What is your go-to game nowadays?


keeping it real
Jun 1, 2002
Haverhill, UK
Not necessarily your favorite in-depth game but one you turn to when you have an hour or two to kill. I mostly play Online Dominion https://www.playdominion.com/ but I have a love/hate relationship because I hate losing but I also have a hard time focusing my full attention/engagement on it (I browse while playing) and thus lose alot.
Either something from Big Fish Games or Hoyle card, puzzle, or board games.

Which reminds me - I have a demo game to beta test for BFG. *goes off to see what it's about and if it's bug-free and something I'd be likely to purchase when it's released*
For those times when my regular games (X3 and Civ IV) would take all the time I have just figuring out where I left off my go to game is Hearts...the simple Win 7 version.
I wish I had a go to game. I've found I've been losing interest in all my games lately. And there's no new games to interest me either. It means I spend my busy days wishing I was playing stuff, and my free days having no idea what to play. It sucks.
Civ 3 when I have time. Frac4D (a Tetris-like game in 4 dimensions rather than 2) when I don't have much time.
Still Civ IV for me.
Geometry Wars or some simple shooter I can hop in and out. Rimworld is my go-to for longer sessions since Beyond Earth proved to be such a colossal disappointment and Starships looks like a laughably amateurish effort.
If you havnt tried out the following, be sure to look into them:

Space Run
Grey Goo (full price game but perfect RTS).

I did try but couldn't get into EUIV and Endless Legend.
Online quiz apps or wordfeud, on my phone. Though maybe not to kill a full hour or so.

What do you mean you guys don't play Civ anymore?

I play Civ a lot. The question was about that five minute filler, which for me is usually related to waiting for my girlfriend. It isn't worth firing up Civ (or SMAC or Colonization, which sometimes substitute for Civ) and figuring out where I left off to just get in one or two turns.
Probably Elder Scrolls for me, mainly Oblivion, Skyrim, and Morrowind from most to least (though Morrowind I haven't touched in a while, admittedly). Mostly Oblivion, really, partly because I don't want to strain my low-end PC with Skyrim, partly because it's just so relaxing, which is a very important part of any go-to game, in my opinion. I can just do the same silly quest(s) over and over and over again and not get bored. Sometimes I play it in-depth, really get into it, other times I just play an hour or so a week and then do something else.


What do you mean you guys don't play Civ anymore?

Sometimes I wonder wtf I'm doing on a Civ forum when, according to steam, the last time I played any Civ game was about half a year ago (but more realistically it's probably more than a year a few months, given that I recall when I tried playing again half a year ago my computer CTD's or BSOD'd and I took this as a heavenly sign that I shouldn't play Civ and just go back to TES).

I wish I had a go to game. I've found I've been losing interest in all my games lately. And there's no new games to interest me either. It means I spend my busy days wishing I was playing stuff, and my free days having no idea what to play. It sucks.

I go through periods sort of like that sometimes. But, generally, it fades away too and then I get renewed interest in whatever game(s) I get interested in.
Since I got a PS4, Need for Speed: Rivals. I like racing around with the cops mindlessly smashing into me.
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