Thanks for the reply. Yes, it would be a lot of work, it would appear. But the current 'race between revolting parties' is pretty a-historical.
But it doesn't stop me or anyone else from playing, right?
Have a nice day.
Yes, it would be a lot of work, it would appear.
About 1,5 days / 12 hours of modding approximately - maybe even less. :dunno:
Compared to other features already implemented taking 100+ hours this is tiny.

It simply needs somebody motivated and skilled to invest a single weekend of his life.
Currently there are however not many Civ4Col modders left willing to invest any effort at all.
Here´s a quick one: when slaves escape - where do they spawn? Is it outside your city or outside cultural borders? If the latter is true and let´s say your city is on a small island fully under your culture - will it spawn on mainland somewhere?
I don´t use slaves much because of their tendency to escape and messing up production lines with their absence. But I was thinking about starting a new game on a Carribean style map, where I could settle a bunch of islands and contain masses of slaves - even if they escape, it would be easy to catch them and send back to same cities..
I never use slaves, unless they are unwittingly unleashed by scouts, and I assume responsibility for their lives. Clearly a moral dilemma for us hopelessly woke folks.

Here's another thing that i found odd, and I must admit, complaining about anomalies in this mod [which is free!] is like complaining that a great free meal someone gave you is overcooked. Why is it, when the king asks for you to join in his war against a different colonial power, he first asks you to help, but there is an option for him to give you military units. Why would you not take the man of war and the two hessions, and shouldn't there be a penalty for doing this? I must admit, in those games I've won, I've usually taken advantage of this, and used the donated units to defeat the king. Shouldn't he take some or all of these military assets back after the war is over? Or shouldn't he have to give you permission to end the war, and/or impose some penalty if you end the war without his permission?

I'll stop now.
All of your questions come down to a simple answer:
It was or is the personal taste of the modders that actually invest their effort to implemented it.

There is a lot of possible "should", and "could" and "would" in modding.
But in the end talking does not matter much, what matters is what the modders are motivated to implement.


This mod is open to everybody, source code is available and lot of threads with information about modding Civ4Col exist.
You could simply create a modmod and change all the things to your personal taste and even publish it, if you give appropriate credits.

Otherwise I could discuss for 10hours why we implemented things a certain way ... but why ? I am really not interested in such a discussion.
It would simply be wasting both of our precious lifetime because in the end it is just about personal taste as I said.


This mod is 15 years old now and basically evey single feature in this mod was questioned if it could not have been implemented differently.
All the arguments and endless "I am right ... you are wrong" really always just boils down to personal taste of the people discussing.

You may not like how it is implemented, but we do. And in the end we are simply the modders that had invested their time for that feature.
Do you really think that we would not have changed this feature in the last 15 years if we would not have liked it the way it is?


There is no "right" and "wrong" in modding.
And personal taste discussions just waste time.


I'll stop now.

Thanks. :)
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It case i didn't make myself clear - which seems to be the case- I am thrilled with this mod, and have nothing but admiration for the people who put all those uncompensated hours into creating it. WTP is the most addictive and historically interesting game I've ever played. A few offhand suggestions about possible improvements is not a criticism. Such suggestions - better than mine, of course- are part of the reason why its so good.
Stuttgart looks like a great place to visit, by the way. There is definitely a beer fest in my future.
Thanks for your time.
I am thrilled with this mod, and have nothing but admiration for the people who put all those uncompensated hours into creating it.
Thanks, that is nice to hear. :)
A few offhand suggestions about possible improvements is not a criticism.
But please not 14 years after the feature was implemented and already discussed endlessly. ;)


If you do not communicate feedback at the point in time where it matters, it is going to be understood as criticism.
14 years later there is simply no need anymore to discuss how an implementation should have been done or not.
Because as I said, if we would not have liked it the way it is we would already have changed it since then.


If you want to participate then do it when it matters i.e. when the concept is discussed or if you actually yourself want to invest effort.
Afterwards however please accept what the modders have implemented - they know what they like and why they implemented it in a specific way.
Everything else can only be understood as unnecessary complaints and being ungrateful for the hard work people invested.


Stuttgart looks like a great place to visit, by the way.
It is actually not such a great place to visit for tourists other than Cannstatter Wasen, which is the 2nd biggest beer fest in Germany.
Stuttgart is however an "Engineering Hub" with lots of big companies around - so it more of a great place to get a good job or to study.

Stuttgart is one of the richest cities in Germany and thus also has very few social issues compared to other major cities in Germany.
(e.g. Mercedes Benz / Daimler, Porsche, Bosch, ... all have their origins in that City. This created lots of jobs, thus taxes and thus infrastructure.)
There is definitely a beer fest in my future.
Yeah, as I said the "Cannstatter Wasen" in Stuttgart is kind of the little brother of the "Oktoberfest" in Munich - just a bit smaller with less tourists.
(It is also cheaper - meaning you do not pay the hard core tourist prices as in Munich - still of course expensive compared to a normal pub.)

Thanks for your time.
You too. :)
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Sorry if this has been re-hashed millions of time, but its impossible to review everything discussed here: Does it bother anyone else that, as great as this Mod is, it retains that dopey 'victory condition' where, for example, if Simon Bolivar or whoever gains independence first, George Washington loses. Why exactly would GW care what happens in South America? In other words, why is Revolution a "race"? Wouldn't it make more sense if the game always ended with a loss by 1850, simply because you can't have a successful revolution that lasts forever? Also, once 25 years had passed from declaring Independence, if you're losing the battles shouldn't your colonial soldiers start drifting away, a la Valley Forge, people start abandoning the gun making industries, loyalist sentiment grows, the crews of the war ships start mutinying and going over to the king, etc? Just a thought.
I for one am extremely thankful, fully enjoy and am partially dependent on these kind of suggestions to bring some clarity and motivational Sherlock energy to my thus far untreatable adult onset ADD head. I would not have done half of the modding I've done if I had not read it here first.
This thread is for simple questions, which are too minor to justify starting new threads. There is no set topic other than being at least somewhat related to the We The People. This means it's not off topic to ask something completely unrelated to the previous question.
Hello for all Civ Fans. i just restarted playing this game and found this awesome mod.

Nevertheless i feel like a couple things need to be changed for more balance and immersion. so if someone still read this post and can help me guide in how to do it i thank you:

Sea Monsters are Pathetic with only 2 Power and caravels start at 20 and other sjips +++, So i would like to change their power according to the creature:
Sharks 10-20 Power (or average it at 15 Power)
Orcas 20-30 Power ( or average it at 25 Power)
Whales 30-40 Power (or average at 35 Power)
Krakens 40-60 Power (or Average it at 50 Power)
This way fighting sea monsters would be interesting and challenging!!!
Also The GOLD rewards should be 10 Gold for each point of Power of the sea monster., instead of the 0-50, so if you kill a lvl 50 Kraken withlvl2 sea monster skill with more 100% cash return you would get 1000 Gold, a significant reward instead of the 0-50 gold (0-100 with skill modifier) and no challenge you get currently.

Land Mosnters are all 2 Power and same 1 movement. I would change that to;:
1 Power and 2 movement to Wolfs;
2 Power and 1 movement to Aligators;
2 Power and 2 movement to Cougars
3 Power and 1 Movement to All Bears
Also gold reward should be chamged to 5 Gold per Power + Skill modifier: Geting from 5 Gold to 30 Gold Max. and stoping the Zero gold rolls you get... total waste of time and sometimes HP of units...

Another IMPORTANT change would be killing criters, both on land and sea would ALWAYS give XP no matter if attacking unit had 0 or 200XP already!!! and should be 1 XP for Aligators and Wolfs, 2 XP from Bears and cougars;: 2 XP for Sharks; 4 XP for Orcas; 6 XP for Whales; 10 XP for KRAKENS.

With this changes Hunting criters would be awesome Challenge!!!
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I already answered you on discord, but here is the answer again:

Spoiler :

Simply start editing XML.
Civ4UnitInfos.xml regulates the strength and amount of XP Units give.

e.g. look at UNIT_ORCA

Those are the XML tags you want to adjust to your liking.
<iCombat>2</iCombat> <---- Strength of the Unit <iXPValueAttack>2</iXPValueAttack> <---- XP you get from it when you attack <iXPValueDefense>1</iXPValueDefense> <---- XP you get from it when you defend


In GlobalDefinesAlt.xml there is a setting that currently prevents that Units with more than 2XP get further XP from killing Wild Animals.
So if you want to go XP farming by killing Wild Animals, you need to change it to e.g. 50
(so Units with 50 XP can still farm XP from Animals).
<Define> <DefineName>ANIMAL_MAX_XP_VALUE</DefineName> <iDefineIntVal>2</iDefineIntVal> </Define>


This means that a Unit with 2XP or more cannot gain additional XP from killing animals.
(The XP you actually get from the Animal is configured in Civ4UnitInfos.xml as I said.)


Have fun modding. 👋


Civ4Col Modder​

thanks so much for help,it took me alot of time to find all i wanted to change, now i just need to try to change gold rewards to make it fair for the increased dificulty. (EDIT2; Changed seehunter I&II promotion from 50 and 100 to 250 and 500%, since couldnt found how to change base values.)

Also if someone else try to edit it GlobalDefinesAlt.xml . is inside mod/assets/XML folder.
And Civ4UnitInfos.xml is also inside Mod/assets/XML/Units folder. And all animals (sea and land) are at the end of xml file.

EDIT: i took the time and changed the ships cargo restrictions that make no sence.. since u can take people inside cargo galleons why cant u take people inside Privateers, frigates and any ships?? Also treasure taking 3 slot spots and can only be carried in 6 slots ships... total nonsences... a treasure of 9k gold cant take more place then a stack of raw wood...

EDIT3: a picture showing how Krakens fight should !!! Not even that well trained privateer have a good win chance! Better get some Frigates for those fights!!


  • Kraken fight civ4col WTP.png
    Kraken fight civ4col WTP.png
    3.6 MB · Views: 70
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Hello. I am currently playing your wonderful mod, but can’t help but notice that a “slavery strategy” is a bit underpowered. I’ve read some other posts saying that you guys are introducing new units like a slave master and a slave hunter with unique slavery-related promotions. Is it possible that you release this on github or somewhere else as a sub-mod?
Is it possible that you release this on github ...
We will publish a release once it is actually done. ;)
Until then please stay patient.
Is possible to use 2 plot city radius without corners (21 tiles)? City range will be more circular.

Is any way to disable visual city growing? (city graphics should be present only on city tile).
Bigger cities cover neighbour tiles (3x3). Is hard to see improvements on that tiles.
Is possible to use 2 plot city radius without corners (21 tiles)? City range will be more circular.
Is any way to disable visual city growing? (city graphics should be present only on city tile).
All of that is only possible if you start coding or modifying graphics.
There is no XML setting to easily turn it on / off.

None of that will happen in the core mod though.
So basically you would have to create your own small modmod.
Is possible to use 2 plot city radius without corners (21 tiles)? City range will be more circular.
That will make the DLL code more complex. Currently the code says the colony can reach x,y plot coordinates, which are ± 1/2 from the colony plot. Adding additional checks for disabling when x and y are both absolute 2 seems like unwanted clutter in the code. Adding a corner selector to settings will also mess up the current coding design of the settings.

Yeah I'm not seeing this happening either as it appears to be way more work than it would be worth, particularly for me as I wouldn't even play with it myself.
Has military victory never been a thing? For some reason I thought it was and went for it this playthrough. I settled my capitol luckily next to gold and my second city was inland with silver. As I was swimming in money early on, it was easy to just buy a strong military and wipe the floor with other European powers. Several simultaneous ongoing wars made my cities very unhappy, but that mechanic doesn`t have any strong negative effects. Finding every last unit was a real pain but I finally managed to kill everyone off and have the New World all for my greedy self. To my surprise the game kept ticking on :p

So military victory - should it be a thing? Could it be a thing?
So military victory - should it be a thing? Could it be a thing?
You mean like

A) "beating all other Europeans"
B) "beating all Nations including Natives"
C) "beating your own King"


A) This has never been a Victory condition in the game - but it could if somebody was motivated to implement it. :dunno:
(Personally I am not interested in that, because that is not what the game is about for me.)

B) This is more or less covered already with "Domination Victory" - where you need 60 of the owned Terrain of all Players.
(I normally deactivate it, because I actually do not want to win that way since I want to continue the game until WOI.)

C) This is what the game is actually about: Winning War of Independence ("Independence Victory")
(This is actually the only Victory Condition I really care about - beating the other Europeans is just a means to it for me.)


If somebody wants to implement A) as a Victory Condition I am perfectly fine with it. :thumbsup:
Personally I just do not care about it and thus would not invest any effort into implementing it.
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