What civ will NEVER NEVER NEVER be in civ?

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Yep!! That's the thing!! ;)

But I mean. Most of great history comes from Europe and Asia. So why not just give it credit.

Or just implement a cool civ creation tool so I can mod away.
Well, I'm sure such a tool is implemented, but I must admit, I am rather shocked at the idea that most of the great history comes from Europe or Asia. What is Africa? The Americas? Oceania? (Well ok, Oceania dosen't really measure up to the other two, but still...).
Of course there was history there. But I'm talking about massive history, great leaders. Generally Europe and Asia are on top. With no disregard of the other continents. But these two were where most of the things happened. You got to agree. (do people allways have to pick up on every little thing in these forums)
Well, this discussion is based on written history.
A civ that has a spoken history that is more or less lost in modern times is no less advanced than a civ that favours writing. I guarantee you this, it is just that civs with a written history are easier to study.

And on the Oceania thing, fair enough - but indigenous populations of Maoris, Kooris and Papuans would still be a good civ to add later. But on a world map game, I will be the first to colonise Australia!
Any aboriginal civilization from North America who don't fit the images put forward by popular culture will not likely be in Civ 4 or beyond. If it doesn't have a headress or hunt buffalo, then it probably won't be on there. Which is somewhat disappointing, since the potential of some of them -- like those of the Pacific Northwest -- might have made for an interesting addition.

I do appreciate the Haida mod, though.

- Rep.
the velox, spemin, dweenle, elowan, thrynn, uhlek

or alternately

Arilou Lalee'lay, Androsynth, Chenjesu, Chmmr, K'tang Kaktorri,
Ur-Quan Kohr-Ah (pre-split), Mycon and of course Pkunk (Spathi optional - theyll be introduced when Canada is).
Well, my civ (country) was in before (Scandinavia/Vikings equals Swedes).
But it's not going 2 be in civ4 (plain version) :sad:

Just to force us poor Swedes 2 buy the expansion ;)

Perhaps they should leave out the civs all togheter in the plain version,
and add an expansion for each and every civ. :crazyeye:

There would be alot of expansion sales :rolleyes:
Oompa Loompas from Oompa Loompa Land will never be in civ.

Which is a shame because it means we will never get to use thier special unit, the Horned Swaggler.


Vitor Shen said:
Yep!! That's the thing!! ;)

But I mean. Most of great history comes from Europe and Asia. So why not just give it credit.

Or just implement a cool civ creation tool so I can mod away.
NOOOOO!!!! Most of great history WE KNOW comes from Europe + USA + Asia.
Vitor Shen said:
This would be perfect for America. To start of as indeginous indians, then native Americans, (then the british came)and creates the Confederacy and the United States... Sorry I'm don't know very well American History. But you get what I'm saying.

Maybe for Civ V no? ;)

After the British and other Europeans came was colonial America (with plenty of indigenous presence), then the Unites States. The Confederacy was the bloc that seceded in the 19th century (a move that resulted in the American Civil War).

I don't know how it would be workable in Civ V or whatever. Not all of the Civilizations, even among the ones that have been used so far, have such a history. China can be called Cathay or the Middle Kingdom (it's still called the latter in its own language) or some such, and maybe the Russians can be called the Rus in the early game. Perhaps someone with more knowledge of world-history can think of more?
Vitor Shen said:
This would be perfect for America. To start of as indeginous indians, then native Americans, (then the british came)and creates the Confederacy and the United States... Sorry I'm don't know very well American History. But you get what I'm saying.

Maybe for Civ V no? ;)

Which confederacy if you talk about the Deep South confederacy then they are after the united states, but quickly disaper (union crushes). but if you talk about the origional confederacy that were laid down origonaly before the constitution then that is not worth implimenting for it was always on the break of civil war and had no power.

any way untill dec. 7 1941 america was mostly isolationist, towrds europe, not wanting to get in the affairs and the wars of europe. only intervining in 1918 to end the first world war. but beside that we were an regonal power up untill then( when we joined WW2 we were like in the top 30 in army strenght and top five naval strength[ we had to control the pacific])

So that is how we gained militaraly power (idiots guide) cultraly and econmicly we were pretty strong up untill the great depression, (jazz, rap, rock, you can thank us for that)
cemsity said:
its prague :cry: :cry: where has all the people who know geography

Ooo! Ooo! Ooo! I know geography!
breogan said:
As one of the most unknown countrys in the world i think galicians will never never never be in civ :rolleyes: :D

Galicians have never been a country or a kingdom. Neither the Basques or Catalans. We, the Navarres were, on the other side.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
cemsity said:
Which confederacy if you talk about the Deep South confederacy then they are after the united states, but quickly disaper (union crushes). but if you talk about the origional confederacy that were laid down origonaly before the constitution then that is not worth implimenting for it was always on the break of civil war and had no power.

any way untill dec. 7 1941 america was mostly isolationist, towrds europe, not wanting to get in the affairs and the wars of europe. only intervining in 1918 to end the first world war. but beside that we were an regonal power up untill then( when we joined WW2 we were like in the top 30 in army strenght and top five naval strength[ we had to control the pacific])

So that is how we gained militaraly power (idiots guide) cultraly and econmicly we were pretty strong up untill the great depression, (jazz, rap, rock, you can thank us for that)

Thank you gfor the explanation. And I was talking about the confederacy power that you normally see in movies.

And ho yes. I can sure thank America for Rock, Rap and Jazz. Best thing that came out from that country. And it's also amazing how all of these came from "black" culture.
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