• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

What's your excuse for missing work going to be?

farting bob

ThEy MaDe Me Do iT.
Oct 21, 2002
UK (sussex)
Well? what will you be using to get out of work the day after you get civ4?
Who needs an excuse? I'm sure they'd understand if I told them I was planning to play Civ4 all day.
I'm a Full-time student, there are no excuses for not turning in my work you see. However, if I had to choose one, I'd choose being robbed of my homework resource by Napolean of the French.
I love the Civ series, however I also love to eat, live inside not outside, and in general exist. Without money you cant pay bills, no pay bills = no electricity = no play game. Now sleep, hmmmm ?
I'll just tell my professors that first Washington marched a cavalry army and took my city. Then Ghengis Khan marched over as well with his Keshiks. I'm sure they'll understand. And if not, I could always say a nuclear bomb was dropped on my capital city.
Two words: road trip. :)
I'll just say that i'm in no condition to come to work.. which will be the truth since i will be up to the wee hours of the night playing the game
Bad economy... A lot of work on my plate... Can't justify it, but saved some days for it. Will use these when I'm familiar with the controls and have played a few games. Then I'll submerge in a few days of total domination. After that the dark hours will be filled with me plotting world domination. Planet after planet will submit to my civilization!

Bah, wish I could take a few weeks for it :( But hey have to eat right.

At least it seems Civ 4 is kinder to a busy schedule then Civ 3 was :goodjob:
I'll tell them I need "stress leave" but not why I'm stressing (first it was anticipation then it will be exhaustion.)
I can get time off work with no problem, but I'm already trying to think of the excuse for forgetting to pick the kids up from school!!
I'm a Network Technician, so I'll take a day due to "burn-out" (if you work in IT, you know what I'm talking about)
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