What are the Best Horse Sizes in Game


Dedicated to Excellence
Nov 14, 2001
Greetings all

I am looking for feedback concerning general Horse Sizes for our Games and MODs.

There have been many sizes made and of course the general small size Horses used in the Civ Game that many have tried to stay in keeping with.

The Main problem I have seen is proportions concerning not only the Horse but the Riders on them. IF the Horses are to be a small size as in the Civ Game then the Riders must also be small. This causes a graphical problem when a Ground unit meets a Unit riding a horse. The Rider is much smaller than the Ground unit and appears far too small.

Our Games have many differently sized Unit mainly out of necessity because we wanted or needed the Units to fill a slot and I believe that is OK if there is not an extreme difference.

I am making a Mounted Marshal Unit and looking for a "Happy Medium" size that people can use. IF anyone has the Marshal Unit and then also uses the Mounted Marshal I am making, the size difference between the two is a problem when they meet... for me anyway :lol:

If I keep the Marshal Rider the same size as the Previous Marshal Unit, the Horse would have to be twice as large as the general Civ Horses to keep all in proportion.

Naturally, I would like to have the New Unit the best size for people who already use many other Horse units in their MODs.

The only thing I know to do is to make the Mounted Marshal rider a little smaller than the Marshal Unit and the Horse will still need to be a little larger than the general CIV Horses.

Examples: Civ Cavalry, Mounted Marshal Frame Sizes 130, 140, 145, 160
The Marshal Unit is below the Top Horses. The 160 Frame Size has the same size Marshal as the Rider. Bottom three are the Civ Cavalry and Mounted Marshal frame size 145 and US Cavalry I believe by Imperator.

So far I will use the 145 Frame Size (Underlined in Green) as a "Happy Medium" unless many others would prefer a different size.

Anyone have any thoughts or preferred size examples?


  • HorseSizes.png
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I think the 130 looks close to the size of the civ3 cavalry, though it seems a little smaller. But the 140 looks like the best size in my opinion.
The U.S. Cavalry in the picture looks like it's Top Gun's not imperator's. Although the larger size doesn't mesh as well with horse units done by Firaxis, Sandris, Balam-agab, etc., I do like the slightly larger size that imperator uses, which would be closer to the 145 or 150 size. Additionally, if you end up using any of his Wild West or Civil War Units it would look better, imho.
Laurana Kanan... Yes Using many Horse Units and think the 145 Frame Size would work Best.

The 130 Matches the Civ Horses best (it appears smaller due the the Black Horse but it is larger) and I would really prefer to use the 160 Size to stay in proportions to the Original Marshal but I would also like others to be able to use the Unit so I suppose the 145 Size is so far the "Happy Medium".
The 145 is most similar to Imperator's horse units, which I am using in industrial era. 130 looks a smidgen larger than Sandris horses.
MeteorPunch... I agree that the 130 size would be closer to both the CIV and Sandris horses but the "Happy Medium" for the horses that exist as well as really preferring the Riders be the same size as their Foot Unit type, The 145 size seems to be the way to go.

IF some Units are a little larger or smaller, they can fit in OK.
There is no absolute size to use... We can only use the CIV Game and other Units that have been made and used as a Reference.

In any case, there are many different sizes to Horses :)
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