modpack, delete the Cache folder from here "Documents\my games\Civilization 5"

Spoiler How to report a Multiplayer problem on Github: :

How to report a Multiplayer problem on Github:​

Every player must have logging activated, here is the official guide to activate them:
  • Logs provide some useful information on AI decisions and other problems
  • Logging can be enabled in My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization V\config.ini
  • Set the following options to 1:
  • ValidateGameDatabase
  • LoggingEnabled
  • MessageLog
  • AILog
  • AIPerfLog
  • BuilderAILog
  • PlayerAndCityAILogSplit
  • Make sure to save your changes! Enabling logging only needs to be done once each time the game is installed.
  • The log files will now be written to My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization V\Logs
Every players must have autosaves activated:
  • Launch the game
  • Click on "Option"
  • In “GAME OPTIONS” Set 1 to “Turns Between Autosave” and 500 to “Max Autosaves Kept”.
After a Crash to desktop or after quitting the game each player needs to gather their logs from “My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization V\Logs” to another folder named with the last turn played and player pseudo (for example “Turn 144 Agiwan”). It is needed because most of the logs are erased when a game is loaded (even if it is the same game).

If problems “Desyncs, CTDs” are encountered, all logs and autosaves from each player must be gathered in a same archive. The autosaves can be found here: My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization V\Saves\multi\auto.
Create a report on VoxPopuli Github (https://github.com/LoneGazebo/Community-Patch-DLL/issues), do not forget to add a link to the modpacks used.

Spoiler How to create my own VP Modpack: :

How to create my own VP Modpack:​

This guide is mostly inspired by this one: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/mpmpm-multiplayer-mod-dlc-hack-updated.533238/

Some modmods are not compatible with Multiplayer (by using some Lua function like “math.random()” for example).
@seroperson advice:
"If you are compiling modpack for MP games, I don't recommend to add a lot of mods. There are many mods which are incompatible with MP: they may cause desyncs, crashes and so on. The less your modpack is, the more stable it is.
Personally I think the most dope combo is: VP, 3/4 UC, supersetttler, More Wonders, Even More Resources. Such combo is stable, tested and has a lot of content besides original VP."


Download the file at the bottom of the first post in this link and put it in your mods folder ("..\Documents\my games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS")
  • Install “Sid Meier's Civilization V SDK” using steam (free)
  • In the config.ini file in your "..\Documents\my games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5" folder change "EnableTuner = 0" by "EnableTuner = 1" then save the file.
  • Install the mods you want to include in your modpacks here "..\Documents\my games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS". If you install VP with EUI ensure that “VPUI” and “UI_bc1” are present in your DLC folder “C:\...\Steam\steamapps\common\Sid Meier's Civilization V\Assets\DLC”.
  • Delete your old modpack if you already have one in your DLC folder (keep“VPUI” and “UI_bc1” if you want to create a VP modpack with EUI).
  • Delete the cache folder from here "Documents\my games\Civilization 5"
Main Step:
  • Start Firetuner using “Sid Meier's Civilization V SDK”.
  • Start Civ 5.
  • In the Mods menu, load all desired mods, as well as "Multiplayer Mods Workaround (v. 1)" (which should be on the list)
  • Start a single player mod game with any settings.
  • Once game is loaded (the game will be unplayable: it is normal), switch to fire tuner. The active tab should be "Lua Console". Below the tab name, there is a dropdown menu. Select the MPMP_Maker from that list (should be one of the first, the name may be truncated but will start with "\Users\[yourName]\Documents").
  • Type CreateMP() into the command line at the bottom and press enter.
  • It will seem to be stuck on "\Users\USER\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\MultiPlayer Modpack Maker (v 1)\MPMP_Maker: Copying: Language_en_US". That is also normal.
  • Once civ 5 begins working again, and if there are no errors noted in firetuner, exit out of civ 5 entirely.
  • Your modpack has been created here: "\Steam\steamapps\common\sid meier's civilization v\Assets\DLC\MP_MODPACK".
  • Look inside the "\Steam\steamapps\common\sid meier's civilization v\Assets\DLC\MP_MODPACK\Mods" folder. If all your selected mods have been successfully copied you have nothing to do, if not (may occur on newest versions of Windows) you have to manually copy all of them from "Documents\my games\Civilization 5\MODS" (do not copy "Multiplayer Mods Workaround (v 1)" !) to "\Steam\steamapps\common\sid meier's civilization v\Assets\DLC\MP_MODPACK\Mods".
  • Navigate to "\Steam\steamapps\common\sid meier's civilization v\Assets\DLC\MP_MODPACK\Mods\(1) Community Patch\Core Files\CoreLua" and delete “InGame.lua” file.
  • Delete the cache folder from here "Documents\my games\Civilization 5"
  • Your modpack is ready to use. Create an archive with “MP_MODPACK”, “VPUI” and “UI_bc1” if you want to share it.

Spoiler How to prevent late game memory CTDs: :

How to prevent late game memory CTDs (as much as possible):​

Late game CTDs are mostly due to excessive memory usage (thanks to the 32 bits .exe…). You can lower some graphics to consume less memory. For solo play the most important is to set “Leader Scene Quality” to “Minimum”. Using standard or small maps also help. Really important: Turn off “yield icons” when you enter industrial era and for the rest of the game (every human player must do it!). If you prefer to use them try to not zoom-out a lot.

The higher your ingame resolution is, the more likely you will encounter late game memory relates CTDs.

Multiplayer VP is a work in progress:​

Even if lately the stability of VP multiplayer improved by a lot, there are still some issues (Desyncs, CTDs etc.). If you have problems please fill a report on Github.

Personal thanks to @seroperson for all his work for Vox Populi and particularly his work on the multiplayer. Thanks to @brutalz for his previous post that helped me to do this one.

Do not hesitate to share your own modpacks, with the VP version attached to it.

English is not my native language, do not hesitate to correct me ! :love:
I heard that one can play all 43 civs (hotseat mode) via the instructions in this post. Since I'm not a modder, and since I'm only looking to do one thing (be able to play all 43 civs without AI), I'd appreciate it if you could offer me a step-by-step guide on what to do or make a YouTube vid that showcases everything.

I heard that one can play all 43 civs (hotseat mode) via the instructions in this post. Since I'm not a modder, and since I'm only looking to do one thing (be able to play all 43 civs without AI), I'd appreciate it if you could offer me a step-by-step guide on what to do or make a YouTube vid that showcases everything.

I am sorry but I can't help you with 43 civs VP mod. I have never used it and I have no idea how it works. I hope someone can help you with it.
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