What does your Surname literally mean?

A place where you put dead people.
You have changed, scherbchen!!
Don't try to hide it!

I cannot hide it. I am down with the CFIC,,, wait, the CFCOC... gimme a minute.... the CFCFCF! yeah, you know me!
Person who makes ropes or cords.
Hm... "graveyard" would be a really awesome surname...
Gotta change my name... "George Winston Otto von Graveyard III" !
Not "graveyard", just "Graves". :)
My surname translates in Polish to something like 'disagreement' or something.

Strange, yes I know. My ancestors over 1000 years ago were probably making a joke, and the name stuck is my guess.
My surname means "cup bearer", meaning there were people in germany around 1500's or so that bore cups/drinks for kings and made sure they weren't poisonous or something like that.
I share my last name with a day and with a number of Saints.
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