• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Zero City Challenge


Jul 5, 2001
Earth , Sun , Milky Way , Second Star on the right
All right moof - good to see yous back! :goodjob:

Here's the link for Tim's adventures as Atilla:
I think that the forums have been renumbered after the release of Civ 3. The Civ 2 forums used to be 12, 13, 14, etc. but are now 22, 23, 24, etc. That may be it...

Thanks a bunch, that was inded the thread we wanted to read.

We had a game that we were messing around with on the OCC & we

started doing the Barbarian thing & could not remember Tim's name

or how he said he was playing it. LOL we were trying to destroy

all the cities we encountered & haveing a difficult time of it.

Now that we see aquiring cities by conquest, Riot & Huts!!!! is allowed

this is going to be more fun than we orginally thought.

P.S. On the link #s are you saying there is a formula for

revising our old URLS to the new correct links ?
Cool, Two Dukes - No Waiting,

Thanks for the Welcome backs.

Duke of Marlbrough,

All us Frogs, Orcas, Gungans, Jedi & Federation Officers are just fine.

Also this will take care of your windows XP problem.

It is amazing that all you poor wintel people

are not in a corner somewhere, talking to this guy.

by Moof:

... this will take care of your windows XP problem.

Guess what!!!

MS working on the new Operating System!

MS has combined the strengths of it's three most popular operating systems to create it's next generation operating system:

Windows Cement ..... Hard as a rock and as dumb as a brick!

(coming soon to a store near you!)

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