[Warlords] Modern Warfare Mod

I hope decreasing the size of tanks, and increasing the size of pre-modern units is part of "scaling issues". Before the modern era it's really hard to see the units, like literally having to mouse over or zoom in to see what they are. And then once tanks are available they're bigger than my cities O_O. I see what youre trying to do but maybe this is a bit too drastic?

The ship scaling seems great, and i haven't really tried building any aircraft in my test game yet. :p
I hope decreasing the size of tanks, and increasing the size of pre-modern units is part of "scaling issues". Before the modern era it's really hard to see the units, like literally having to mouse over or zoom in to see what they are. And then once tanks are available they're bigger than my cities O_O. I see what youre trying to do but maybe this is a bit too drastic?

The ship scaling seems great, and i haven't really tried building any aircraft in my test game yet. :p

I'm trying to find the right balance between size and reality - As the game shipped the scales for figure (human) units and vehicles was very off (either the people where way to big or the tanks to small). I matched the people to the tanks because the tanks where already so large, which is why people came out so small. I've yet to find the right ballance so far. A goal is to adapt the regiments mod to this, so that would help w/ telling the unit apart. Until then, it's been tough going.

The same thing was true with the ships - early era galleys and frigates were huge compared to modern warships. Scaling them to match eachother has been difficult.

In all these cases I realize it's impossible to make things 100% acurate or make everyone happy. For now I'm going for the good enough, which is proving difficult in and of itself. Stay tuned though, I think the next version will fix a ton of issues that people have had.
i currently use your mod but have found another mod called "real epic" on page 2 of this forum which increases the game length.

how do i go about mergin the 2 together? there must be a way as im sure everyone doesnt just use 1 mod
A few issues that I have picked up when playing this MOD.

1) The M1917 early tank, has an issue with its death sound. When such a tank is destroyed, it plays a sound and generates an error stating that it can't open the death sound associated with this tank.

2) The Military Acadamies, in the recent patch, required Education to be built and it would appear that that is the case here, except it's not. You can build MA's regardless of whether you have researched Education or not.

3) The World Builder menu is flakey / unstable as the game progresses. Early on it opens up without a problem but as the game progresses in ages, it seems to get worse. My only thoughts on this is that it may be linked to some issues with units in the game as that is the very first screen that opens up in the World Builder. It doesn't give any error messsages, only dumps you to the desktop telling you that the program has preformed some kind of illegal operation or something like that.

4) I really enjoy the scaling of the units, despite some being tiny and difficult to see. I've had a few barbarian and AI ambushes sprung on me as I failed to see the units in the trees / jungles. Plus, the early boats look so very fragile in the bright blue wobbly thing.
1) The M1917 early tank, has an issue with its death sound. When such a tank is destroyed, it plays a sound and generates an error stating that it can't open the death sound associated with this tank.

I'll look into this. I haven't had problems in the past with it, so it's sorta surprising. Either way, it'll be fixed when patch 1.05 comes out this weekend.

2) The Military Acadamies, in the recent patch, required Education to be built and it would appear that that is the case here, except it's not. You can build MA's regardless of whether you have researched Education or not.

This is something that wasn't transfered over w/ the conversion to 2.08. I'll fix it for the next patch.

3) The World Builder menu is flakey / unstable as the game progresses. Early on it opens up without a problem but as the game progresses in ages, it seems to get worse. My only thoughts on this is that it may be linked to some issues with units in the game as that is the very first screen that opens up in the World Builder. It doesn't give any error messsages, only dumps you to the desktop telling you that the program has preformed some kind of illegal operation or something like that.

From what I know about the game, it's probably a lack of vertual memory towards the end of the game. I've never experienced this myself. I would say save the game, restart civ and try again. Because there's so much added (graphics wise), it can slow the game down towards the end. I don't know about the dumps.

4) I really enjoy the scaling of the units, despite some being tiny and difficult to see. I've had a few barbarian and AI ambushes sprung on me as I failed to see the units in the trees / jungles. Plus, the early boats look so very fragile in the bright blue wobbly thing.

Thanks! I like the unit size too right now, but will tweek it a little for specific units to make things easier. I really think the inclusion of the regiments mod will help a lot.

Thanks for the feedback! The mod has never been tested as much as I like. It was actually supposed to be released about now after a couple intensive weeks of testing. The demand from some key people influenced me to release it early, so the more feedback I get, the better!
Any plans on doing some flavour of the modern units for the US and the Soviet Union into a Modern Marine for both and a Modern Infantry for the USSR? It is just that the current one from memory is standard for both the USSR and the US and just doesn't look right for the USSR... I think perhaps a Modern Infantry in White Camoflague with a Brown Felt Hat would look perfect for Modern Infantry for the USSR... I also think the US Marine needs a US weapon such as an M-16 or some other US weapon... Any ideas on this?
Any plans on doing some flavour of the modern units for the US and the Soviet Union into a Modern Marine for both and a Modern Infantry for the USSR? It is just that the current one from memory is standard for both the USSR and the US and just doesn't look right for the USSR... I think perhaps a Modern Infantry in White Camoflague with a Brown Felt Hat would look perfect for Modern Infantry for the USSR... I also think the US Marine needs a US weapon such as an M-16 or some other US weapon... Any ideas on this?

Yes on all acounts. Now that I've got the armored units pretty much covered, I'm moving to do more sea/air/foot units. The patch after the one coming tonight will focus on air units. The one after that on foot. Sea will be mixed between the 2.
Great mod, the tanks and other armored stuff seemed to be alittle too big. But it is just a small thing (no pun intended), maybe if you made them alittle big smaller it would fit better (but I may be wrong).

I also would like to see a special force unit class, so the SEAL unit can replace the special force unit for the US, and so the US can have a Marine unit. I think I remember reading the US Marine Corps is bigger than most nations total armed forces.
snafusmith, when I got home tonight I downloaded the latest patch. I only pull the units out because I don't have Warlords yet, and I run my own mods generally.

I have to say - BRAVO! The word 'smith' in your name is very accurate, because you are indeed one of the top 'unitsmiths' for Civ4! The C47 Dakota is superb! Spinning props, none of the 'bright blue glass' that too many units are being made with.

I mention only the Dakota in detail, but all the units are very well done. Great job!

Thanks so much for this!
Air transports will be added in the next release, which brings up the question - Should airports still be able to transport units? Should aircraft/ships/land transports be the only way to move massive amounts of units? Ideas please!

I think Airports should still be able to transport units. What would make an air transport unit unique is to add an "Air Base" Improvement that workers can build. So this way you can set up Air Bases in remote areas of the game and the air transport units can fly in there, drop off troops, etc.

Also, how about the inclusion of a modern air transport plane? C-130? C-5? C-141?
Looking good, looking good. I hope to get a chance to find some weapons models that you may be able to use for creating infantry models. See, I think it would be good to have Soviet Marine, Soviet Modern Marine and Soviet Modern Infantry and US Modern Marine rather than have the Marine get sucked into the Modern Infantry realm. I think that infantry should stay as infantry as their primary purpose and Marines should stay a separate tree... This is just ideas I will put to MaxRiga, by the way...
this su25 looks so great, i will replace The Conquests su25 with urs when it will be out ... by the way, when will it be out? :)
p.s. so, how have u decide about transport planes? have u disabled airlift for airport?
( i don't have warlords, so, can't play ur mod )

The Su25 and Eurofighter (along w/ other new units and changes) will be out in a couple of weeks. In general w/ every 15 new units or so I'll create a patch to release them. I've dissabled the airlift capacity of airports as well. In the play testing I've done, it works fairly well (I'm still not sure how the AI uses it though).


I do plan to make a WW2 era marine and a more modern marine. I've already made a brand new (completely new) modern infantryman to replace the one currently available in the mod. I only plan to do a general version (the one I've made now), a US version, a European version (to represent Germany, France, Spain and Italy), a British version, an African version, and a Mid-east version. I have no current plans, nor do I plan to make a Russian version. The same goes for any marine version. Sorry.

I do agree that infantry and marines should stay separate, and they will be in Modern Warfare.
does anyone else use the visa mod? id love to be able to integrate the units from this mod into visa. any ideas how i could do this?
sweet mod, lots of work put in this but whats with the brits come on add them more units. like challanger tank or some kind of modern unit
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