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What sex are you?

What sex are you?

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We should implore Firaxis to give free copies of Civilization 4 to all female high schools and colleges. They're not going to buy them anyway and Firaxis could make money if they get some fans who buy the expansions. And maybe CFC would get some females. Everyone wins :D
I am a boy!
The result seems somewhat expected so far, though we have not had prominent female members of CFC vote yet...

I am male, FYI.
It's a pity that fewer women play this game, or post on this board. I'm not a feminist by anyone's imagination, but I would prefer a wider range of views.
Oh yeah, I just wanna say that this is a fine thread for all you lurkers to come out, register and post at. Join the OT boards by telling us your sex!
:confused: :confused: :confused: 108 views, but only 32 posts? That's odd... why don't they see the importance of this. This should also appeal to those in the thread about the people that you thought were female...

Anyone who doesn't vote makes me :mad: .

Not to sound sexist, but I think games like Civ mostly attract men... Although, I was able to interest my wife with the aspects of city and empire building in Civ3. But she never engaged in any wars and eventually stopped playing...
Tycoon101 said:
:confused: :confused: :confused: 108 views, but only 32 posts? That's odd...
I assume it's because people that have voted come back to this thread to view it and post [again]. But I could be wrong about that.
Tycoon101 said:
:confused: :confused: :confused: 108 views, but only 32 posts? That's odd...
No it isn't not everyone posts after looking
Tycoon101 said:
Anyone who doesn't vote makes me :mad: .
No radioactive Monkey Option makes voting in your poll not fun.
male here.... I think :)
Bright day
I am good sex :p.

Hey somebody was going to make that joke sooner or later!:mischief:

And my gender is actually not all that clear to me though I am content with my sex (male). Though being asked by some if I am gay is getting rather tiring :rolleyes:.
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