What are Élodie/Kozlov/Daoming saying

English with some Bahasa Indonesia apparently. I wish I had the sound files so I could hear for myself, since my country is probably in Polystraya too.
It does create the amusing effect of making her go from being refined and polite when speaking French to being absolutely rude and exceedingly direct when using Italian sentences. "Siediti e parla" being the equivalent of demanding someone to "sit down and start talking" in English, "beviamoci sopra" being the equivalent of "let's get drunk and forget about this".

Should have been "sedetevi/si sieda (depending on which formal structure she wanted to use) e parliamone" and "un brindisi alla nostra intesa" to more properly convey her intentions.

Yes she may sound a little rude,but don't agree with second sentence comment."Beviamoci sopra" it's a common saying in Italy,not rude at all,it doesn't mean "let's get drunk" but just "Have a drink while talking",kinda of friendly sentence.
As with Civ5, there should be a thread listing all the lines of every leader, with English translations. This could be that thread, or someone could make another one, I dunno.

I'm interested to hear the other leaders' lines, Hutama's in particular, but I don't have the game yet and no one has uploaded videos of their dialog yet on Youtube, as has been done already with all Civ5 leaders.

Yeah im surprised that a video hasnt been made. If i knew how and my internet wasnt slow as it is i'd do it
Yeah im surprised that a video hasnt been made. If i knew how and my internet wasnt slow as it is i'd do it

Guess you could use FRAPS or something similar~ I would help with Daoming if anybody have videos hanging around. I don't actually have the game thus no access to the sound files. I am not sure the legality of sharing the sound files. If it is legal to share the sound bytes, then it will be easier definitely
SochuaAttacked: War is such a waste of time! (战争实在是浪费时间!) zhanzheng shizai shi langfei shijian!
SochuaDeclareWar: Darwin has said "the intelligence will survive!" (达尔文说过:智者生存!) daerwen shuoguo: zhizhe shengcun
SochuaDefeated: Our gunpowder has been drenched, our compass has been broken. (我们的火药已经湿透,指南针已经破损。) womende huoyao yijing horsehockyou, zhinanzhen yijing puosun
SochuaHateHello: What are you doing here? (你来干什么?) ni lai ganshenme?
SochuaHateLetsHearIt01: Out with it. (说出来。) shuochulai
SochuaHateLetsHearIt02: You are very annoying. (你真令人厌恶。) ni zhen lingren yanwu
SochuaHateLetsHearIt03: Write [me] a slip. (写个便条上来。) xie ge biantiao shanglai
SochuaHateNo01: Absolutely not! (绝不!) juebu
SochuaHateNo02: [You're] devious like a fox! (狡猾如狐!) jiaohua ru hu
SochuaHateNo03: Absolutely not!(绝对不是!)juedui bushi
SochuaHateYes01: If I must. (如果我必须。) ruguo wo bixu
SochuaHateYes02: Go back to work. (回去干活。) huiqu ganhuo
SochuaHateYes03: Spilled water cannot be taken back. (覆水难收。) fushui nan shou
SochuaIntro: PAC brings honor to [our] ancestors. (泛亚合作,光宗耀祖。) fanya hezuo, guangzongyaozu
SochuaNeutralHello: Hello. (你好。) nihao
SochuaNeutralLetsHearIt01: Be more precise. (准确一点。) zhunque yidian
SochuaNeutralLetsHearIt02: Report it [to me]. (报告上来。) baogao shanglai
SochuaNeutralLetsHearIt03: I'm listening (我在听着呢。) wo zai tingzhe ne
SochuaNeutralNo01: Suspicion leads to wisdom. (怀疑产生智慧。) huaiyi chansheng zhihui
SochuaNeutralNo02: I can't agree. (我不敢苟同。) wo bugan goutong
SochuaNeutralYes01: Learning is a treasure. (学习是个宝。) xuexi shi ge bao
SochuaNeutralYes02: Of course (当然。) dangran
SochuaNeutralYes03: No problem. (没问题。) meiwenti
SochuaPeaceful: Finally, we can go back to our research. (最后,我们可以回到我们的研究上。) zuihou, women keyi huidao womende yanjiu shang
SochuaRequest: Wisdom and wealth are the best things to share. (智慧和财富是最好的分享物。) zhihui he caifu shi zuihao de fenxiangwu
Can someone paste Rejinaldo's entries?

I am yet to play the game but, from the videos I've seen, it's a mixture of Portuguese and Spanish.

The thing is... the guy switches from a Spanish accent to a Portuguese one out of sudden. It didn't feel like a blend. The sentences are also impermeable to each other language. For example, the guy starts saying something like

"El pueblo amigo de Sud America dales las bienvenidas". Or something like that. "The friendly people of South America welcomes you".

Then, the video, something offers him a deal and he' like "los sentimos" - "we are sorry" in Spanish.

Then, out of sudden, the guy shouts a random "vamos falar" ("let's talk" in Portuguese, in Spanish it's "vamos hablar"). It's almost as if he the voice actor changed because he had this Portuguese accent.

I haven't heard any "Portunhol" - each sentence was in a different language. Portunhol is what a poor Spanish guy tries to do when he comes to Portugal and vice-versa. "Mira, amigo... uh... você... sabe... donde es el café para beber uno... copo... de água?"

Speaking of the guy's accent, he pronounced the "r" in the European/Southern Brazilian fashion. I couldn't even distinguish the actor's Brazilian accent - in fact it could be European Portuguese, from Portugal, to my hears. It was a too short of a sentence. So, does anyone have it?
Thought I'd resurrect this thread since I've got back into BE recently, and always liked hearing the different leaders speak their native languages as in Civ 5. Seems like the four major foreign language speaking sponsors have already been dealt with here, but even the other half who speak English most of the time have a few words and phrases in another language that I'd be interested to find out.

I've transcribed Suzanne Fielding's speech and translated the foreign language bits as best I can with my rudimentary knowledge of Spanish, will post below. Also Samatar Jama Barre's - worked out he speaks Somali and got lucky finding words and phrases on Google Translate/Omniglot/etc., still a few gaps though. For Hutama and Kavitha Thakur I wouldn't know where to begin with Indonesian or Hindi so I'll leave that for now.

I'm also kind of intrigued to see how the languages are dealt with for the new expansion leaders, what kind of Arabic Arshia Kishk speaks and how much Scandinavian there is in Duncan Hughes' speech, if any at all...
English, with occasional Spanish words and phrases

Intro: How may the Corporation serve you…?
Attacked: There is no profit in this for you.
Declare War: Entiende, it’s just…business. [Understand, …]
Defeated: *Sigh* …I’ll just add this to the debit sheet.
Hate Hello: I haven’t got all day.
Hate Hear It 01: Get on with it.
Hate Hear It 02: Put it in writing.
Hate Hear It 03: Contact our lawyers.
Hate No 01: Not this time.
Hate No 02: Are you kidding?
Hate No 03: No deal.
Hate Yes 01: …Against my better judgement.
Hate Yes 02: Pura especulación. [Pure speculation.]
Hate Yes 03: No hay otra. [There’s no alternative.]
Lose War: That was a bad investment.
Neutral Hello A: Hola. [Hello.]
Neutral Hello B: How can I help you?
Neutral Hear It 01: What’s the deal?
Neutral Hear It 02: Make an offer.
Neutral Hear It 03: What do you propose?
Neutral No 01: No offence, but no.
Neutral No 02: *Scoffs* Where’s the profit?
Neutral No 03: Imposible. [Impossible.]
Neutral Yes 01: We are agreed.
Neutral Yes 02: By all means, yes.
Neutral Yes 03: This looks fair.
Peaceful: Now, let’s get back to what’s important.
Request: As Adam Smith said, ‘Trade is the lifeblood of nations.’


Note: Not 100% about Hate Yes 02, may have misunderstood first word
English, with occasional Somali words and phrases

Intro: Is ka warran, the African people greet you! [Hello / How goes it, …]
Attacked: Must you bring old ways to our new home?
Declare War: Sadly, you stand in the way of our destiny!
Defeated: Our children cry, our leaders weep.
Hate Hello: What troubles you now, ilmo? […, child?]
Hate Hear It 01: (Aawi, uchacha?)*
Hate Hear It 02: Speak, little one.
Hate Hear It 03: You again?
Hate No 01: (Diisa?)*
Hate No 02: Absolutely not.
Hate No 03: Ignorance is blindness.
Hate Yes 01: Fine.
Hate Yes 02: If we must.
Hate Yes 03: Think before you do.
Neutral Hello: Soo dhowow! [Welcome! / Approach!]
Neutral Hear It 01: Speak, ilmo. […, child.]
Neutral Hear It 02: Fadlan, proceed! [Please, …]
Neutral Hear It 03: Come, sit and speak!
Neutral No 01: No, jiiraan. […, neighbour.]
Neutral No 02: Sorry, no.
Neutral No 03: (No win, no sdas?)*
Neutral Yes 01: Indeed, ilmo. […, child.]
Neutral Yes 02: (Wa w/raxaan?)*
Neutral Yes 03: Certainly.
Peaceful: Now let us all one village be.
Request: No village was ever ruined by trade.


Notes: Sections in red I have no idea about - transcribed what I think I'm hearing, apologies if I'm massacring the language...
Intro: El pueblo unido de Sudamerica le da la bienvenida (The united people of South America gives you welcome) - Entirely in Spanish
Neutral Hello: Que tenga um bom dia ([I hope you] Have a good day) - Half Spanish half Portuguese with Spanish accent
Neutral No: Los sentimos [?] (We're sorry) - Spanish
Neutral No: Desculpe, pero no (Sorry, but no) - Half Portuguese with Spanish accent half Spanish
Neutral Yes: Concedido (Granted) - Could be both, as the word exist in both languages. Based on the accent, Spanish.
Neutral Yes: Está bien (It's fine) - Spanish
Neutral Yes: Que así sea (So be it) - Spanish
Neutral Hello: Bienvenido (Welcome) - Spanish
Neutral Hear It: Diga o que quiera (Tell what you want) Portuguese with Spanish accent and only the last word in Spanish
Hate Hear It: Falar és fácil (It is easy to talk) - Almost entirely Portuguese with no accent, except for the "és"
Neutral Heart it: Vamos conversar (Let's talk) - All Portuguese
Request: Venga, volvámonos más ricos (Come, let us return richest[?]) - All Spanish
Peaceful: A união hace la fuersa (Unity makes strength[?]) - An awkward mix of Portuguese and Spanish, since, as it has been pointed out, both forms of articles are used in the same sentence.
Hate Hear It: Más palabras vacías? (More empty words?) - All Spanish
Hate No: No, tonto! (No, fool!) - A very Spanish sentence
Hate No: Nunca! (Never) - Could be both.
Hate No: Te atreves? (you dare?) - Spanish
Hate Yes: Supongo que deveria (I suppose I must) - Spanish
Hate Yes: No me molestes novamente (Don't bother me again) - Spanish
Hate No: Saia agora! (Get out now!) - Portuguese
Hate Heart It: Desembucha! (Spill it out!) - A very Portuguese sentence
???? Couldn't understand
Hate Yes E agora? (And now) - Portuguese
Attacked: Nosotros não recuamos, la vitória será nossa (We do not recoil. Victory will be ours) Mix of Portuguese and Spanish
Defeat: La derrota nunca és honorable (Defeat is never honorable) - Spanish
War: A melhor defesa és atacar! (The best defense is to attack) - Almost entirely Portuguese with no accent, except for the "és"


Now that's why I don't like Rejinaldo's lines. You can see that there is no unity of languages like it was suggested, just a weird predominance of Spanish (since Rejinaldo is supposed to be Brazilian) with a few words and sentences in Portuguese, most of them with heavy accent.
Here are Rejinaldo's lines:

Intro: El pueblo unido de Sudamerica le da la bienvenida (The united people of South America gives you welcome) - Entirely in Spanish
Neutral Hello: Que tenga um bom dia ([I hope you] Have a good day) - Half Spanish half Portuguese with Spanish accent
Neutral No: Los sentimos [?] (We're sorry) - Spanish
Neutral No: Desculpe, pero no (Sorry, but no) - Half Portuguese with Spanish accent half Spanish
Neutral Yes: Concedido (Granted) - Could be both, as the word exist in both languages. Based on the accent, Spanish.
Neutral Yes: Está bien (It's fine) - Spanish
Neutral Yes: Que así sea (So be it) - Spanish
Neutral Hello: Bienvenido (Welcome) - Spanish
Neutral Hear It: Diga o que quiera (Tell what you want) Portuguese with Spanish accent and only the last word in Spanish
Hate Hear It: Falar és fácil (It is easy to talk) - Almost entirely Portuguese with no accent, except for the "és"
Neutral Heart it: Vamos conversar (Let's talk) - All Portuguese
Request: Venga, volvámonos más ricos (Come, let us return richest[?]) - All Spanish
Peaceful: A união hace la fuersa (Unity makes strength[?]) - An awkward mix of Portuguese and Spanish, since, as it has been pointed out, both forms of articles are used in the same sentence.
Hate Hear It: Más palabras vacías? (More empty words?) - All Spanish
Hate No: No, tonto! (No, fool!) - A very Spanish sentence
Hate No: Nunca! (Never) - Could be both.
Hate No: Te atreves? (you dare?) - Spanish
Hate Yes: Supongo que deveria (I suppose I must) - Spanish
Hate Yes: No me molestes novamente (Don't bother me again) - Spanish
Hate No: Saia agora! (Get out now!) - Portuguese
Hate Heart It: Desembucha! (Spill it out!) - A very Portuguese sentence
???? Couldn't understand
Hate Yes E agora? (And now) - Portuguese
Attacked: Nosotros não recuamos, la vitória será nossa (We do not recoil. Victory will be ours) Mix of Portuguese and Spanish
Defeat: La derrota nunca és honorable (Defeat is never honorable) - Spanish
War: A melhor defesa és atacar! (The best defense is to attack) - Almost entirely Portuguese with no accent, except for the "és"


Now that's why I don't like Rejinaldo's lines. You can see that there is no unity of languages like it was suggested, just a weird predominance of Spanish (since Rejinaldo is supposed to be Brazilian) with a few words and sentences in Portuguese, most of them with heavy accent.

Intro: Während wir gemeinsam voranschreiten, werden die, die unsere Vision teilen, einen hartnäckigen Verbündeten finden. (As we advance together, those that share our vision shall find [in us] a tenacious ally.)
Attacked: Deine veralteten Ansichten werden dein Untergang sein! (Your archaic views will be your downfall!)
Declare War: Diese Welt muss voranschreiten – ohne dich. (This world must advance – without you.)
Defeated: Die Werte unseres Bündnisses werden deinen größten Krieger überleben. (The values of our Alliance will outlive your greatest warrior.)
Hate Hello: Meine Zeit ist kostbar. Deine nicht? (My time is precious. Isn’t yours?)
Hate Hear It 01: Deine Feindseligkeit wird nicht vergessen werden. (Your animosity will not be forgotten.)
Hate Hear It 02: Hoffst du mich zu verärgern? (Are you trying to annoy me?)
Hate Hear It 03: Bald reißt mir der Geduldsfaden! (My patience is wearing thin!)
Hate No 01: Du kennst wohl unsere Prinzipien nicht. (You’re clearly not familiar with our principles.)
Hate No 02: Ich empfinde dein Ton als respektlos. (I find your tone to be lacking in respect.)
Hate No 03: Wir sind zu weit gekommen, um jetzt kurzsichtig zu handeln. (We’ve come too far to now be short-sighted in our negotiations.)
Hate Yes 01: Der Preis für Integrität ist oft ein Kompromiss. (The price for integrity is often a compromise.)
Hate Yes 02: Wir müssen oft unangenehme Entscheidungen treffen. (We often must make unpleasant decisions.)
Hate Yes 03: Trotz deiner abscheulichen Ansichten müssen wir dein Angebot annehmen. (In spite of your abhorrent views, we have to accept your offer.)
Neutral Hello: Geht es dir gut? (Are you well?)
Neutral Hear It 01: Was genau schlägst du also vor? (What exactly are you proposing, then?)
Neutral Hear It 02: Was schlägst du vor? (What do you propose?)
Neutral Hear It 03: Lass uns also reden. (Let’s talk.)
Neutral No 01: Warum sollte ich das tun? (Why should I do that?)
Neutral No 02: …Und inwiefern wäre das vorteilhaft für das Bündnis? (…And in what way would that benefit the Alliance?)
Neutral No 03: Du beleidigst alles, wofür unser Bündnis steht. (You’re insulting everything that our Alliance stands for.)
Neutral Yes 01: Das genügt. (That’ll suffice.)
Neutral Yes 02: Es ist also beschlossen. (So, that’s settled.)
Neutral Yes 03: Mm-hm, dies bringt uns unserer Sache näher. (Mm-hm, this brings us closer to our cause.)
Peaceful: Wer impulsive Entscheidungen trifft, ist oft am Ende enttäuscht. (Those who make impulsive decisions often end up disappointed.)
Request: Wir verfolgen viele Ziele. Vielleicht kannst du sie noch weiter voranbringen? (We are pursuing many goals. Perhaps you can bring us a step closer to them?)



Request line translated somewhat liberally, literally more like 'perhaps you can bring the goals even closer'.
'Bündnis' could be translated as 'Alliance', 'Federation', 'Confederation'...not exactly sure what INTEGR is other than the I for 'Initiative'.
Ebner uses informal 'du' rather than formal 'Sie', which again seems oddly personal for this kind of leader-to-leader negotiation context.

Thanks to Martin K for correction in Hate No 01.
English, with strong Scottish accent

Intro: We’ve all come a long way. I welcome you on behalf of the North Sea Alliance.
Attacked: Don’t push your luck.
Declare War: I’ve weighed our options…and there is no option.
Defeated: We’ve scraped our knuckles before.
Hate Hello: Do we have a problem?
Hate Hear It 01: Huh, you again, eh?
Hate Hear It 02: Get on with it.
Hate Hear It 03: Gutsy, I’ll give you that!
Hate No 01: Ah, I’m in no mood for your games.
Hate No 02: Watch your mouth.
Hate No 03: I’m getting tired of you.
Hate Yes 01: Ach, I’m not happy about it.
Hate Yes 02: You’ve got me by the…
Hate Yes 03: Not much choice, is there?
Neutral Hello: Hello there.
Neutral Hear It 01: Okay, what’ve you got?
Neutral Hear It 02: Do we have business together?
Neutral Hear It 03: What’s this about now?
Neutral No 01: Unlikely, at best.
Neutral No 02: I don’t think so.
Neutral No 03: Not this time.
Neutral Yes 01: Agreed.
Neutral Yes 02: That’s grand.
Neutral Yes 03: Why not?
Peaceful: Maybe now we can get some work done.
Request: I’m open to the possibilities.


Notes: Hate Yes 02 seems to cut off towards the end, probably intentional though. ;)
A few notes on listening to the new leaders, or at least the three I can understand (I've only met Duncan Hughes in game so far, and have yet to see how a lot of the speech matches up with the animations.)

As far I can work out, they've dropped the whole mixed/multiple languages thing and stuck to a single language for each (Lena speaks pure German, Duncan's all English, listening to Arshia it sounds like it's all plain Arabic). While it's made it all easier to translate, I was hoping there'd be an odd word or phrase that indicated the multiple territorites covered by each faction (similar to Rejinaldo's unusual mix of Brazilian Portuguese and Latin American Spanish, or Élodie's occasional phrases in Spanish and Italian alongside her French). Guess they must have thought it wasn't worth the effort this time round.

Lena uses an informal 'you' ('du') rather than the more formal 'Sie' which is probably more appropriate in this context. I seem to remember they've made that odd choice before for some leaders in Civ 5, Napoleon for example uses 'tu' rather than 'vous' and Catherine 'ты' rather than 'вы'.

Some of Duncan's 'Hate' lines bizarrely sound quite happy to me, even when he exclaims 'I'm not happy about it'. Guess I was expecting him to sound like more of a raging Scotsman. ;)

I'll have a go at translating Arshia now with my limited Arabic, wouldn't know where to start with Han Jae Moon though. If someone here can translate Korean, I'd be interested to know what his speech is like...
Polite Korean, with some weird accent or word or grammar.

Intro: 이렇게 방문해주시니 영광입니다. 세심한 배려로 모두 번영할 것입니다. It's an honor to meet you. With consideration, everyone will prosper.
Attacked: 정말 어리석은 짓이군요. Such a stupidity.
Declare War: 어려운 결정이지만, 못 할 이유는 없습니다. It was hard to decide, but it's nothing that (I/We) can't.
Defeated: 겸손은 패배를 통해 배우는 법이지요. You learn humility from the defeat.
Hate Hello: 어떤 논의를 한다 해도, 소용 없습니다. No further discussion will be fruitful.
Hate Hear It 01: 이미 많은 시간을 허비했는데도, 여전하시군요. With much time watsed, you still don't change.
Hate Hear It 02: 하실 말씀이 있다면, 하고 넘어가시지요. If you have something to tell, go ahead.
Hate Hear It 03: 계속 고집한다면, 그건 그저 약점으로 보일 뿐입니다. If you keep on insisting, it's just your weakness.
Hate No 01: 당신은, 우리도 파멸의 길로 빠져들게 할 셈인가요? Are you trying to doom us too?
Hate No 02: 당신이 이 세상을 바라보는 관점은 정말 의심스럽네요. Your point of view about this world is quite questionable.
Hate No 03: 많은 사람들이 그런 말에 현혹되어 잘못된 길을 걸었습니다! Many people chose wrong path being blinded with those words.
Hate Yes 01: 우리의 거래는 종종 제 인내심을 시험하는 것 같습니다. Our deals test my patience.
Hate Yes 02: 우리는 어려운데, 당신만 득을 보는군요. We habe hardships, yet you make gains.
Hate Yes 03: 걱정은 되지만, 수락하겠습니다. I am worried, but I'll take it.
Neutral Hello: 제가 도와드릴 일이 있습니까? May I help you?
Neutral Hear It 01: 말씀하시지요. Go ahead, please.
Neutral Hear It 02: 생각을 함께 나눠봅시다. Let's exchange our ideas.
Neutral Hear It 03: 제안하실 것이 있다면, 말씀하세요. If you have something to propose, please tell me.
Neutral No 01: 충분히 고려해봤지만, 역시 안되겠습니다. I gave it thought, but still it can't be.
Neutral No 02: 그건 어렵습니다. That's hard to accept.
Neutral No 03: 제 국민들은 결코 찬성하지 않을 것입니다. Our people won't accept it.
Neutral Yes 01: 미흡하지만, 이 정도면 될 것 같네요. It's not good enough, but it's ok.
Neutral Yes 02: 그런 조건이라면, 좋습니다. With that condition, yes.
Neutral Yes 03: 모두에게 평등한 결과입니다. It's fair to all.
Peaceful: 우리는 다시는 이런 일이 일어나지 않도록 반성해야 합니다. We should reflect on this so we don't do this again.
Request: 저와 협력하신다면, 큰 힘이 될 것입니다.


In Korean omission of subject or object is common.
Particulary strange phrases - Intro, Hate Hear It 03, Request
I really like the voice acting because of the evolution (and combining) of language. Kozlov being voiced by a native Polish speaker reading mostly Russian words makes a type of sense for space USSR. Fielding throwing in Spanish every now and then fits the region and her backstory (African-American father and Mexican-American mother). One thing that doesn't make sense is what does Kavitha mean when making requests? When she usually speaks English with a similar accent as the English-language narrator, "e koreg guiaro jotaje" if I use Spanish phonetics or "Eh core-egg giaro hota-hay" if I use English phonetics makes no sense so I assume it is a phrase spoken somewhere in the Central Asian region (Persia to India region). Seeing as English is just a colonial language it makes sense that she would use phrases in some of the languages of the region but seeing as there are over 2 dozen languages in that region, I would like to know what they mean.

Anyway, Elodie being voiced by a native French speaker with dialog in a combination of French, Italian, and Spanish (the languages of love) sounds good--despite never wanting to play as Elodie and making snide remarks behind her back when she is rude to Dr. Sochua, or whomever I play as. I find Italian the most beautiful language, Mexican Spanish the crudest of the Romance languages (maybe because I'm Mexican-American and my family is from the poor areas of Guadalajara and Mexico DF, and most of the native Spanish speakers I know also speak that urban argot-heavy Spanish with American English loanwords like jardín), and French to be snobby, unpronounceable and difficult to understand. Really, if I could choose to live in any of the future civilizations, I would prefer to be a Franco-Iberian scientist working on the early stages of the research for the seeding (in Post-Mistake Earth) or a Purity/Supremacy Franco-Iberian scientist (working at an institute in a major coastal city) in the mid-game.

Rejinaldo speaking a mixture of Portuguese and Spanish with a seemingly south-American accent and militaristic demeanor is a perfect fit. However, his predominance of lines in Spanish suggests that Brazil had already taken as much land from South American neighbors and probably even Central American Neighbors that there would be no independent governments in South America or southern-central America, meaning that the mod that adds Abya Yala and Nuevos Aires cannot be fit into CivBE's reality.

EDIT: Nuevo Aires mod's backstory says that they rebelled after the initial seeding and took Brasilia's space ship parts.
Thanks for posting Han Jae Moon's Korean, ggmoyang! =)

Azem.Ocram, I agree, the mix of accents/dialects and 'evolution' of the languages really helped add to the backstory of it all, and gave more of an idea of how each of the factions had developed. Which is why I was disappointed they haven't done it again in this one. Still, nice to hear they're still bringing in foreign language voice actors to give each leader and faction that bit more personality.

As mentioned above I'd really like to know what Kavitha's request line is as well, and all the other non-English lines spoken by her/Hutama/Barre. Unfortunately I wouldn't know where to start with those languages, I gave Somali a go but didn't get very far with it...

Taken me a while but I've done my best to translate Arshia, will post below. There's some things I still can't work out and I may have mistranslated other things anyway, but on the whole it should give a better idea of what she's saying. I'll come back and have another go at it when I'm less busy, or hopefully someone who has a better knowledge of Arabic than me can help me fill in the gaps!
Standard Arabic

Intro: شعب وأرض الفلاح يحييكم باسم السلام / sha‘b wa-‘ard il-Falah yuhayyikum bismil-salaam. (The people and the land of Al-Falah greet you in the name of peace.)
Attacked: لم نكن *** القتل, ولكننا سنفعل / lam nakun [nanw] il-qital, wa-lakinnana sanaf’al. (We are not *** to/of fighting, but this we shall do.)
Declare War: الاتحاد قوة / al-ittihadu quwwa! (Unity is strength!)
Defeated: إن غدا لناظره قريب / ’inna ghadan linazirhi qarib. (Tomorrow is another day.)
Hate Hello: ليس لديك / laisa laday[ok tuluudayeha]. ([You] do not have ***.)
Hate Hear It 01: أنت, مرة أخرى؟ / ant, marratan ’ukra? (You, again?)
Hate Hear It 02: تكلم, أو ارحل / takallam, ’aw irhal. (Speak, or get out.)
Hate Hear It 03: تكلم باختصار / takallam bikhtisar. (Keep it short.)
Hate No 01: كل ميزة(؟) ***ك, كل كلامك/ kulla maza dhadiker-uk, kolla kalamuk. (All the [advantages]? *** of yours, all your words.) (?)
Hate No 02: الكلام بلا تفكير يسبب مشاكل / al-kalamu bila tafkir yusabbibu mashakil. (Speaking without thinking causes problems.)
Hate No 03: ليس لدينا وقت لك ولا لمحاضراتك / laysa ladayna waqtun lak wala li muhaduratik. (We don’t have time for you or your lectures.)
Hate Yes 01: ليس لدي خيار / laysa laday khiar. (I don’t have a choice.)
Hate Yes 02: مررت بصفقات أسوأ / marartu bi safaqatin ‘aswa’. (I have got by with worse deals.)
Hate Yes 03: ستنجح إذا عملت بالسوق السوداء / satanjahu ‘idha ‘amilta bis-suq as-sawda‘. (You’d do well if you worked in the black market.)
Neutral Hello: السلام عليكم / as-salamu alaykum. (Peace be upon you.)
Neutral Hear It 01: أنا منصتة / ana munsita. (I’m listening.)
Neutral Hear It 02: لنكمل (؟)/ linukmil. (?) ( *** )
Neutral Hear It 03: كلي آذان صاغية / kulli adhanun saghiyya. (I’m all ears.)
Neutral No 01: هذا التصرف ليس حكيم / hadha at-tasurrufu laysa hakimin. (It would be unwise to pursue this course of action.)
Neutral No 02: لا آذن هذا / leh adhanu hadha. (I’m not allowing this.)
Neutral No 03: ومن ميزة في ذلك؟ / wa man mayzatu fi delik? (And who has the adavantage in that?) (?)
Neutral Yes 01: أنا أوافق / ‘ana ‘uwafaq. (I am agreed.)
Neutral Yes 02: هذا جيد / hadha jayyid. (This is fine.)
Neutral Yes 03: أوافق على شروطك / ‘uwafiqu ‘ala shurutik. (I agree with your conditions.)
Peaceful: أتمنى أن تكون هذه آخر الحروب / atamanna an takuna hadahi akhir il-hurub. (I hope that this is the end of [all] wars.)
Request: لدينا بعض الخبرة في التجارة / ladayna ba’d ul-khibrati fi tijara. (We have some experience in trading.)



Lines in red I'm uncertain about.

Haven't used any particular system of transliteration from the Arabic into the Latin script - used the transliteration given on Wiktionary if there was one, with a few minor adjustments (took out diacritics, ذ becoming dh, ش = sh etc.)

Declare War – May have mistranslated this one, it seems an odd phrase to declare war with…

Defeated – Proverb, difficult to translate. Along the lines of ‘Tomorrow is close if you wait for it.’

Hate No 3 – Unsure about ‘muhadurat(ik)’ / ‘(your) lectures/discourse’. D sounds more like a T, could have mistranslated.

Neutral Hear It 02 – Unsure about this one, believe it’s from the root ك-م-ل meaning ‘complete’, so something like ‘Let’s procced/go on/get this over with’. But the voweling doesn’t make sense to me here.

Neutral No 1 – Lit. This action/behaviour/conduct is not wise.

Neutral No 3 – The grammar in this one doesn’t make sense to me so I’m sure I’ve misinterpreted it, but I’m fairly certain it’s along the lines of ‘Where’s the advantage?’


Hate No 01: Du kennst wohl unserer Prinzip je nicht. (You’re clearly not familiar with our principles.)


Notes: Could be wrong about the 'je' in Hate No 01.


I think you're wrong on that one - She simply says "Du kennst wohl unsere Prinzipien nicht." Your translation is correct, but it's not "unserer Prinzip je" - it's just the plural form "unsere Prinzipien"
I think you're wrong on that one - She simply says "Du kennst wohl unsere Prinzipien nicht." Your translation is correct, but it's not "unserer Prinzip je" - it's just the plural form "unsere Prinzipien"

Thanks, that makes much more sense than what I put down. Amended! :)
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