What would the monetary goal be to complete the update you are working on now?
We do not want to work for money.
Thus there is no monetary goal.

Once money comes into play people start to argue or make strange demands.
Personally I have enough money to live a good life - more money would not make me happier.

Also earning money with a mod is a pretty thin line to getting legal trouble.
We e.g. use free assets of other people and their licenses require to stay free / not be monetized.

Also we build on top of TAC / RaR which explicitly stated in their terms that their assets may never be used to make money.
Thus we would get into trouble with many old modders if we would gain any income whatsoever with our project.


It has been discussed several times already but result always was the same:
We mod for fun and not for money.

Money cannot buy you love.
Money cannot buy you passion either.

If I knew anything about helping from the development side I would do that in a heartbeat because I’m very passionate about this mod.
This project lives by passion of modding community or dies without it.
But it means that people are actually passionate enough to become modders themselves.

There are always 100 reasons or excuses not to try something or not to start something.
It all does not matter if there is one reason strong enough to do it anyways.

See, all of us started as beginners many years ago and it tooks years to become experienced.
We started small, learned how to use the tools, created a community to help each other, failed more than once, ...

Today I often feel like people think "They knew everything from the start and it must have been easy for them."
Quite the contrary. We knew almost nothing and had only very few people to ask in the beginning - but we kept trying and learning.

to understand the time commitment, ...
I can only talk about myself - during times I am motivated to mod:
(There may be months where I take a complete break from modding.)

About an extra day of work (8h) every week(end) if you are serious about it and actually want at least a bit of progress.
More in vacation time where I e.g. in average mod 4 hours a day for 6 days a week (24h).

So if you want to keep a mod like this alive and keep contributing regularly you work an additional working day every week in average.
But as I said - there are times when some of us take a break for months ... especially once others also take a break ... or once real life conflicts.


I have once told a friend:

Others invest 10 hours a week into playing their currently favourite computer games.
I instead invest 10 hours a week into creating my own favourite computer game.

Both is a hobby and both can be fun.
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Hi there,

Is there a way I could remove the large rivers from the gigantic map?
They do add some extra functions but, on the other hand, they block road building and thus transportation between settlements
They do add some extra functions but, on the other hand, they block road building and thus transportation between settlements
Simply build a ferry station (Improvement) and then they do not block anything anymore. :dunno:

Is there a way I could remove the large rivers from the gigantic map?
Sure, that is why there is Worldbuilder. :)
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Is there any way / guide / post, about which branch your are currently working on? I would like to try out the new features, while accepting the bugs that come with it, if thats possible. Do i need to compile the code by myself?
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My current dev branch is simply not yet ready to be played - e.g. there are no Maps or MapScripts yet.
Balancing has not been properly done, since it is just not my focus to do so. Even game content is still missing.
Also chances of heavy bugs like CTDs are high, since I have not yet properly tested gameplay.

And yes you would have to compile the code by yourself. And even then you could not really "play".
To not run into serious issues you would constantly have to know what is already implemented and what is not.


So seriously guys, give me the time I may need to get this finished. :thumbsup:
Everything else may only achieve that I get annoyed and stop completely.


If you are a modder just grab whatever branch you want, merge it with your own stuff, develop your own (mod-)mod and play it.
Otherwise please relax and give the modders the time they need to work on their mod in their private time.
What effect has a negative attitude of the King in respect of available random events and where is it coded (xml or hardcoded in dll) ?
Should I gift the King a few thousand $ (via archbishop) to have at least neutral attitude?
What effect has a negative attitude of the King in respect of available random events and where is it coded (xml or hardcoded in dll) ?
1) The worse the attitude of the King the more often he will ask for gifts or tax increases - and the higher his request will be.
2) The worse the attitude of the King the bigger and faster does he build his REF forces - which is probably the worst effect.
3) The worse the attitude of the King the less often his DLL Diplo Events will be triggered - and the more gold he will demand.
4) The worse the attitude of the King the less favourable and less often you may get Python Story Events involving the King.

There are dozens of settings about that in various XML files.
(Most important ones or at least the most easy ones to understand can be found in GlobalDefinesAlt.xml)

To simplify:
You can heavily profit from good relations to the King and suffer from bad relations.
Especially considering everyting related to taxes, events and when it comes to War of Indpendence.
Should I gift the King a few thousand $ (via archbishop) to have at least neutral attitude?
Well, that is up to you to decide. :dunno:

Maybe using your money otherwise will help you more. Like e.g. investing that gold into Ships or for a war against another colonial nation.
Maybe getting good relations to the King may however save you lots of taxes and also make War of Independence less brutal.

Generally I try to avoid to get the King angry at all, so I normally would not have to use that feature.
(It is more of a "wost case insurance" if things with the King go really wrong in early game or mid game.)


This mod has been purposely designed to be so complex that general true false answers cannot be applied.
It always depends on your current game situation and what your game strategy is.


Personally in early game I try to be very friendly to the King, since some of the events are very strong in early game and I want to keep my tax increas rate low.
In midgame I kind of decide more balanced and often also chose to oppose the King if it suits the current situation best, still trying not to anger him too much before WOI.
In endgame I hardly care about the Kings oppinion anymore, since I know the game will cumulate in a massive war against him anyways and most unique events already happened.
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At some point I used the option to get cheap military units from the king and this pushed me into negative attitude. Since I have several treasures arriving in Europe, cash is less a problem.

In every game I like to get the free units (hessians, man-of-war) from the European War event and this event did not happen so far, so I was curious if it can be blocked by negative attitude?
I'm sure there's an answer somewhere and after an hour of searching I can't find it. Is there a way to fix the city overview screen (2 plot) so it's functinoal? Half my citizens working are outside the little map, can't click rush production because its hidden by the bottom left citizen. Can't buy half the middle products in EU/AF/PR because the boat covers them. I"m playing in 5120x1440. I've dropped it down to x1080 and it doesn't seem to fix it either. Guidance would be appreciated.


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Guidance would be appreciated.
Just use the resolutions that this mod / game has been built for.
Try lower resolutions - that are not too widescreen - and it should work. :thumbsup:

Go to "Advanced" --> "Graphics" and just try out some of the resolutions.
Then choose what you like to play with. :dunno:

Ratios around 16:9 should work quite well.
Which was basically the default of those days.

But of course if you choose something crazy like almost 3:1 it will look ugly.
This game was simply designed for normal ratios of 2008.
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Hello everybody,

I have a question regarding the map editor - it seems that I cannot convert land to ocean without it looking ugly - is there a trick to terraform nicely?
What is the reason of such ugliness?



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Hello Peralta,

I don't know where this behaviour comes from. But if you save the game, and load it again the ugliness is gone ...at least for me ..
Quick question : Can you sail through a razed settlement ?
Just started a new game and I see a large lake separated from the ocean by one tile of land, on that tile is a native village. I can sail through it with my caravel and build two or three colonies on the lakeside and they still have sea access to Europe (through the native village). Question : If later in the game that village gets razed for whatever reason, can I still sail through it or do I then loose the access to the ocean ?
Quick question : Can you sail through a razed settlement ?
Just started a new game and I see a large lake separated from the ocean by one tile of land, on that tile is a native village. I can sail through it with my caravel and build two or three colonies on the lakeside and they still have sea access to Europe (through the native village). Question : If later in the game that village gets razed for whatever reason, can I still sail through it or do I then loose the access to the ocean ?
You can not travel through a razed settlement with you ships. However, you may found a city yourself in the same spot.
Sorry if this has been re-hashed millions of time, but its impossible to review everything discussed here: Does it bother anyone else that, as great as this Mod is, it retains that dopey 'victory condition' where, for example, if Simon Bolivar or whoever gains independence first, George Washington loses. Why exactly would GW care what happens in South America? In other words, why is Revolution a "race"? Wouldn't it make more sense if the game always ended with a loss by 1850, simply because you can't have a successful revolution that lasts forever? Also, once 25 years had passed from declaring Independence, if you're losing the battles shouldn't your colonial soldiers start drifting away, a la Valley Forge, people start abandoning the gun making industries, loyalist sentiment grows, the crews of the war ships start mutinying and going over to the king, etc? Just a thought.
In other words, why is Revolution a "race"?
There is already an issue that suggested to allow "Winning war of Independence without having it end the game".
It exists since about 10 years at last already but nobody was ever motivated to implement it.

Spoiler :

The Idea is that if you turn off "Victory Condition: Independence" you and other Nations can still declare, fight and win WOI.
However winning the WOI will then simply not end the game but have it continue just normally.

In other words:
Stuff does not exist simply because nobody was yet motivated to implemented it.
If players want features, somebody needs to invest time and effort for it.

It is as simple as that. :dunno:
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