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Why hasnt anyone told me about this game!


Aug 13, 2009
So I'm browsing the PC games over at Walmart. I really need something new to play.

I see this game and look at the box... ehhh, looks kinda gay.. whatever.

I pick it up anyways,almost feeling kinda stupid about buying something I know im not gonna like.

I Install and play my first game of civ iv.

WoW......... Sid mire can I have your baby's?

This has to be the best strategy game I have ever played!

Why didn't anyone ever tell me what I have been missing!
Welcome to the forums & to Civ! :beer:

Oh, and uh...do the country a favor, don't shop at Walmart.
How did you find these forums so quick after buying the game?? :eek:

... 'cuz basically this is the best place I know of to learn to play civ, you couldn't have picked a better website, srsly!!

well. i've only played 3 matches all on warlord difficulty and I haven't won one yet... so i googled civ 4 strategy and here I am.

Not to mention the need of general info you all probably know for this complex game.

Thanks for all the stickies on the forums :D
First, go buy yourself a bunch of microwaveable food, there is no time for cooking in 'just one more turn' Civ play. Second, take a week off work, that way you won't have to suspiciously call in sick to work day after day nor show up in the morning after getting 3 hours sleep. Lastly, welcome to Civ and the forums! There are a bunch of strategy articles in the War Academy. Also, don't neglect the Quick Answers sticky thread, you can usually get a speedy response there before starting a new thread.

Well geez..if you got out of the house more and made some cool friends (like me) you would have known about this game way longer ago:lol:

Welcome to your new life
It is pretty gay, though, watch out.

Is that a treaty ib your pocket or are just gald to see me. Honestly Civ needs a health warning.
Do yourself a favor and download the BUG mod right now. It has nothing to do with bugs, and everything to do with giving you tools and information to understand and play the game better (without changing anything, substance-wise).
I was the same way 18 months ago, convinced I was throwing away money having never played any of the civ games, and using a part of the $200 gift card I got for buying my souped up new computer to download vanilla.

18 sleep-deprived, carpal tunnel laden, cursing at Shaka months later, here I am. So much for you to look forward to.
The civ series didn't grow on me until IV. I was total suckage as a kid in II, played III up to about regent across a month-ish, then stopped playing for a bit. Then I got IV for Xmas

Similar to Michmkb, it's been a long ride with a lot of improvement. The thought patterns necessary to succeed at this game have wildly improved me in other TBS and even in gaming in general a little bit (and I'd been ranked on an RTS ladder or two ;)).

Of all the games I've played, civ IV's strategic depth and single-player replay value overcome its flaws and make it one of my favorite games...
Im always amazed when people say they have never heard of civ. Maybe its because i have been a fan ever since the early 90s. Having said that I have introduced a number of friends to the series. Now they are no longer friends because they say I have ruined their life :D
How did you find these forums so quick after buying the game?? :eek:

... 'cuz basically this is the best place I know of to learn to play civ, you couldn't have picked a better website, srsly!!


I found these forums about a week before i got the game. I ordered it from GameStop and was trying to learn a bit about it before I got it.
Welcome to the world of Civ and these forums. Honestly, if a game has Sid Meier in the title you know it's going to be good.

Beware though, the "one more turn" paradox.

A seasoned (but not very good) player, I should have known better, but last night, it happened again. 9 o'clock, I was going to stop and do some reading... just one more turn, well that was quick maybe one more... one hour and many more turns later I hadn't got any reading done, but I did teach Mansa Musa some manners.
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