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Whats the point by spreading own corporation to the other nations?


Jul 21, 2007
Whats the point by spreading the own corporation to the other nations?

I see my corporate symbol in the foreign city but nothing else.

Is there any benefit? I can't see it in the corporation view.
Whats the point by spreading the own corporation to the other nations?

I see my corporate symbol in the foreign city but nothing else.

Is there any benefit? I can't see it in the corporation view.

Yes. If you look inside the city where the corporate headquarters are, you'll see that beside the headquarters you are getting +5 gold for every city that has the corporation. In my game, I had about +135 gold after spreading it for a while. As you might have realised, having this building in the same city as your Wall Street, and along with a bank, market, grocer etc. is very powerful.
i started spreading my corp, but as the commerce went up in the HQ-city i had to pay enourmous amounts of maintenance in my cities, felt like i didnt earn money on it at all... can someone explain how the corporations work, i didnt really get them... :)
Every city which owns a branch of a corporation pays maintenance for it. On the other hand, every city wich has a branch of a corporation gives a fee to the corps's HQ city.
Running Free Market will decrease your Corp maintenance by 25%, running Environmentalism will increase the maintenance by 25%.

Those are the basics. ;)
hmm ok, so i guess putting wall street in the city where i have the corp will do me good hehe... thanks
sorry, I take back what I wrote previously in this post.

Previously I was under the impression that you could not have more than 2 corporations in a city at any one time. I was only getting this impression because of the bad compatibility of Mining Inc. with almost every other corporation. You can in fact have 4 corporations in one city (not sure about 5 though). I can't remember what combination but there are 4 that mutually don't clash.
Below is a picture showing the competing corporations. Those corporations connected by a red line are "competing" and so cannot be present in the same city.

Note it is possible to have 4 corporations in the one city if you do not take Mining Inc., and you pick one of the food/standard ethanol ones. With Mining Inc, you'll get 2 at best.

Mining Inc is a fairly nice corporation on its own, but I think in the future I'll leave it so I can go for the more compatible corporations. Standard Ethanol would be a useful corporation for your Military city but not much else. Cereal Mills is IMO the best of the food corporations.
Yes. If you look inside the city where the corporate headquarters are, you'll see that beside the headquarters you are getting +5 commerce for every city that has the corporation. In my game, I had about +135 commerce after spreading it for a while. As you might have realised, having this building in the same city as your Wall Street, and along with a bank, market, grocer etc. is very powerful.

I think you mean that you get gold :)gold:) not commerce :)commerce:) in your Corporation HQ. Otherwise the a building like Newton's Uni might be an appropriate one to have in you HQ city, which is not the case.

Also, courthouses lower maintenance cities pay due to corporations (well, obviously, but somebody might have missed tat one). So if you run Free Market with lots of courthouses and build the right buildings in your HQ city, corporations are very profitable, making Free Market very attractive (even more so if you have a lot of coastal cities and open borders agreements).

Does mercantilism prevent you from spreading branches to other civs by the way?
i started spreading my corp, but as the commerce went up in the HQ-city i had to pay enourmous amounts of maintenance in my cities, felt like i didnt earn money on it at all... can someone explain how the corporations work, i didnt really get them...

You might want to consider spreading it to your opponents cities.
Cereal Mills is IMO the best of the food corporations.

Depends on the map type. In my first BtS game I played on a very watery map. I only had two cereal resources but lots of seafood. Unfortunately (this being my first practice game) I made the mistake of spreading Cereal Mills to all my cities (for a quest), making Sid's Sushi too expensive.
I think you mean that you get gold :)gold:) not commerce :)commerce:) in your Corporation HQ. Otherwise the a building like Newton's Uni might be an appropriate one to have in you HQ city, which is not the case.

Yep. My mistake.;) It's gold. fixed now...
I think you mean that you get gold :)gold:) not commerce :)commerce:) in your Corporation HQ. Otherwise the a building like Newton's Uni might be an appropriate one to have in you HQ city, which is not the case.

You mean Newton's University is now back in?! ;)

Yes, I know that was a typo, but it really should be in...
You mean Newton's University is now back in?! ;)

Yes, I know that was a typo, but it really should be in...

You know, I really thought it was Newton's. I had to think for a minute to realize it was called Oxford after I read your post.... Shows just how much attention I pay to details when playing the game. :D

Oh, and I agree, Newton's sounds better. Maybe if you build an academy using Newton...
Does mercantilism prevent you from spreading branches to other civs by the way?
Yes. It's the reason why I haven't been able to spread my corporation to other civs in my current game: they're all mercantilists. State Property prevents any corporations in your cities, whether they're theirs or yours.
you mean free, automatic upgrades? :goodjob: I loved those things! I'd always put off Automobiles as long as possible to get as many free upgrades as I could!
The thing about spreading your corporations to other civs is... You get the cash and they get the bonus (In the case of Mining Inc. it's +4:hammers:, I think), right? That doesn't sound so good, as I'm usually very reluctant towards helping my rivals. :p
i started spreading my corp, but as the commerce went up in the HQ-city i had to pay enourmous amounts of maintenance in my cities, felt like i didnt earn money on it at all... can someone explain how the corporations work, i didnt really get them... :)

Be careful now. Commerce is not the same thing as gold; commerce is used to generate gold AND beakers AND culture (and, now, espionage). The gold per turn rate probably went up in your HQ city as you expanded your corporation throughout your civ.

Just want to make sure someone doesn't get confused by use of the wrong term. When you're asking for help, you might get the wrong answer if you ask how you increase "commerce" instead of "gold" when it sounds like gold is what you're worried about here. :)
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