What turn does petra go on?

That actually varies a lot, given the map circumstances, does a wonder-loving AI start near desert...but you better be beelining it, I've seen it go at turn 65...
On Immortal, it can go sub turn 70 if another civilization has a desert capitol. If they don't have a desert capitol, I've seen it go as late as the 170's.
Depends on if the capital of the other civ is on the desert. If yes, it usually goes between turns 70-90 from what I've seen. But i just played a game where I guess nobody had desert tiles near them, because I took it at 120 without a problem
Depends on if the capital of the other civ is on the desert. If yes, it usually goes between turns 70-90 from what I've seen. But i just played a game where I guess nobody had desert tiles near them, because I took it at 120 without a problem
That's pretty much it, if any of the other civs have a capital near desert, it will go in about half the time as if they had to build it in their second city.

In rare cases, where no desert happens to be anywhere near any of the AI civ starting points, it can be almost indefinite. In one game, deity no less, it went after turn 220, and that was after Genghis conquered a city state that was in desert. There simply wasn't any other desert area on the map. Standard continents, btw.

Note that the same situation can exist for Macchu Picchu and Niescshwanstein.
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