Xbox 360 vs. PlayStation 3. What should I ask for Christmas?

You buy a wireless 360 controller and receiver for $50, plug it into any PC, plug the PC into a TV, and play any N64 game this way.

A used corded Logitech with almost identical button setup(the thumbsticks aren't quite in the same position) and free xbox controller emulator software will run you between 10 and 20 bucks and work just as well. I suppose it won't rumble, but that's mostly just annoying anyhow.
I disagree.
I concur, the games have enormous nostalgia value, plus it's fun to play against uber FPS players and stomp them because they aren't used to the controls and whatnot. Bonus points if you have a working gameshark and can do lots of fun stuff like walk through the locked doors in the MP levels.
Pick the console most of your friends have. It's no fun if most of them play online with the PS3 and you have an Xbox 360. I own both and they are very similar. I think most third-party games on the PS3 are ports from the Xbox version, but that was a long time ago and maybe that's not the case anymore. Also, keep in mind that in around a year, both MS and Sony might launch their new consoles.
I'd go with the PS3, but I suppose 'cause the online is free and I just prefer it's exclusives over the exclusives the xbox has. That may just be me though. I'm nto really into things like Halo or Gears of War, more into games like Demon's Souls and the upcoming Ni No Kuni game.
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