WW1+WW2+ColdWar+Modern Warfare

That might actually be a better way of doing the editing in Word. I didn't realize you could though. Anyway, a really great mod, could you change that Marine over though to the new US Marine Corps as it really does look the part of a Modern Marine with an M-16?
Hi maxriga... again me... How can i produce mechanised infantry with oil (as you know we can produce mechanised infantry without oil) in your mod... what am i gonna do for this....
Hi maxriga... again me... How can i produce mechanised infantry with oil (as you know we can produce mechanised infantry without oil) in your mod... what am i gonna do for this....

I didn't understand you want to produce mech's with oil or without oil but any way all u need to do is to open MaxRiga_CIV4UnitInfos.xml and to add or remove OIL bonus for any unit.
I like this mod and scenario because:

1.) Balancing between civs and units has been done well.
2.) To play the scenario is fun
3.) There are not too many cities and units.
4.) The scorched earth idea is a good one (in general the tendency during the war is that the improvements get destroyed more than built up - terrain improvements are expensive - though maybe even too expensive)
5.) A lot of small things, which I cannot be quickly mentioned. The coal oil concept connected with the sickness factor, etc

Some suggestions for improvements:
a.) The civilopedia needs improvement, the tech tree is hard to see/understand. And there seem to be errors in it. (e.g. The building, that according to civpedia brings 8xp to air units does not bring a single point)
b.) Spain should not belong to germany
c.) Neutrals should not be barbarian, they should rather be a civ, with which it is potentially good to be able to trade. Your reasoning was about multiplayer mode, perhaps separate the scenario into a multiplayer and single player one. I do not like the fact that US and GB hit the neutrals all the time.
d.) Having a relatively large army is no problem in this mod. A large army should cost vast amounts of gold, as this was the case for Hitler (he annected Austria to empty it's gold treasury and he had to start the war to fill his pockets with money.
e.) Don't know if this is possible, but some incentive for Germany to actually attack Russia instead of just taking GB (which I did) at the start or first 2 years of the scenario, would be nice. An idea might be to trigger Stalin DOW on Germany when Germany lands in GB and to take that opportunity (this is just an idea, not sure, if this would really be a good one)

In my opinion this mod and scenario are overall already pretty good. Thanks to MaxRiga for the work!
to ichbinsehselber
thank u for ur answer
going to explain u some logic in the mod :)

a.) The civilopedia needs improvement, the tech tree is hard to see/understand. And there seem to be errors in it. (e.g. The building, that according to civpedia brings 8xp to air units does not bring a single point)

it has no errors but it definitely needs to be improved. as I've mentioned be4 I didn't want to make THE MOD from the beginning, I was planning to create good scenarios. This why I absolutely didn't pay any attention on tech trees and civ pedias etc at the beginning. Now my mod has more then 250 units and lot of new techs and it's kinda too complicated to follow the tech tree now. I agree it must be improved but I will not be able to take care of it for sure. There were like 3 or 4 guys who wanted to try to make it for the mod but they have disappeared to nowhere after first try, lol

b.) Spain should not belong to germany

I had to make EUROPE civilization strong, this why in 1941 it belongs to Nazis, in 1961 - NATO's and in 2001 to EU's.

Also I don't want to place on the map more then 12 civ's so not strong computers can play this scenario too.

c.) Neutrals should not be barbarian, they should rather be a civ, with which it is potentially good to be able to trade. Your reasoning was about multiplayer mode, perhaps separate the scenario into a multiplayer and single player one. I do not like the fact that US and GB hit the neutrals all the time.

Neutrals do not belong to US or GB until it's occupied. Barbarian states ( i also wanted just called them - anarchy 3rd states ) are placed on the map for the only reasons - to occupy them and make global or territorial influences in different areas. For example, I love to rush for Panama when I'm playing by Russia ;) So, it's silly to fight with barbarian Mongolia ( if barbarian state is once civ as u've advised ) when I attack Panama.

d.) Having a relatively large army is no problem in this mod. A large army should cost vast amounts of gold, as this was the case for Hitler (he annected Austria to empty it's gold treasury and he had to start the war to fill his pockets with money.

It's not true. U havn't played by other civ's except USA as I see :)))
For example Soviet Army in the mod is very expensive ( as well as russian ). I had to always drop my technology research builder so to be able balance my treasure on 0. I also added TANKER unit ( and 2 more trade units in the version BTS2 ) so you can rise technology builder, get negative balance but trade for fast cash ;) Once again, cost of size of army is different to every civ.

e.) Don't know if this is possible, but some incentive for Germany to actually attack Russia instead of just taking GB (which I did) at the start or first 2 years of the scenario, would be nice. An idea might be to trigger Stalin DOW on Germany when Germany lands in GB and to take that opportunity (this is just an idea, not sure, if this would really be a good one)

I've tested 1941 scenario more then 30 times, lol. And in 30% Stalin attacked Hitler first. But Hitler never attacked Stalin no matter how Hitler is strong. I don't know ho to fix the "problem" since Stalin and Hitler are already hate each another in the scenarios settings at maximum.

thank you for ur interest in my scenarios and u r welcome to create ur own scenarios based on my mod! :)))
Do I need to download the Mod and then the scenarios or does the scenarios are included within the Mod?
Do I need to download the Mod and then the scenarios or does the scenarios are included within the Mod?

it depends of ur civ4 version

if u play Civ4 vanilla then u just need MaxRigaMod5.3 and u have to download scenarios separately from the first post of this thread.

if u play Civ4 BTS all u need is just to download MaxRigaModBTS and all scenarios will be included in PublicMaps folder inside of the MaxRigaModBTS ( u don't even need to copy scenarios to ur main PublicMaps folder, simply double click on it and scenario will be launched )
Ok thanks Max. I guess I will then install the scenarios inside the MoD folder.
Looks nice, however I noticed the Austro-Hungarian Empire is not there at all in the 1910 scenario? :confused:
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