ZNES - A New World


We agree to the split agreement if we also get 1,11 and 12.
my orders are build an army and send it to 15.

i'm sorry I can't send PM's but I don't have time...
I claim: 34-42

Orders I don't have time to PM them:
Build army and send it to 40
To: Rome
From: Germany

I would like 11, but I have no objection to you having one and 12.

Sorry no update tonight unless I get more orders, I currently only have 3 including Erez's. :(
My orders is over (if you don't have them) I can PM them today if you want it becuse I got beeter time today.
Oh wait, sorry I just realised you posted your orders here aswell. Well that's four we're up too :D
Germany - 8C
Greece - 8C
Rome - 8C
England - 8C
Russia - 8C
France - 8C
Ottoman Empire - 8C
Egypt - 8C

Moderator Note: I didn't get orders from everyone so I had to move for England, Egypt and the Ottomans
Also there isn't much news this turn, obviously since its the first turn, but I promise that updates will be more exciting once things get going ;)


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umm.. well let me see. i thought the math would go like so:
start with 5 gold
spend 3 on army.
have 2 left
earn 8 for new turn (capitol=5+new province=3)
that makes 10, but then pay upkeep on one army which makes it 9
did i misunderstand the rules somewhere?
Begin with 9 gold (8+2-1=9):
Spend 6g of making 2 new armies. 3 left.
Send 1 army from 40 to 38, send 1 from 41 to 37 and 1 to 42.
Oh yeah, sorry about that Roddy. Was in a bit of a rush last night so kinda messed up my maths :p

Everyone should have 10C to spend
oh wow, i relooked up the upkeep stuff. thats great no upkeep payments. cool.

From Russia
To the World

Anyone got 1 gold i can borrow?
i'll give you 2 back next turn!

Lord Roddy
(Authorized by Czar Durachinov)
Please, dont move for people who miss their orders. I dont really have any say in this, though.
????? :confused: ?????

Erik, why would you NOT want Dexter to do the moves for those who dont send orders???

If they are just left to stand there, then they will be behind in the expantion (especialy at this early stage) and might not wanna play at all after that.

If he moves not the exact way that they wanted, well then its their dam fault for not sending in orders on time.
ok, so either not enough people are paying attention to this thread or no one wants to lend me a gold.
comeon i know EVERYONE cant use all thier gold, so someone will be left with a gold anyway, and i'll give you TWO next turn. thats like 100% profit.

dam you people. lol

well, guess i should go an do my orders.
if ANYONE can lend me 1 gold, please post it here.
I'm sending 2 versions of orders. one for using just the money i have and one for if someone lends me the one gold (just dont forget to put it in your orders).


Dexter, how many orders you have already?
I have sent my orders.

To: Russia
From: Germany

I will try to lend you some gold next turn.
Originally posted by naervod
I have sent my orders.

To: Russia
From: Germany

I will try to lend you some gold next turn.

Czar Durachinov hands lord Roddy a letter and sais "Please have this sent to the Chancelor of Germany". Lord Roddy reads the letter, barely hides his horrified expression and goes to his office to write a letter to Germany to replace that one.
From Russia
To Germany

We thank you, friend, for your willingness to help us. However, we will not need any loans NEXT turn (what are turns in this game? Years, months?). The reason we had asked for a loan THIS turn is because:
everyone has 10 gold. the only way to spend ALL that is 2 ships, and who would want 2 ships at this point when there is so much unclaimed land to claim. so i know people will have money left over, and i was hoping that someone would loan me 1 gold (which is what MOST of us is gonna have left over anyway) so that i could use ALL my gold this turn, and i would return 2 gold to the lender next turn.

Thank you anyway,

Lord Roddy,
with authority from Czar Durachinov
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