Welcome New Members

Hi Everybody !

I'm a long time Civ player, hooked since Civ I really. Just recently found this site with the advent of Civ IV. Looks like a great site.

Mr Mike
I am from Western Australia and just started Civ with Civ IV. :) I found CivFanatics and its forum after I bought Civ IV due to excellent reviews, and I was wondering how to get the game to start with a Huge map when I choose it at the game start. :) I'll ask this in the Quick Questions thread but it was the main reason I looked for a forum as I really like epic sized maps. I quite enjoyed my first Civ IV game with Epic settings (Catherine: Russian Empire) until I realized to win the Epic map by the peaceful victory (Space Victory I think) it would have taken at least 60 more turns when I had quite a high research rate. =) I'm really looking forward to a Normal length Huge or Large map though. I'd like to thank Sid and the team for making such a great game :goodjob:, and I look forward to more great content from both fans and the developers. :) I may even get involved in some map or mod-making at some stage too. Btw: how do I put in my location in the User Control Panel?

Thanks in advance. :goodjob:

Best regards,
Western Wizard.
My name's SailorCallie and I've started playing Civilization with Civ2 for the PC. I eventually got Civ3 after playing Civ2 for a while which led me to purchase Civ2: ToT. I don't have Civ4 yet, but when I do, I'll play the game until the cows come home. :D

I've been downloading mods and maps for civ3 from the site for a couple of weeks and thought it was about time I registered. I returned to civ3 after a long absense when my copy of civ4 failed to work (problem since resolved). I must say I've been blown away by the quantity (and if the feedback is anything to go by) quality of the mods available, so much so that I've delayed insalling my new copy of civ4 on my main machine 'till I've played some of them over the Christmas holiday. First up will be the Anglo Saxon Britain mod (can't remember it's name at the mo). Always thought civ3 would convert well to this after playin mtw-vi
Great to join such a friendly and active community. Happy Crimbo !!
:lol: Hello!:lol:
My name is Sheep42. I am relatively new to the Civilisation series, but as soon as I saw Civ3 in a shop, I was hooked. From then on I played it as often as I could, and now I've got round to designing maps and scenarios. I am from England, and I live near Birmingham in a town called Bromsgrove. I hope I will get more time on Civfanatics, when I'm not playing Civ3. I have Civ3, all the expansion packs and Civ4.
I am very intriqued by the game. I usually play at Warlord level and start funding at 80%; however as the game develops, I run out of money early on and can never quite recover. I'm looking for ways, besides trading; that will allow me to get more money while still maintaining enough funding to stay out of the "stone age" so to speak. If someone can help me with this, I'd appreciate it much. Then maybe I can play a game above Warlord. Sincerely, Raptor:eek:
raptor777 said:
I am very intriqued by the game. I usually play at Warlord level and start funding at 80%; however as the game develops, I run out of money early on and can never quite recover. I'm looking for ways, besides trading; that will allow me to get more money while still maintaining enough funding to stay out of the "stone age" so to speak. If someone can help me with this, I'd appreciate it much. Then maybe I can play a game above Warlord. Sincerely, Raptor:eek:

Don't automate your workers- have them build lots of cottages instead. This will help with money. Also, open borders agreements with other civs help a lot, too.

Welcome to CFC!
Hey All,

I am new to the game and thouroughly enjoy it. I have just fixed the

bugs and am completely sucked in.
Hello everybody, I'm Jacktherabbit. I've known your website for years and increased my civ level and I'm glad to join your community today.

I'm an active member of Civfr.com the community of all french-speaking fans.

I used to play Civ since Civ#1 and I've never cured my civ addiction.
Heya Peeps, After being cured of my CIV disease, I was re-infected when I picked CIV4 this week..... DAMN! Oh well, glad to see there lots of changes, and a new AI and tech tree to climb...


I have been enjoying the forums for over a month now. I picked up Civ 4, my first civ game, and was just looking for information. I started out on warlord and, with the help of this forum, have been beeting a few games on monarch. Yesterday I just beat my first emp game using a Catherine/cottage spam strategy! I just wanted to thank everyone on here.
Hi all,
I'm new here and at civ iv. I just love the game:goodjob: But after a few days of play and many hours of reading forums, faqs and the like, I still have questins:sad: and will ask these in the appropriate thread:D .
I hope u'all enjoiy this game as much as i do.
hi all

been playin civ since civ II, love the new game and was wonderin how much practice yous wold recomend before trting online games :D
hey everyone, just introducing myself really quick. my name's jake, and i'm here so i have a place to look when i have technical issues with civ 4.
Hello all, I'm new :p That is, new around here. I've played every (true) version of Civilization since Civ 1 on my Amiga 500 - which totally rocked the PC version, btw ;D

Edit: I'm disappointed with the search functions of this forum. It seems (to me) impossible to search only the civilization 4 forums for instance - whenever I try to search for something specific I get dozens of Civ 3 hits. :|
Hey Everybody introducing myself the names Cotton_Eyed_Joe i like civ3 and civ4 Cya :):goodjob:
Hi. Im new member, i´m from iceland.
I played civ1 but didn´t like 2 & 3mbut got completely sucked in civ4.
Hello everyone! Just became a member of this web forum. Been reading it for a few weeks and it looked to be an awesome site. So, here I am :D

I've been playing Civ since Civ I, way back in the day. Loved Civ II. Tried Civ III, but didn't like it. Took too long to play. Now comes Civ IV and I'm back in the groove. Love this game.

Civ, along with the Master of Orion series, is one of my top 2 all time favorite games of strategy. Boy, does the time fly when you start taking on 2 other civs in battle. Glad this one has a clock timer :D

What I would like to get out of this forum is the answer to some questions and overall strategy at the higher levels. Just finished a low level game to get the feel of things and am now looking to move up the difficulty level.

One question. I remember in the earlier civ games, once you out grew the need for certain buildings, you could destroy them. Granaries come to mind. Once my towns hit 20+, I don't really need for them to grow OR pay maintenance fees for them. How do I destroy buildings in Civ IV?

Thanks for wading thru this long blog!! Hope to see some of you on-line!! (No, I haven't started that aspect yet).

yelt narb
Hello Everyone.

I found this site while looking for info on Civ3. Looking forward to getting a copy of Civ4. I came to Civ by way of the TOT. I picked up a copy of Civ2 & eventually Civ3.
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