• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .
There is no "Multi-Buy/-Equip" of Units / Professions in Europe Screen at the moment.
There is also no workaround in any other screen to my knowledge.

To allow all possible combinations of Units and Professions it would need to be a selection menu and not simply a button.
Thus the effort is not that small and it would most likely not look that pretty.

The only point in the game you might need it though is most likely in late game when preparing for WOI.
Micro-managers (like me) that really try to min-max everything will most likely never use it at all.

So I am not really sure it is really necessary or that useful. :dunno:
Somebody would have to invest the effort to implement it.
Not sure if you're being sarcastic but he meant if we have stone as a resource, why not have tea as well since it was also available back then.

As an import from Europe. The english colonies were only allowed officially to import tea from England which in turn came in major part of the game from China and in the late part of the game from India. Not something you NEED to live and prosper but an imported luxury, not something homegrown, hence falling quite approbiately under "luxury goods".

Stone on the other hand is available from quarries in the New World and used as a building material - at least in more civilized colonies like New England. Later in the US whole cities were quickly built up from lumber alone in the Wild Wild West...
How many quests are there in the game currently?

I know there's still the 3 inland settlements, 5 docks, and 3 abbeys ones; but I was surprised by there being ones for 5 wagon trains and 5 expert trappers. Are there others I should be aware of?
As an import from Europe. The english colonies were only allowed officially to import tea from England which in turn came in major part of the game from China and in the late part of the game from India. Not something you NEED to live and prosper but an imported luxury, not something homegrown, hence falling quite approbiately under "luxury goods".

Stone on the other hand is available from quarries in the New World and used as a building material - at least in more civilized colonies like New England. Later in the US whole cities were quickly built up from lumber alone in the Wild Wild West...
First of all, this is a mod so it does not have to be historically correct. RAR/WTP has completely changed vanilla rules/mechanices/features so adding new resources available to that era is not unreasonable. Second, adding tea/tea leaves is just adding another commodity to trade with. Just like the additions of indigo dye, dyed cloth, precious gems, whale fat/oil, etc in the mod. It's adds more variety and more options to making money. You could plant tea to get leaves and dry the leaves to sell as is or to make actual tea, similar to how coffee is made in the game. Third, tea can be the precursor to something else, perhaps things of east-asian culture. Allows more options for future expansions of WTP. Lastly, I don't know about you but I barely use luxury goods in my games. You cannot produce it and it's always expensive to buy and you can't really make money off it (Indians will offer much more for trade goods than luxury goods ratio-wise). You can sell it for some profit in your domestic market but there needs to be a high demand for it. In short, luxury goods are essentially useless. Unless I'm missing something about luxury goods in the game that make them worth dealing with.
Hi guys,

adding Tea as a Yield / Good was discussed several times.
It is not going to happen in WTP core mod.

Producing Tea in the New World
  • historically inaccurate
  • majority of community and team does not want it
Having Tea as another Luxury Good to be bougth from Europe
  • historically accurate but meaningless for gameplay
  • majority of community does not want it
However, everybody is free to do whatever he wants in his private mod-mod.

Guys, simply create your own mods for your personal taste - but please share them with community. :)
It is not that hard and it can even be fun. Why wait for others to do it?
in release 2.8, European line infantry has become a profession, but it is still impossible to teach this profession at the university. is this a flaw, or was it planned like that? ..
in this case, I don’t understand why it was necessary to make the unit a profession? Hessian mercenary, rangers - the same units ...
It was more a "cosmetic change" for UI and to keep it consistent with the rest of the "mass" Combat Units.

All Combat Units that can be acquired in "masses" should be Professions.
Only Combat Units that are rare (given by events) should be pure Units (without Profession).

Only the "Specialist" can only be bought. The Profession is still generally available.
You could still equip the Unit with other Weapons or use it for other non-militar Professions.

But yes, it is a kind of a compromise I was not 100% happy with either.
Having collected a "collection" of all those who escaped, I had a question: is it possible to correct the image of the revolving natives? they copy exactly the native mercenaries and confusion can occur (especially for beginners).
most likely this is a question for @Schmiddie
Where do I find the secondary colour of a player ? I want to play in green but with the English colonies. Plus I still want another English AI player in red.
I found CIV4CivilizationInfos.xml and changed PLAYERCOLOR_DARK_RED to PLAYERCOLOR_RUSSIA so I have my green colonies. However I can not find the secondary English colour which I want to change to PLAYERCOLOR_DARK_RED then. Right now it is an orange colour which is too similar to the Dutch AI player.
Alright, decided to go back and try out 2.8. With all the mods I've played in the past, my memory is fuzzy...can I capture ships? Specifically...my King asked me to take out Portugese, so I asked for reinforcements...so now we both have a Man'o War. Can I capture it somehow?
I have a very minor "annoyance" that I'd love to see fixed - occasionally I will have a unit or ship at a village that gets surrounded by another country's culture and effectively blocks me from getting the unit out. Is there any way to just *bump* that unit outside the culture? I have a unit right now that was learning at a village and I can't get him out, can't even attempt to negotiate open borders. So he's just stuck there.
I have a very minor "annoyance" that I'd love to see fixed - occasionally I will have a unit or ship at a village that gets surrounded by another country's culture and effectively blocks me from getting the unit out. Is there any way to just *bump* that unit outside the culture? I have a unit right now that was learning at a village and I can't get him out, can't even attempt to negotiate open borders. So he's just stuck there.
I don't think I ever had that scenario myself. You could probably use the world editor when it is that unit's turn and remove the culture, then move the unit. Next turn the culture should automatically come back so you don't break anything.
I have a very minor "annoyance" that I'd love to see fixed - occasionally I will have a unit or ship at a village that gets surrounded by another country's culture and effectively blocks me from getting the unit out. Is there any way to just *bump* that unit outside the culture? I have a unit right now that was learning at a village and I can't get him out, can't even attempt to negotiate open borders. So he's just stuck there.

You can negotiate open borders with that AI to move it out after improving relations, e.g. gifts, aid, trading...
In yesterday's example, I didn't even have open borders as a possibility (it wasn't even on the negotiation list, not that it was just red).
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