What Civs/Leaders do you Want in Civ VI?


Jul 12, 2016
I'm curious, what civs and leaders do you want to see in VI? I'm not asking for guesses of what ones are most likely, or anything about the ones revealed (unless you're suggesting an alternate leader.) Just what ones do you want? And you can talk about them a bit if you want, especially if they're little known civilizations.

My list in no particular order is this.

Carthage. Leader Hannibal Barka.

Prussia (not Germany). Leader Otto Von Bismark.

The Hittites. Leader, Mursili II.
The Hittites are a fairly little known civilization in the Middle East but in ancient times they were a power to rival Egypt at it's peak. They unlocked the secrets of iron working while still in the Bronze Age, and were recorded to have sacked Babylon for it's riches. They actually appear in Civ V's Scenario "Wonders Of The Ancient World" though using the usurper Muwatalli as it's leader!... I know too much about this obscure civilization in the ancient Middle East I know.

The Kush (Nubia). Leader, Pharaoh/King Piye.
I just like Nubia, and King Piye invaded and took over Egypt.

The Greek City States. I'd like to see it not be "Greece" but "Athens", "Sparta", "Macedonia", "Rhodes", "Phoenicia" etc. etc. Ok, not that many, but 2 or 3 would be nice. They were very, very different. from each other.

Ancient Israel. Leader, Solomon.
I put the emphasis on -ancient- to not touch big political issues off with the current political climate.

I think that's enough for now, might do more later.
Florence: Lorenzo De Medici

Venice: Doge Andrea Gritti

Sweden: Gustavus Adolfus

Bohemia: Albrecht von Wallenstein

Argentina: Juan Peron

Savoy: Victor Amedeus II/ Eugene of Savoy

Ostrogoths: Odoacer

Prussia: Frederik the great

Macedon: Antigonus II Gonatas

Seleucid Empire: Seleucus

Epirus: Pyrrhus
The Haida, Madagascar under Ranovalona I, and Christina of Sweden (could have an interesting agenda and UA with the new great person system), among others.
As few minor/similar European or Western states as possible. So no hre, austria, belgium, switzerland, sweden, bohemia, venice, argentina, canada, australia, at least not until bigger, more interesting and more important non-european empires and cultures are here.

I want some of following civs instead: Mali, Ashanti, Swahilli/Kilwa, Zimbabwe, Timurids, Khazars, Moors, Afghanistan, Safavids, ancient Armenia, Mughals, Burma, Vietnam, Malaya, Cherokee, Olmecs, Mapuche...

Of 'western' civs I'd only be interested in Italy, Hungary or Bulgaria, and Gran Colombia (under Bolivar),
As few minor/similar European or Western states as possible. So no hre, austria, belgium, switzerland, sweden, bohemia, venice, argentina, canada, australia, at least not until bigger, more interesting and more important non-european empires and cultures are here.

I want some of following civs instead: Mali, Ashanti, Swahilli/Kilwa, Zimbabwe, Timurids, Khazars, Moors, Afghanistan, Safavids, ancient Armenia, Mughals, Burma, Vietnam, Malaya, Cherokee, Olmecs, Mapuche...

Of 'western' civs I'd only be interested in Italy, Hungary or Bulgaria, and Gran Colombia (under Bolivar),

I don't think you know much about history if you consider those countries minor or similar...

I don't understand your intent. You want more non-European countries but you're moving away from favoring Europeans and towards favoring non-European which is the same style of thinking only in practice it's done in reverse.

You have one of two intents, one you want diverse civs. Ok, well even if we picked only European countries they would still be diverse so that doesn't work.

Your other approach would be some twisted "cultural diversity" bent. But cultures are national, not continental. So Korea doesn't go "cool, we have Asian representatives in China and Japan." Because they identify first as Korean, not as Asians. Just like Canadians won't say "Oh cool, they have the U.S. so North America is represented" as they're Canadians, not "North Americans."

The issue with saying "The more important non-European countries" is that there were indeed important non-European countries and cultures. The issue is that most of them were important only on a local level, not on a world level. There are some exceptions like the Mongols, Huns, Carthage (if you don't count them as European as they were Greek settlers,) The Ottomans. But most of what we think of as the largest non-European countries sphere of influence was in their own area. China affected Asia, the Aztecs affected Central America, The Zulu's affected Africa. European nations, even "minor" ones affected the international scene on a far larger level. Some of the bias towards Europe and the U.S.A. is just bias, but a lot of it is just the massive effect they've had on the whole world.

Now if you want to see those nations awesome! That's why I made this thread. But the degrading of other civs was neither asked for, nor is welcome.
My suggestions for Civhood for Civ VI, Civ VI expansion packs are as follow

Mexico: Suggested leader: Benito Juarez/ Special unit: Commanchero/ Special Bonus: Faster tile improvements

Canada: Suggested Leader ? Special Unit: The Mounty Special Building; Hockey Arena

Israel: Suggested leader: King David or King Solomon Special Wonder: Holy Temple

other suggested Civs: Colombia: (Bolivar), Lebanon, Phillipines, Australia, Argentina
All I want is Armenia or Georgia, the Haida or Tlingit, and absolutely no civs newer than the 16th century, with no leaders more recent than the 18th. Obviously I'm not and will never get my wish, but having the Haida and Armenia would quite make up for it. Zenobia of Syria would be nice, too.
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