What do we know about the next expansion?

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Honestly what I'd do for the endgame is redo all of the victory conditions but I doubt we would see that.
I dont see them redoing every single one of them, but I think they could do some work with culture. The whole tourism thing kinda worked better in Civ5 (mainly because it also did other things).
I dont see them redoing every single one of them, but I think they could do some work with culture. The whole tourism thing kinda worked better in Civ5 (mainly because it also did other things).
I agree-both that and because the UI for it is so un-interactive. Honestly I usually end up just building things until one turn the game tells me I win.

You'd think tourism could act together with loyalty some how.
I agree-both that and because the UI for it is so un-interactive. Honestly I usually end up just building things until one turn the game tells me I win.

You'd think tourism could act together with loyalty some how.
It could also try to tie in appeal even more, and also make it relevant for other systems. Also something that could be affected by global warming and pollution and environment destruction though. :p

Citizens working a high-appeal tile giving like 1/4 amenity or yield bonus would already be a start. :D
Or neighbourhoods with high appeal off-setting negative appeal of (adjacent?) mines. Workers not living among the fumes anymore, or so.
It could also try to tie in appeal even more, and also make it relevant for other systems. Also something that could be affected by global warming and pollution and environment destruction though. :p

Citizens working a high-appeal tile giving like 1/4 amenity or yield bonus would already be a start. :D
Or neighbourhoods with high appeal off-setting negative appeal of (adjacent?) mines. Workers not living among the fumes anymore, or so.
Appeal would also already be more important if neighborhoods were more important, which they would be if big cities were more important.
Well, they're not "over" over, but they're over.

If you know what I mean. Haha.

The longer the outcome of the game remains in doubt, the better as far as I'm concerned. Ideally, decisions in the early game should be meaningful, but no more meaningful than the decisions made later in the game. The Civ series has always struggled with this, and currently Civ 6 struggles more than most. All 4x games struggle with it, if they don't include game systems that force you to manage your empire, rather than simply acquire an empire.

I'm curious to see if Beach and crew attempt to tackle that issue, and if so how.

I'll give them bonus points if they incorporate a Volcano card that you can trade to your neighbours, and whoever's stuck with it when their turn comes around loses a city near a mountain. #nostalgiaforthewin
I like the idea of Global Warming being included, however I hope the system will be different to Civ IV. In Civ IV Global Warming came way too late when victory was all but guaranteed and didn't impact you much.

I'd like to see an additional victory type, preferably diplomatic. (though economic victory would be cool)
I pray for a rework of ideologies. I loved how they were handled in civ v, where choosing your ideology was very important and a wrong choice could result in entire revolutions. Now, they just allow you to have an extra military card slot :(
I pray for a rework of ideologies. I loved how they were handled in civ v, where choosing your ideology was very important and a wrong choice could result in entire revolutions. Now, they just allow you to have an extra military card slot :(

I really like how Ideologies could influence your Civilization a lot in Civ V, it spiced up the late game for sure. Though with no global happiness system in Civ VI, I wonder how your Civ having the inferior Ideology could affect you.
Closest match I could find so far is Hongi Hika:

But he's not an exact fit and one would expect at least some of the face tattoos to appear.
Hotu Matua of Rapa Nui is another fit. We don't have any images or art of him but the possibility is certainly there. I couldn't find a fit for the necklace but it does have a very Rapa Nui vibe to it. Here's some Rapa Nui chiefs wearing similar clothing:

Plus Easter Island would certainly fit in with an expansion based around natural disasters and ecology.

Are they gonna call this Civ Polynesia? Because having it be a Rapanui Civ would be kind of weird? Rapa Nui is a tiny speck and having an entire Civ based on it would be strange. Were the Moai too hard to resist? :p
I pray for a rework of ideologies. I loved how they were handled in civ v, where choosing your ideology was very important and a wrong choice could result in entire revolutions. Now, they just allow you to have an extra military card slot :(

Ideologies along with tourism are the most underdeveloped part of VI. Especially now with loyalty in R&F, it really seems like your tourism and culture should have a way bigger impact and consequence for other players. I'm really hoping that we'll see this addressed in a major patch before the next hypothetical expansion.
Global Warming would be a big fat waste of development time. How many games are NOT over by the time it would be in effect anyhow?

You could say the same of most late game units, many late game wonders, Aerodromes and air units, etc, but they're still nice options to have for those who don't beeline to victory.
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