
hi adler17
about railroads.
as a houserule i never build them.
at the moment i'm playing the japanese and i think its unrealistic to build inf in the north of china to attack in the same turn=week vietnam.
especially if you consider how slow the movement of ships is.
(it takes me 10 weeks to get 5 inf from japan to the shores of australie)
and pollution? what pollution. build a worker in a week and the next week its gone.
success with your game. :)
I'm trying this game as the Germans and here are my comments:

I like the system of RR taking a long time to build. This way it's still available (even though unrealistic is nice to have) but it requires a high investment in terms of time.

Auto-producing these units is an excellent idea! They are available but only in a limited number... really good idea!

When are radar tower suppose to be available? The statement of 'allowing' Radar Towers is in several techs, but I think they can be built from scratch.

I think that radars should only be available later in the game. In 1939 I think only England had Radar. And with a very very limited range (could not "see France" from fixed Radars). Also I think it would enhance the fun of the game by only allowing Radar later in the game (forcing to research it).

So I'd suggest to give the ability to built Radars only with some tech of 1941.

I'd propose to separate the Naval techs from the Air and Land techs. What I mean is that 1941 land tech should require 1940 land tech but not 1940 Naval or 1940 Air techs. If you force the 1941 land to have 1940 Naval you are making it a tree with very little options and a standard path with less options, which is (IMHO) less fun. If it was separated, you could focus on where you wanted.

It could happen that one civ would only researched land techs, it could have strong 1943 tanks already in 1941... but the planes would be weaker then of it's enemies, so supremacy in tanks could lead to inferiority in the skies. But I personnally think it's fun to make these kind of choices.

Luthor_Saxburg said:
I'd propose to separate the Naval techs from the Air and Land techs. What I mean is that 1941 land tech should require 1940 land tech but not 1940 Naval or 1940 Air techs. If you force the 1941 land to have 1940 Naval you are making it a tree with very little options and a standard path with less options, which is (IMHO) less fun. If it was separated, you could focus on where you wanted.

It could happen that one civ would only researched land techs, it could have strong 1943 tanks already in 1941... but the planes would be weaker then of it's enemies, so supremacy in tanks could lead to inferiority in the skies. But I personnally think it's fun to make these kind of choices.


If this was done it would make the game follow a less historic path, but it would make the civ's more unique. It still would be realistic so I think it would be a good idea to do this.
Railroads are from the idea okay in WW2 Global. However there is a problem with the automatization of workers. But what about only the combat engineers can build railroads?
RADAR was indeed also in service in Germany. In 1939 Germany was testing the new stations on a sunny day, when the RAF got the idea to attack German ships in ports at day without fighters. At first the RADAR station on Sylt detected the enemy. The German were warned but still did not launch as they did not trust in the new technology. However soon as the second RADAR station detected the British bombers, the German fighters flew off to attack tihe enemy. Needless to say that not a single bomber got through and half of the wing was destroyed by the fighters.
The technologies are so made that you get the technologies in the same year, so a He 219 in the year of the introduction of the Iowa class. And it is thought in the right playing year, although due to scientific rates this is not realistic. IMO it should stay like it is.

Hi all,

I've been playing as the germans for a while now.
But there's one small remark.
During the German occupation in Belgium, there were many Belgian people who Helped the germans fight against the russians.
For a belgian like me it would be cool to see this in the game as a realisme factor.
Perhaps a unit-wonder or somethin, i don't know.
I'm just sayin this, do with it what you want

For the rest: best scenario ever!!! :goodjob:

I have a question, does anybody know how to preserve the trade routes via the special cities such as Narvik with the harbour etc. ? If I take Narvik, Corsica, Moscow or Iceland the trade ability remains. When I tried to take Canberra the airport disappeared and the trade hub was lost, the same happened in my last game with the American continent. Is there a special way to take over the cities?

One the one hand I understand that "Axis" supply routes would be too stretched to supply Australia to the full extend, but I doubt that that was the original intend.

I'd appreciate any help, explanation or shrug :D

May the walls of your enemies crumble!

Water and Air trading hugely slower turns and loading...

REDY, thanks for the info. Yet I am referring to these special trade hubs like London, Rom, Tokyo Washington DC, Narvik that have trade connections despite the general "turn off" of the normal trade route system. The whole reason I invaded Australia from the south east was to take Canberra first since it displayed the airport symbol (thus the trade hub) but the airport was gone after the invasion.

If all trade was off, how could the USA trade with the Soviets? They are able to do so because DC and Moscow have the special airport ability, indicated by the airport symbol next to the town.

Perhaps my little theory is just that a theory and I was attacking windmills :crazyeye:

May the dark clown be with y'all
Here's the accounts from my current Japan game.
Got to 1941 with USA, but i accidentally saved over it.
This time i've been more meticulous.


36 Main Japanese fleet heads south.
37 Subs surround Guam.
38 Dutch ships attack Truk.
39 Japanese forces approach Hong Kong
41 US WWI DD lining across main island, main fleet nearing Phillipines
44 Guam taken, Hong Kong significantly reduced, Troops land in jungle adjacent to Manila.
45 Manila falls to Japanese Infantry.
46 Davao taken.
47 LV lost to US Fleet, US BB surrounding Okinawa, Japanese fleet divides, one half heading to Port Moresby, one back to the main islands.
48 Hong Kong taken.
50 Makassar taken by Japanese. One of our BB suk by US BB taken down to 1 health.
52 Port Moresby, Surabaya (E.Java) taken. Another BB lost, one taken in return. Yamato shoots down several waves of fighters.
2 Japanese infantry seize Solomon Islands
4 Air strikes neutralize British destroyers and transport of reinforcements
6 US Carrier and BB sunk E of Tokyo, Admirals fending off relentless submarine blockades
7 Banjarmasin, Borneo, captured. 2 huge US SS stacks sunken.
10 Batavia (E Java) taken, major engagement with US Carrior group near Truk beginning.
13 Sian taken, US plans stolen: main fleet moving W from Hawaii, BBs move to engage. US BB AK (Arkansas) sunk.
14 Yamato takes 2 US BBs.
15 Lanchow falls to Nippon's infantry
17 Ansi falls to relentless advance.
18 Singapore taken.
19 Ningpo seized with amphib. assault.
20 British counterattack on Pt. Moresby barely repelled.
21 Engagement N of Truk, US carrier and battleship.
22 Amoy taken from Chinese. US group sunken. AI: Kochi (island near Hiroshima) captured by surprise American landing
23 Kochi reduced, but Single marine is unable to retake city. Many US Destroyers have been sunk. AI: promotes many of his majesty's fleet. Chiang Kai Shek seen massing troops.
26 Kochi finally retaken. Population reduced to 1, yet critical improvements remain. Lexington sunk off the coast of Tokyo. AI: British fail again to take back Pt. Moresby.
27 Orders are given to strengthen defenses in all cities. AI: US BB stack (5) moves upon Truk. ANZAC repelled from Java.
28 Su Cho captured, Communist Chinese neutralized for the most part. AI: Heavy bombardment of Truk.
29 Seige of Hanoi begins. Sukoku CC sunk by hidden SS. AI: Fierce tank battles with Nationalist Chinese in hills around Chengdu
31 Hanoi taken. AI: BB's meet in major conflagration. 2 Nip BBs lost, one US taken down along the way. Yamatos still 2 turns out at least.
32 Nippon fleet flanks 4 remaining US BB.
33 Yamato sinks one US BB, 2 weakened with air power. AI: Flees directly into two more waiting Yamato, FDR attempts to send a few DDs and a transport at the main islands.
34 BBs Maryland, W.Virg. and Tennes. sunken easily. Plans stolen again. One US transport full of marines is destroyed. US has scarcely defended alaska and hawaii (2 inf. only), should be 10 turns to landfall. north pacific lined with sub stacks, 3 more BBs (ID, CO, TX) along with a few transports seemingly heading to the solomon islands from panama. USA has 1 lvl2 battleship C2 in LA harbour. AI: Communist Chinese launch a minor counter offensive. USA ai chooses to rush its battleships ahead, leaving its transports full of marines behind.
35 High command feels positive naval superiority is within our grasp. Disscussions of possible general mobilization orders are inconclusive: more barracks and hospitals are still needed in China. Building focusing on air corps.
36 Fleet divided into three, one for alaska, one for Hawaii, and one for dispatching the last three state battleships.
37 Another large sub stack found. Saigon taken. AI: France takes back Saigon from single marine. Cannot spare any air resources for SE Asia. Haven't seen British ships in over a month, US naval stacks reach Solomon Islands prepare to attack...chances are strong the islands will fall despite significant number of fighter-bombers.
39 blockade barely stops American attack on Solomons, 2 BBs and 2 transports taken out, at least one more of each remains. AI: Britain takes Pt. Moresby with a couple ANZAC attacks.
40 other US stack taken, a couple submarine stacks destroyed in the North Pacific AI: British King George Class and transport approach Java. Heavy attacks on Hanoi.
41 expeditionary force to take back Moresby assembled from S. China, eta 5 turns
42 walls built in Indonesia, British destroyers taken easily, but battleship still coming
43 amphibious attack force arrives in Honolulu AI: UK King George Class adjacent to Surabaya
44 Carriers now in range for strikes on UK stack, Zeros already positioned in every island. Most air attacks fail, only taken down to 3/11. Saigon falls to amphibious attack. AI: near-lethal air bombardment of US cruiser off the coast of Portland. Undefended transport happens upon cruiser west of panama. UK BB passes up Surabaya, heads NW to Singapore.
45 UK naval units around indonesia all sunken, 3 transports down. AI: US BB (c2) breaks blockade, nears Kochi
46 No UK navy visible, yet submarines seem still present, US BB sunken with 1939 Destroyers after sacraficing 3 heavy cruisers AI: British Sub sinks one destroyer. USSR destroys Turkey.
47 Air strikes all over Australia, some population and improvements reduced, massing of ground forces on main islands. Attack on Alaska failed due to lack of bombardment support. Nippon Navy spread all along naval front 7 Yamato Class now in the field, no enemy advances visible. AI: Air strikes on our BB off California, carriers near Hawaii and Australia.
48 Having cut off Hawaii and Alaska from US mainland, new objectives are to besiege Kuala Lumpur and isolate Australia from British India, while air and sea bombardment of larger Aussie cities can continue.
49 advances toward Rangoon and K. Lumpur AI: only contact with US forces is air bombardment
50 A few British subs found and sunk North of Australia, convoy nearing Pt. Moresby for landing.
51 Pt. Moresby taken. Assault force moves South toward Australia.
52 US Cruiser spotted off Solomon Islands, US BB and transport off Panama AI: US Captures Solomon Islands.
* Poland, Denmark, continental Greece and Benelux conquered by German foces.
* Axis declared war on Sweden, sunk the majority of it's navy and conquered Malmo.


On January 1st, Paris is conquered by German forces!
By the end of March the last French resistants surrender together with the city of Strasbourg, after a long and painfull siege.
Only the Maginot line stands. The French troops inside it seem to have food supplies for years, so it's likely they will stay there for a while. A few Art & air units are assigned to only keep continuous bombardement of line in order to later conquer it.

April starts with German forces successfully marching into Switzerland after a brief struggle.

During May, the British were able to consolidate their holdings in North Africa, by conquering the last holdout of the Italians.

May also brought declarations of war by Germany to Sweden and Spain. By end of June the Swedish army was tottally anihilated after a simple and swift campaign for the Germans.
In Spain, the story is quite different, though... when the Germans were at the gates of Madrid, a strong combined British & American amphibious attack re-took 2 cities to the suprised Werchmacht troops. The Axis were driven back to Zaragoza, where they re-organize and came back in full strength to meet the allies. This time they were unstoppable. By the end of August, all the Iberic Peninsula was under Axis control.

Week 19:
New ships:
BB: Dedo von Schenk, Steuben, Bredow (Gneisenau 2 class)
CV: Hartmann, Barkhorn

British units attacking in Australia were destroyed by the Luftwaffe.
Bismarck class BB Anhalt is now elite after sinking a British KGV class BB off Newfoundland. 2 further TR were sunk by my carrier planes.

PC turn:
A US BB C2 appeared off Halifax as well as a squadron of 3 CA C2 off Columbia. But the greatest shock was that Kolyma was bombed by US B 29 bombers. And the US did introduce the Iowa class BB. It is time to act. However I need about 20 turns to be ready for starting my forces from Europe. That means before the end of 1942 I won´t be in America.
Also stupid decision by the Japanese: They attacked the British convoy of two KGV class BB and a TR, which made also a stupid decision by turning back by 180°, at first with bombers but then with an Otsu, which was sunk and then by two Yamatos. Both KGV are now on the bottom of the seas, however the TR is still alive.

Week 20:
After loosing three Uboats U 2503 (XXI) sinks a US BB C2 off Halifax and becomes elite. With that sinking I can report the first ship that fell victim of that new boat type. 3 further Uboats were lost by sinking the US convoy of three CA C2 and a convoy unit.

New ships:
BB: Ludwig Ritter von Tutschek, von Uechtritz und Steinkirch, von Wedel

PC turn:
A British CVE appeared off Newfoundland. Also a US convoy unit escorted by a CA C2 of the US off North Africa. I have to secure the coast by deploying a fleet there. Such a convoy was also spotted in the Pacific, but there attacked and sunk by damaged Yamatos.

Week 21:
Forgot to mention, that I took last turn Broom with my marines after bombing and shelling the city.
The CVE is sunk by my Ju 87 of CV Alfred Dossenbach. IIRC my first carrier plane success against another carrier.

PC turn:
Only a few ship movements.

Week 22:
Finally I can produce Me 262.
However I lost 4 bomber by sinking a British fleet of a KGV class BB and a CVE.
Also my carrier Stukas sunk a US CA C2 and a convoy unit off Nort Africa. My North Africa fleet is now based at the Canarias islands.

New ships:
BB: Adolf Wild von Hohenborn
CV: Rall, Nowotny

A British TR fell victim of my carrier based Stukas off Newfoundland.

PC turn:
A US convoy appeared of South Africa. Where does they go to? Also being off portland with a Uboat wolfpack was in no way a good idea as I lost three Uboats to a US convoy of a BB C2 and 2 CA C2 and an Iowa appeared, too.

Rocoteh, I thought about some change for starting with the US , maybe I'm wrong but I'll try anyway ..

When starting with USA, the year is 1939 and as I know ( maybe I'm wrong ) the US army got into war after the Japanese heavy attacked Pearl Harbor , It was 1941 and then they got into the war after Returning-Fire on the Japenese, because of this they had war with their alliances . what I mean is that USA enter to the WWII in 1941 , so it'll be more interesting if the start with USA will be at 1941 ( with conquered european cities by the germans of course ) .

Tell me if I wrong ( sorry again , my english is'nt that good )
Week 23:

New ships:
BB: Wilhelm Souchon
CV: Nowotny

Sea battle off Portland. U 472 sank a US CA C2, U 456 a BB C2 but sunk while attacking the convoy unit. U 470 sank both damaged units and is now elite. However it detects the next convoy and so I will only attack the CA C2 in it and then retreat. 11 Uboat losses are too much here in one turn. However the ship is also sunk. 11 Uboats for two BB C2 and CA C2 each and a convoy unit is also not bad. But since I hve few ships here it is important to save my three survivng units of this wolfpack.

PC turn:
The US convoy heads still south at Africa. I will delay my He 177 from Iceland to South Africa to attack this force. Also a British fleet of a few KGV BB and CVE as well as a KGV BB near my fleet en rout to Perth appeared. The latter bombed my fleet with no success.

Week 24:
BB Bismarck sank the KGV off the west coast of Australia. Then I shelled and took Perth.

New ship:
CV: Marseilles

Also the British fleet north off Brisbane is sunk by my bombers.

PC turn:
Nothing important, except the bombing runs and a convoy consisting of an Iowa class BB, 2 BB C2 and a convoy unit. Also the US convoy is still heading south.



I have a Problem to start your Scenario

I have downloaded both files and unzipped it to the Folder :

........\Infogrames Interactive\Civilization III\Conquests\Scenarios

But there is a problem because i cant select it in the game.

So i put the Files to :

........\Infogrames Interactive\Civilization III\Conquests\Conquests

But when i start this Scenario i get allways the same error message

Then i crashed to Desktop.

Hope you can help me to run this Scenario.

Game is English, Conquest is English, dont know if US oder UK Version.
Patch is 1.22 FULL for Conquest.


First of all I am no expert but I'll give it a shot anyway.

I have a Problem to start your Scenario
I have downloaded both files and unzipped it to the Folder :
........\Infogrames Interactive\Civilization III\Conquests\Scenarios

That's where I have put the files and it works just fine.

A) You might have tried to start it the wrong way, don't look for it under the conquest subsection (only the "official" scenarios are started from there), use the subsection directly below conquest (It might be the Civ-Content subsection).

B) Possibly it might have to do with missing WWII unit files due to "Conquest" not containing the scenarios from "Play the World". Ok - those files might be part of the big download though :confused:

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