• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Yet another Orbis PBEM

gps turn 48 to Perpentach
And where is my save?
gps to Lgaard
Our scout checking out the lands of the Horselords was killed by a marauding band of Skeletons. We have successfully discovered the secrets of launching wooden projectiles....Its called Archery. This allowed some leveraged trading to secure animal husbandry and how to track the days, weeks and months. These two will help The Mechanos develop the land within their nation.

We await the dwarven band coming to find news of Pepins Body.
Balseraphs attack and destroy two Doviello interlopers without loss. A celebration is thrown in honor of our brave and victorious soldiers. The people's favorite is now an 8th level swordsman. Party on! Perpentach's sages are working furiously to prepare for the Doviello's day of reckoning. Patience is a virtue. [party]

Save to Szpilman!
To Lgaard!
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