WHFB Leader Traits

Duke van Frost said:
Good, then we should take up the discussion on the Friend of the Woods trait for - you guess it - the Woodelves.

Olleus suggested +1 food from forests and twice as long to chop.

I suugest: +1 food from forests, is able to build cottages on woods (woods give no commerce, remember that.), unable to chop and build lumbermills.
I take the second I don't want the woodelves to chop at all and lumbermills on ancient forests seemed wrong to me in FFH. Settled. Next one please:D
For Orion I suggest the Defender trait from FfH (+15% Strangth, +15% Withdrawal when in its own land) and Frien of the Woods.

For Ariel: FotW + Philosophical or Spiritual

EDIT: I don´t like the idea about racial traits (same traits for all leaders of one race) because the whole thing about different leaders is about THEM having different traits.
Highelves I want to be creative and philosophical(later also arcane maybe but that's after patch)

Orcs I'd like to be agressive and Babarian Raiders (that is 3x gold from pillaging and -10% research) (and hopefully they'll get their Whaaag to balance a boost but that I want to be defined via units.xml
Duke van Frost said:
EDIT: I don´t like the idea about racial traits (same traits for all leaders of one race) because the whole thing about different leaders is about THEM having different traits.

and playtesting will show if the WAAAGH! can balance the Barbarian Raider.
And If other races or leaders or whatever get only 2 promotions, the Woddelves should also stick with 2 IMO - at least for the next release or until playtesting proves that they need more than others.
Ploeperpengel said:
Giving just 3 traits to every civ seems quite boring to me. We should give them traits if they fit no matter the number and find more interesting ways to balance that later;)

Yes. The number is irrelevant. They all weigh differently in the end anyhow.
I think we need a trait for the Empire and maybe other large empires like Cathay too called: Imperialistic (culture+1, upkeep-50, cheaper court)

Like it or not?

p.s. I said we need focus but since orcs and the good elves have their traits now(at least for release) we should at least also design traits for Nippon, Cathay, Tilea and Empire since those are the ones we have moste units for. Sometimes it's all faster than expected:D Let's decide that quick!
Psychic_Llamas said:
I think Ariel should be Archane when magic is implemented aswell BTW.

High elves MUST have seafaring.
Ok they can have Seafaring but they'll lose arcane. I think it's better not to use traits that affect units anyway. We can define such things via unit.
(ok maybe Summoners we'll keep but not arcane)
Psychic_Llamas said:
AHHH! both those traits are essential for high elves though! *pulls hair* is there some way to give them both??
They'll already have creative, philosophical and seafaring. 4 traits are simply too much. But we can modify them in future releases to fit better. However I'm not sure if we really need Arcane I think it's better having that defined for units instead making a trait for it.
Dump creative. It's a nice trait for the 2:culture:/turn, but are the High Elves artsy or more thinkers?
woodelf said:
Dump creative. It's a nice trait for the 2:culture:/turn, but are the High Elves artsy or more thinkers?
I would think both. Maybe we need a new trait combinating those but for now I'll keep it. We'll work this over after we got the magicsystem running and we can have magic traits, okay?
Combining both to yield 1:culture:/turn and 1/2 the GP bonus (of Philosophical) would work for me.
Patronage? Like a Patron of the Arts, but also going after the GP points.
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