What do we know about the next expansion?

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His complete lack of tattoo is odd for many Polynesian peoples. I wonder if they were hoping to avoid a cliche, or if they found an exception?
Uhm, can the (possibly) leaked stuff be posted over here anywhere? I tried looking on reddit, but it appears I can't even get to the thread without an account... (and I don't have an account, nor do I plan on making one)

EDIT: Nevermind, in the other thread it got linked and I could get there with a direct link.
There's some new ocean districts/improvements, I sincerely hope there is no global warming feature in the expansion.

For me the climate news are very depressing so I dont want to have it on civ...
(nukes and pillaging of cities is welcome of course)
I would like there to be global warming, resource depletion, and other depressing factors in the game. For instance, if I win by conquest, then problems with genocide, depression, mistreatment, and classes would provide a bittersweet ending. Cultural dominance could lead to loss of versatility, languages, and music. Religious victory could lead to a totalitarian, anti-scientific governments. Scientific victory could lead to seeing the Earth succumb to all problems, and humanity starting again on another world, which will eventually be destroyed itself.
The truth is that as soon as mechanics like global warming and resource depletion are implemented in any game they become game defining and it feels like the game is actively working against you. I don't think I've ever seen such mechanics implemented in a good way, in any game.
Bit early to speculate really. But I really hope we don’t get resource depletion. The current system for strategic resources works very, very well in terms of game balance and playability.

I’m not convinced climate would work. It would be hard to do well, and is a bit daft anyway - extreme manmade climate change is only very recent into terms of human history (that’s what’s so scary). But, done well, it might be cool. Mini-ice age anyone?
Bit early to speculate really. But I really hope we don’t get resource depletion. The current system for strategic resources works very, very well in terms of game balance and playability.

I’m not convinced climate would work. It would be hard to do well, and is a bit daft anyway - extreme manmade climate change is only very recent into terms of human history (that’s what’s so scary). But, done well, it might be cool. Mini-ice age anyone?
If we get resource depletion, I kinda wish we also get the late game ability to dig up new resources... with negative consequences ofc! (like climate or disaster stuff)
If we get resource depletion, I kinda wish we also get the late game ability to dig up new resources... with negative consequences ofc! (like climate or disaster stuff)
I'm not sure resource depletion would make sense in the Civ 6 system, where basically you either have a resource or you don't. I don't know that it makes sense to be able to build all of the tanks you could ever want, then wake up one day to find that you suddenly can't build any at all. For me it would take a much more graduated and in-depth system (which I'm not sure I'm interested in to be honest).

It would be a system that about 10% of the customers would want and like and make about 35% angry because of "RNG." Much much more effort to develop than you'd get out of it.
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Yes I wouldn't be fan of resource depletion neither natural disaster and I think plenty of fans will agree with me about this.However I trust Firaxis when it comes to creating an expansion.As they never dissappointed me yet.
What I want is

World Congress, I know this is not in most people's wishlist.But I am unique.

Diplomatic victory and getting rid of religious victory with sticking religion in diplomatic victory.As I want other Civilization to spread someone else's religion and I want religion alliance to be very common in the early part of the game.Basically want religion lovefest back from CIV IV but with major modification.And also state religion back.


Making sea tiles better (which is coming most probably).So that Island civs get a chance to play good.Especially in TSL.Also for some other reasons.

Either city sprawl or limiting district placement closer to city centre somehow or both.

More late game focused features that doesn't involve much RNG.

Slightly more focus towards tall Civilization.
I mean, I think we all agree that the late game needs some spice. And stuff like global warming, resource depletion after the industrial area (and hunt for new resources, disregarding the environment) could tie into that. ^^
As does water/underwater settlement btw. :p

I just wish railroads are going to be included. :D
I mean, I think we all agree that the late game needs some spice. And stuff like global warming, resource depletion after the industrial area (and hunt for new resources, disregarding the environment) could tie into that. ^^
As does water/underwater settlement btw. :p

I just wish railroads are going to be included. :D
Yeah I also want at late game Thanos to come and destroy 50% of the population. :p
Global Warming would be a big fat waste of development time. How many games are NOT over by the time it would be in effect anyhow?
They need to add something to make the endgame less boring. If you have any suggestions, I'd love to hear them.
Global Warming would be a big fat waste of development time. How many games are NOT over by the time it would be in effect anyhow?
You end games in the industrial era? :eek:

To clarify, when I talked about "global warming" here, I kinda picked up the term from other posts and generalized it to all negative effects on the environment after industrialization. ^^
Well, I think the way you do that is to make the game more interesting up until that point. The reason why it's not interesting is because the end result is all but decided by then. Those late units and buildings we have might as well not be there.

I'm not sure how to change that because that's the nature of this sort of game. But I think there's room to redo a lot of the cultural victory stuff (my personal opinion) and make more interesting international interaction with a new World Congress or whatever they choose to call it this time. That can come into play much earlier with new layers added as you advance.
You end games in the industrial era? :eek:

Depends on what map type you play. I nearly always play huge, so my games NEVER end before the Information era. On small maps though, it's child's play to conquer the world as Scythia or Macedon before 300 turns have passed.
Well, they're not "over" over, but they're over.

If you know what I mean. Haha.
Yeah, thats why I meant something like, uh, if you exploit the system (or resources in my previous example) too heavy early, it will have negative consequences later. "Large empire instability" is also something that comes to mind. Then again, it also should be too rubberbandy.^^
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