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Who-2 Keith goes to the Moon.


Keep Calm and Carry On
Retired Moderator
Dec 17, 2004
Here's for the other six laggards for game 2.
I'd like to start random civ and map in this game. Standard climate.
Let's send our leader Keith to the moon! Someone roll a start if this gets rolling this weekend. I will be out of town till Monday.
Noble or +1?
Roster closed
Jive Talkin' Trumpeteer-- on deck
Eldar waiting for the propah English version Who-2
The Grumpy Old Monk wrong purchase and video card issues Who-2
Daghie waiting for a special delivery next week :mischief:..Who-2
'Lil Grasshoppah Own waiting :( then Who-2 :D

Any other thoughts?

Look here's my Keith Moon drum left intact with no holes kicked in.

Hum-ho, I think I'll join in on this merry band, after missing the SS Idiot for Who-1. :D
Formula do you have the game? If so then it's Who-1 for you!
Hey doronron. This is actually filled but is awaiting delivery of the game for a bunch of players. This one will consist of the players who don't play in Who-1. Definitely join a SG though. They're great.
one pina colada coming soon,
reserving for myself the post of Crazed Jive Talker.

the :ninja: report that they are having trouble getting thier job :)sniper: ) done, due to a crowd of fellow :ninja: waiting thier turn at the local dealership.

ETA early next week.

this is my "younger" self (on the left, doing the honourable thing and protecting my boss from a rear flank attack!! :D)

and a group picture i had taken just as we left the Academy to begin our talking over the world.
in true idiotic fashion, was too lazy to note who was in, but ill fix that soon.
****oo to you.

Checking in as substitutional player.
I'm not sure if I should post here or in Who-1...

Technically, I could play, but it will be more difficult with black terrain and floating eyes for leaders.

I'm not sure when I'll be able to get a graphics card. If you don't mind if I play with a constant solar eclipse, I'm all ready.
It's up to you IP. You've got dibs.
The game seems to suffer from heavy graphic card compatibility problems with both ATI and nvidia cards. I switched cards from Radeon 9600 to GForce FX5200 after I couldn't get the game running even with the Radeon fix. With the GForce the game is awfully slow and crashes at the start when some kind of demo runs. I have to push esc fast enough to avoid crashing.

Today I'm going to get myself a new nvidia card. I had lots of trouble with the Radeon with several games crashing, including Max Payne 2 and The Fall.

My game arrives tomorrow!*

However I've been told in another thread that my GeForce Ti 4800 SE is a load of rubbish, so I may have to get something new on Saturday.

* Okay, it was dispatched today; but I expect it to arrive tomorrow.
Got card, no got game, will probably have game at end of next week. November 11 or 12. Coming by yak from Mongolia.
New GraCa, nvidia 6600 something, game runs fast now, but the demo at tha startup still crashes. Not a big deal, I just have to hit esc when it starts.

What struck me is that the AI seems to settle *very* aggressively towards the opponents. I'm not sure what the strongest approach to the opening game is: going for the founding of religions, going for copper/iron detection, going for hunting/scouts or going for terrain improvements.

I'm using Washington who seems to be the optimal choice for a commerce based approach, which will only pay in the long run. Maybe a stronger starter, something like creative/expansionist, would be interesting as a different approach.
Good news. I may be getting a new graphics card (looking at the nVidia 6600GT or 6800) this weekend or next week. :)

I think I'll try it with black terrain for now, though. Put me at the end of the roster, so I have a pretty good idea of what our terrain looks like when my turn comes, though.
I'm up and running. Ran through a game at Noble to a space win, as the Romans. Got a captured Barb city up to #5 in the Top Cities list :crazyeye: And Rome was way ahead of the competition. (750+ beakers per turn.)
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