Wild Mana for FFH 2

this screenshot is odd. I just researched mithril working and this place is insane. I don't think strategic resources are supposed to clump like that, way too much mithril there.
[to_xp]Gekko;8364689 said:
this screenshot is odd. I just researched mithril working and this place is insane. I don't think strategic resources are supposed to clump like that, way too much mithril there.

You should probably post that in the thread of the mapscript you are using since this mod has nothing to do with it :p
Is it me or neutral civs have less of a relationship with evil than with good? I mean for the last 10 games iv played iv had poor relations with evil civs and better relations with good civs?

Shouldnt they get along with both?

evil leaders hate anyone who isn't evil, good leader like anyone isn't evil, that's why having good relations with good leaders is much more common for neutral leaders.
[to_xp]Gekko;8364498 said:
would it be possible to block automated workers from building forts? pretty annoying when they wast a perfectly good tile for a useless fort.
sounds fair. though forts aren't completly useless :D
shouldn't Lanun be a lot more willing to settle on the coast? right now they pretty much settle just like anyone else instead of trying to get as many pirate ports as possible as they should ;)

btw, can't wait for 3.1 . this game is over, I wanna start a new one with the new version :lol:
[to_xp]Gekko;8364799 said:
shouldn't Lanun be a lot more willing to settle on the coast? right now they pretty much settle just like anyone else instead of trying to get as many pirate ports as possible as they should ;)
well, they always build their first city at the coast if there is water close to their starting location and they like water plots a bit more than anyone else. A human player will always settle cities better...
Update on the "No animals" issue:

Went down to a standard map, with only 6 total players instead of large with 9 players. Animals were around. I think I'm going to file this one under the "too many barbs for the animals to show up" file. Thanks for everyone's input.
funny picture here. aside from the horrible position in which the ljolsafar decided to settle this city ( some forests, good. but no hill, no freshwater, no riverside, no resources or Yggdrasil in the starting tiles... and right next to an opponent border? d'oh. ) , there's a great sage trying to get back to the Elohim.

he was popped in a lair far away in the southeast, and now he just wants to cross an unsettled piece of land with raging barbs, barbarian world, aggressive AI, barbarian groups, deadly wild mana and wildlands. something tells me he might very well not survive the trip. why the hell didn't they pop him or start a golden age with him already? :lol:
umh, Ethne just researched way of the wicked right after way of the wise. shouldn't there be some sort of block for good AIs from researching evil techs?

btw, about that screenshot I posted with Amelanchier settling right beside my border. the city revolted and is now mine :lol: it should also be noted that the 2 warriors he had sitting in the city never left.
[to_xp]Gekko;8367601 said:
btw, about that screenshot I posted with Amelanchier settling right beside my border. the city revolted and is now mine :lol:
looks like he was to greedy for the bananas.

[to_xp]Gekko;8367601 said:
it should also be noted that the 2 warriors he had sitting in the city never left.
oops, fixed.
similar to the above, Ethne researched necromancy... good civs should definitely be less willing to get that, Ethne should go divination :lol:
AI will research all magic techs (needed for Tower of Mastery Victory after all). Ethne might research Necromancy (know your enemy), but she won't practice it.
one more thought about Svartalfar and how the AI should use their worldspell: aside from waiting till after poisons for a nice stack of assassins+hunters/rangers , they should also wait for stirrups and a nice stack of nyxkin. nyxkin will be invaluable in their marauding stack due to their ability to pillage, which recon doesn't have. the raiders trait makes it all the merrier. with a stack of assorted HN rangers (defense) , nyxkin (pillage) and assassins (attack) led by alazkan, they will definitely have a very mobile army to be able to play havoc on their unsuspecting neighbours :D
Had a recurring CTD error with my current game. It happens at or near the end of the barbarian civ move between turns. Unfortunately I am new at debugging Civ 4, so haven't been able to figure out the problem, or even how to get much more info. I've attached the savegame just before the end of turn with the crash, for starters.

To get me started on my own debugging, how do I turn on python error messages? I've searched and browsed the forums a bit, but it seems such a basic thing is not often asked and answered...:blush:

Thanks for a fun first 500 turns anyway, I hope I can figure out how to finish the game! :lol:


  • Valoric Ashenbow.CivBeyondSwordSave
    504.2 KB · Views: 72
Had a recurring CTD error with my current game. It happens at or near the end of the barbarian civ move between turns. Unfortunately I am new at debugging Civ 4, so haven't been able to figure out the problem, or even how to get much more info. I've attached the savegame just before the end of turn with the crash, for starters.

To get me started on my own debugging, how do I turn on python error messages? I've searched and browsed the forums a bit, but it seems such a basic thing is not often asked and answered...:blush:

Thanks for a fun first 500 turns anyway, I hope I can figure out how to finish the game! :lol:

The troublemaker is one of the barbcities (I deleted them all and the CTD didn't happen again). You can turn on python error messages in CIVILIZATION4.ini. There is a shortcut to it in the BTS folder.

For my own debugging I use pdebug.log in the logs folder. If you enable the CIV4 logging system in the ini, then the game will write quite a lot of information into the file. To find a CTD only the information at the end of the file is interesting though. Don't forget to turn off the logging system once you are done debugging.
see this damaged stack of orcs? they haven't been damaged by the elves, they've been damaged for some 20 turns now, but never wanted to stop a couple turns to heal. what I think happened is the AI gave them the order to cross my lands and go attack elves, and while they were walking blight hit and damaged everyone, and they just kept going instead of stopping to heal :lol:

also, a very annoying thing: my shadows are able to cast mask when they are alone on a tile, I guess that's intended but very annoying :/
Is it normal for the Clan of Embers to get random barbarian units spawning under their control? I noticed in the game above that there were orange flag units scattered all over the place, including as the sole defenders of a couple of barbarian cities. I deleted all the stray Clan units, and that fixed the CTD, at least so far, without deleting the cities themselves. Has anyone else noted this happening? Perhaps the barbarians globally reach their unit spawn limit, but have cities that are producing units so they go to the Clan for some reason?
[to_xp]Gekko;8370852 said:
see this damaged stack of orcs? they haven't been damaged by the elves, they've been damaged for some 20 turns now, but never wanted to stop a couple turns to heal. what I think happened is the AI gave them the order to cross my lands and go attack elves, and while they were walking blight hit and damaged everyone, and they just kept going instead of stopping to heal :lol:

Attacking stacks are probably told to never stop and heal because if they do, hammering them with catapults or attack spells every turn will permanently paralyze them.

An exception for AC damage would probably be good.
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