[Warlords] Modern Warfare Mod

Like I said, this mod is awesome, however I need you to start adding things other then units. I want you to add a Custom Music Soundtrack, and a Custom Background to make your mod look like it's different then the same. After you get that done, continue adding units and please develop a Future age where we obtain Future Weapons like Plasma Rifles and Advance Lazers, along with Advance Mech Warfare.

All of that is in the works. The next version will have a lot of more changes and units. The future age is also coming along OK, with some nice units (I think) getting worked out (Halo people will be pleased).

Glad you like it - As for it slowing down, I recommend you restart every once in a while. That generally helps things, at least for me (though my computer is pretty good, if I do say so). It might also help w/ your crash problem.
All of that is in the works. The next version will have a lot of more changes and units. The future age is also coming along OK, with some nice units (I think) getting worked out (Halo people will be pleased).

Glad you like it - As for it slowing down, I recommend you restart every once in a while. That generally helps things, at least for me (though my computer is pretty good, if I do say so). It might also help w/ your crash problem.

that's cool
Ah, okay, well you get the list just give it to me and I can write you out some summaries as I am good at digesting and reformulating large chunks of text. As always, that is a pie in the sky thing with my own mod. We shall see...
I got to tell you that your cannonier for the japanese race cause a CTD everytime you click and finish it, I tried it two times and it continue to do so...
I thought I fixed this problem in the latest patch. If you're not using version 1.05, please download it and use that one. If you are, well then I guess I have to go back and look into it.
i did... and i think i need to do it again.

My fault, for some reason I thought I'd fixed it before I released the patch, but actually it was after. A quick fix would be to open up the CIV4UnitInfos.XML file (Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Warlords\Mods\Modern Warfare\Assets\XML\Units), search for "UNIT_ASIANCANNON." Under the <Button> section paste this in as the new text:
This should hopefully fix the problem.

It should have also link to the icon in the unit atlas
Since warlords writing buttons for units and buildings this way:
causes game crashes

here's more about it
It should have also link to the icon in the unit atlas
Since warlords writing buttons for units and buildings this way:
causes game crashes

here's more about it

I think the problem in this case was that a comma was left right before the file directory, causing the game to try and reference the art atlas. Removing the comma solved the problem in the tests I did back then.
Ach i didn't tried this method with deleting coma :)
I originally had one set for this weekend, though that's definitely not going to happen. The scope of the next version has expanded so much, look for it in a month or so. Granted, with all that extra time you're going to be looking at a mod with every major cold war tank, modern tank, and APC/mechanized infantry vehicle in the world included. It'll also include massive python/sdk changes as well as a balanced unit scale (I think I found one) and different formations.
@ Snafusmith

For your next release, please note that the exact name of the French MBT is "Leclerc". One word, no k letter,...

Hian the Frog.
It's so beautiful with new skin - very good job :)
I think the problem in this case was that a comma was left right before the file directory, causing the game to try and reference the art atlas. Removing the comma solved the problem in the tests I did back then.

This is correct. That stupid little coma will screw everything up! :lol:

I ran into the same problem with buildings. It was driving me insane.


I don't know if it's been covered yet in this thread or not, but how about a Blackhawk helicopter and Predator UAV? Also what about a "modernized" Machine Gunner? Maybe a guy holding an M60 or an M2 on a tripod or something?
I don't know if it's been covered yet in this thread or not, but how about a Blackhawk helicopter and Predator UAV? Also what about a "modernized" Machine Gunner? Maybe a guy holding an M60 or an M2 on a tripod or something?

The blackhawk is going to be a future addition as the end to the upgrade line of the seaplane, and also as a mobile medic. I have plans for the predator, though I'm still not sure how it should be implemented in game. If you (or anyone) as any ideas, I'm open to them on how to use it. As for the machinegun idea, I'm just going to leave you with this:;)
As for the machinegun idea, I'm just going to leave you with this:;)

Sweet... :D

The blackhawk is going to be a future addition as the end to the upgrade line of the seaplane, and also as a mobile medic. I have plans for the predator, though I'm still not sure how it should be implemented in game. If you (or anyone) as any ideas, I'm open to them on how to use it.

Honestly, I'm not sure how you would use a UAV in the game? As some kind of aerial explorer unit, maybe?

Here's another one for ya... the Sea Shadow, or stealth ships?
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