Welcome New Members

New member here. I've been playing since way back in the Civ I days (I even tried some of the god-awful consul versions), but really got my start with Civ II. I've played some of the offshoots as well (Alpha Centauri, Call to Power). Love Civ V and am just getting back into it with Gods and Kings. I've lurked on the forums before but figured it was finally time to become a member.
Played Civ I and II when I was a kid. Just bought Civ V and Alpha Centaurai. Interested in becoming a more thoughtful player who understands the depth of the game rather than playing one of the easier settings and always going for a global military domination.
Hello all! I've been a long time visitor of the forum and decided to finally make an account. I played civ4 extensively, and I just got civ5 during the steam sale. Still trying to figure things out :p
Hello! Been stalking the forums for a while. Decided to finally create and account and post. xD
Same here - so hi and *wave*

Played - in a limited way - every version of Civ. Despite being a huge strategy gamer for many years I have never really got into them - even though I keep buying them :crazyeye:

Having said that, I recently reinstalled IV on my PC and tinkered - but didn't like the big unit stack thing. Then, having bought a newer PC recently I thought I might be able to run V decently so had a look at this site and reviews - the hexes and single unit stacks appealed.

So yes - bought it - and I actually love it and am playing a lot - 5th time lucky I guess :D
Hello all,

I bought civ4 in 2007 and played it "a little", too much but not that much. I used to play at marathon speed because I was afraid of building an obsolete army and wanted the "sword and bow" era to last more.

In october 2012, I discovered RFC historical civ4 mod, playing a civilization and then reading its real history with interest. Then after playing 2 or 3 civs, I came back to civ4 vanilla and tried to improve my skills (after all no reflexes are required).

So, I played civ4 again and read all the enlightening introductory courses from civfanatics, especially "Sisiutil's Strategy Guide for Beginners" and "Sulla's Civilization IV Walkthrough". Now I use the following settings: shuffle map, normal size, normal speed, random leader. Current difficulty: prince (not winning all the time, but comfortable enough to try monarch soon).

Today I submitted a "GOTM 85" game, just for fun, hence the registering.
My name is Ebonhand and I am working in Marine Archeology. www.highlandgeo.ca and we have a couple of wreck sites mapped and I am looking to help visualize some of the ships (HMS Russel and RM Giuseppe Garibaldi for instance). Anyway, it looks as though the gaming community and enthusiasts have done a lot of work in this field. I'll be lurking around to pick peoples brains. Thanks!
Hey guys, I've been lurking around the site for quite awhile anytime I need some inspiration before playing some Civ. Been playing since the original and Civ II stole a lot of my youth. That being said, I finally registered to start seeking out some guidance on Civ V and proper strategies. I'll be posting more in the appropriate forums, just wanted to say hey!
Welcome, y'all! :band:

@ebonhand: you really shouldn't drop your real name or company's website on fora, someone could use that against you. Not saying I am, I'm just warning you about the fact that with your name and location posted to the public, one can literally find out anything about you. Happy Civing and be careful out there!
Heyo, been lurking around here trying to pick up tips to beat my friends in Civ. Decided to make an account and say hi.
Hey, guys. Civ newb here. Started with Civ V vanilla. I liked the game so much that I bought most of the DLCs and the G&K expansion. I always check this website for new strategies, so it's time to register and say hi to the users here.
Hello, this is my very first post. It's very nice to meet you all. I have been playing Civilization since the very first one came out in the early 90's. I enjoy the larger scaled maps like Civ IV and tend to bore quickly with the smaller scaled maps like Civ V.
I am hoping Civ VI will be more like Civ IV than Civ V.
Do any of you know, already ?
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