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ZPNESVI: Nesse, the Chosen City

Still here. Already have ideas for two stories, to come out before the end of the week.
The Fire Clan is as dismayed by the losses Nesse has incurred in this war. But losses are an unavoidable part of any conflict. The people of Nesse can be sure that the Fire Clan will let itself be destroyed before allowing Nesse to fall. The forces of the enemy are great, the Fire Clan knows this better then any. We have taken great casualties, and have even lost Incendia, the newly built home of the Clan. The Fire Clan has been fighting and leading the armies of Nesse with valour and honour, to the best of its ability. I, Cincinnatus Incendia, patriarch of the Fire Clan, promise that we will win this war. If I cannot keep this promise, the Fire Clan will exile itself.

The enemy has dangerously extended supply lines in hostile territory, allowing us to cut them off in our own lands. Their army has been harassed continuously on the march up, and their morale has been lowered. While we have fought them as much as possible, we believe the support of most clans has been withheld from us. The Fire Clan alone cannot win this war.

On the matter of the Wolf Clan, we have a number of things to say. Firstly, after Lucius Wolf was appointed War Leader, he chose to complain and harass the Senate, the very institution that seperates us from the Barbarians, rather then try to fight a war. After stepping down from the post in a fit of arrogance, the Fire Clan had no choice but to quickly take the role and plan an entire war with little time to plan in. As if abandoning Nesse at its time of need was not enough, men of the Wolf Clan chose to fight for the Cyrians, along with other enemies of Nesse. That a clan of Elites would abandon Nesse to fight for the enemy is an insult to all other clans actively defending this city. And then, as if that wasn't enough, Lucius Wolf had the audacity to insult my clan, as if we wanted Nesse to fall. The Wolf Clan would have not lasted nearly as long as us in this war. Were it up to the Wolf Clan, the armies of Nesse would have wandered into a field to engage the Cyrians and their allies in the open, only to be slaughtered by their superior numbers. The Wolf Clan fails to realise that the enemy is vastly stronger then us. There was no way we could have defeated them in the field, not then. If Lucius Wolf feels we have done such a bad job leading the armies and auxiliaries of Nesse, then he should first get a reign on his own 'loyal' men.

The Fire Clan is willing to listen to any who have ideas on the future of the war. Please dispatch a runner to our household should you have anything to say.
How dare the Fire Clan besmirch our good name, we have done nothing to destroy Nesse, I never told my troops to abandon Nesse, I never told my troops to fight for the Cyrians, and I myself, Lucius Wolf, after resigning went straight to my villa in the city.

Finally, we tried numerous times to get our plans approved, we have asked the Senate over and over again to allow us the freedom to strike first, failure to strike first, results in defeat on all fronts, your actions, the hit and run, was doomed to fail from the start, and I will tell you why.

First, the Cyrians knew they outnumbered us, they knew they would win in an open field battle. Therein lies their weakness, they got cocky. If we struck first, hard and fast, their army would be shattered, not defeated but shattered enough that it allows our chariots to wreak so much damage that the Cyrians would have been forced to retreat to stop the constant strikes from our small detachments. (think strike teams of 100 men) Remember, we are attacking as they are on the march, they are not in battle formation, and we are bringing our full army to bear, it would take the Cyrians at least 30 minutes to 1 hour to prepare their forces for a battle, and during this time they would be constantly harassed by our chariots and archers. The General being the cautious man he is would instead order the retreat to safer confines and re approach Nesse much more cautiously. In this case, look to our 2nd to last paragraph.

The Cyrian army was so vast and large that hit and run tactics would only do little damage here and there, the leaders would simply shrug off the losses and push on. As they did, as a result, they now know the terrain and can force us to fight them on their terms, a complete disadvantage for us. Even now, the Cyrians know that we might raise an relief army and attempt to lift the siege, again this will fail, simply because our forces are still outnumbered, and worse, split. Half of our forces are stuck behind city walls with the other half in the country. This always spells disaster, and while I am not blaming the Fire Clan for this, I am disappointed in their leadership abilities to keep the army together.

Finally, once the Cyrian army returns, much more cautiously following their defeat earlier, we would approach the Cyrian army but not challenge them yet, but merely lead them away from Nesse, much like a dog would chase a cat, the Cyrians would take the bait because they would want to destroy the only threat to their conquest of Nesse. Leaving such an army at their backs would be unwise, especially for the Cyrians who pride themselves in military excellence. We would lead the Cyrian army on a chase around the countryside until the Fort that the Fire Clan was constructing was completed, then force the Cyrians to besiege that fort and draw their supplies down as Nesse forms a new army of outlanders and other citizens of Nesse. Once that is completed, the two armies combined with dwindling food supplies and disease ridden camps for the Cyrians we would finally defeat the demoralized Cyrian army and force them back home.

Finally, I do not accept this threat the Fire Clan has imposed against the Wolf Clan, we have worked tirelessly to get the Senate to either approve or allow me free reign to command my army as I saw fit. The Senate refused, even going as far as to replaced me with a new commander, which again was foolish. But since I knew Nesse would lose if the Senate would not back me, I decided to leave while I still had my honor. But I gave strict orders for my soldiers to remain with the army, I still wanted to give Nesse the best chance at victory I could. Also, those of my troops who betrayed Nesse and dishonored my name have been cut off from the Wolf Clan severance package and their wives and children arrested and sold into slavery as punishment. I have already given the order several hours ago and if you had only seen that you would not have blamed me for that.

The death of a patriarch in Alya is always a sad day, no matter the reason for his death. Yet this time his death was in battle. The diplomatic factions among Alya have been greatly weakened while the patriarch grandson Ra-in knew that is his day to rise to control his clan. He expected the elders of the clan to soon declare him heir and new patriarch and the news did not come late. A few hours after the death was announced Ra-in rose to power. He easily won the elders hearts with words of war and greatness in battle, just like his grandfather. The diplomatic faction suffered a loss as the sun of the old patriarch lost this small vote.

After the elders set him as patriarch Ra-in instantly moved to secure his control over the clan. He for the past ten years was studying how to lead armies and strategies, unlike the rest of his clan who are diplomats. He used his knowledge to win this small elections among Alya and soon he will change Alya's aims and methods at reaching its aims.

But now troubles were coming at Nesse and Alya. The Cyrians are besieging the city, the outlanders are feeling more free then they should. The Nesser families are becoming rich and influential while elites grow weaker by the moment. He had to make sure Alya survives the coming onslaught and had to make sure it remains a powerful clan.

First order of business was to talk to the moderator of the city of the situation. Second order of business was to mend relations with the blue sails by calling back Alya ships, turning them to warships and transports and promising to not meddle in trade routes of the blue sails in return for them trading with Alya, especially now more then ever. Last order of business was to make sure Alya survives if Nesse does fall. But he had not aim at letting that happen. He would grow Alya's forces to add to the city power and to defeat the Cyrian threat.

to Blue sails Sea Empire and Nabar
Alya wishes to make a deal. We will stop our trading ships at meddling with your trade lanes completely. In return we only wish for the blue sails to continue to trade with Alya and Nesse as our time of need is great and the red sails faction aids our enemies. Will you, good people, agree?

to Scribes
How long was a moderator rule?

to Elites
We must now move forward, break the siege and end this atrocity called Cyrians. If we do end up losing our ships are ready to take people away from trouble and to new lands, if needed.
And yet, you have done nothing and therein lies the crime. You Lucius Wolf of the 'prescience' with your it was doomed to fail did nothing. If we don't accept your witchery skills and Clan Masada does not, then why should we suppose that your plan was any better? That you should wish us (i.e. those willing to fight) to engage in skirmishing actions which you have so conveniently relabeled "strike teams" is exactly what we have done. That you should desire to engage the Cyrian's marching columns is admirable but as you seem to acknowledge it would only work if we knew the enemy general was timid. We did not, so can you please explain how you secure behind your walls knew such things? That you should how the flow of battle would go, in the fires and anvil of war is also telling. Pray, tell us how you knew? In-fact how do you know how history would unfold in your absence? We are most interested in it. That amount of certainty attests to one of three things, (1) Incompetence: ignoring the old adage that no plan survives first contact with the enemy, (2) Complicity: the choreographing of some Cyrian plot, or (3) witchery however unlikely which also leads to one inescapable conclusion, treason. We are fond of (1) but do enlighten us. We do have our own means of finding out and by the Horned King we shall.
Yes I will accept whatever punishment is befitted to Lucius Wolf for resigning from the army. We support his actions and he himself is willing to accept any punishment. But if he had to do it all over again, he would still resign, if the Senate refuses to cooperate, there is not an army out there that will win.

While you are correct that we may have not known whether the next General would have been timid, our plans were based on the fact that the Assassins would succeed in killing the aggressive General. Had our plan been enacted, it would have been pure luck that a timid General was appointed. Had another Aggressive General or even different one been appointed, the original plan would not have gone off like clockwork, but we would still have the element of surprise, and this alone should be sufficient to force many Generals to retreat to safer confines, aggressive or not. If they had chosen to establish battle lines during the surprise attack they would have lost hundreds, if not thousands in the skirmish. And once battle lines were established, they would have no enemy to fight, as my army would withdraw to the woods and circle the enemy. If an aggressive general was appointed we would tail the enemy and once he got close to Nesse, we would attack his rear, once again throwing his army into chaos, and knowing aggressive Generals, he would not have scouts all around his army because he would have the sack of Nesse on his mind, and not the disappearing Nesse army. To him it would have been like a flea on horse, he would take care of it should the army attack. Granted these plans require a certain degree of luck, but I believe in my strategies and knowledge of warfare and General behavior of the Generals that I strongly believe this would have succeeded. But again, I needed the backing of the Senate to enact these plans, which I did not get.

Our plans are always carefully thought out, our spies discover what they can about the general leadership of the army, make up of the army, their fighting tactics. We never approach a battle blind, we always engage an battle that is to our advantage, and not theirs, i.e higher ground, rough terrain on flanks, etc...
I agree with Masada with regard to the Outlander council or whatever. The people that actually joined the OTF don't pay attention to this thread anymore, so that's pretty much defunct. Also, the isolationist thing was in sarcasm. Somebody send me some battle plans that utilize the axmen so I'll know who they're going to join.
The Fiddling Conclave has some ideas, but unfortunately it would take years of scientific exploration and testing to come up with new weapons to challenge the Cyrian threat at this range. So, that's out. Our kin that live amongst the Drezden continue to work closely with them, though with a massive hostile army nearby, it is equally difficult for those Fiddlers to come up with anything new. It is a shame that we are so cut off that science cannot save us. So, instead, the Workshop now overflows with craftsmen temporarily removed from Aqueduct duty, and arms and armor manufacturing are in full force. For our lowest prices yet, the Conclave is supplying new compound bows and laminate armor to any Nessian military in need of them. We are also working on improving the range of the compound bows; though this will take time, it might enable us to strike at the Cyrians from our walls and into their camps.

Fiddler Orders

* Make as much armor and as many bows as our fully staffed Workshop can provide, and sell them to the soldiers defending the city at incredibly low (near-cost) prices.

* Dedicate a substantial research effort into improving the range of the compound bow, or developing new projectile methods that might provide us the range to strike at the Cyrian camp from the walls.

* Some fringe researchers, desperate to have science triumph over numbers and muscle, seek to research strange and devastating weapons. What this might be, none can be sure, but they are investigating the properties of just about every odd material they ever or never researched in order to find some edge. Probing the sewers and dumps for strange compounds is only a part of their efforts, which also include various alchemical experiments in producing some workable weapon or weapon component from these materials. Particularly, they have become obsessed with materials known to be flammable or explosive, and are often found standing atop the walls, peering out at the enemy camp, making calculations pertaining to distance and trajectory.

<anxious for next "mini"-update>
I guess the Fiddlers that are at the lodge are stuck there for a while, but they are safe.
House Demetrii stands firm in our defense of Nesse. Many of our apprentices and journeymen stand at the walls, side by side with the Ninticus and the Watchmen while many more labor within the walls, producing and repairing our defensive and offensive weaponry. House Demetrii urges all able-bodied men of Nesse to bear arms. House Demetrii are producing as many crossbows as possible and will distribute them to whoever comes forth for military duty.

House Demetrii urges The Fiddling Conclave to reduce their efforts in producing composite bows as Demetrii crossbows are much easier for new recruits to use and focus more on producing their devious "fire from above."
Interesting how the update says you have the exact opposite of that. Oh well, one man's freedom is another man's slavery. :p

Clarification: "independence from the city oppressors and their lap dogs.":p
The Ninticus Clan is surprised at the behavior being exhibited by its fellow Elites. While our opinions about how the war was to be carried out and who is to be blamed for what may vary, it doesn't change the fact that arguing will solve nothing. While we believe that we have chosen the right path in the war, we aren't going to lose any sleep over someone criticizing our methods. Our main focus is in breaking the seige and maintaining order within the city.

On that note we would like to warn any potential dissenters that those attempting to riot or in some other way undermine our effort against the Cyrians, we will bring swift justice upon their heads.
The House of the Horned King places its Temple Guard at the disposal of the Ninticus Clan. Death is our master, why should any Nesser fear him?
The Justo Clan will send its warband to fight the Cyrian menace. The Cyrian's are showing signs of being overstretched which may be their ultimate downfall.

Dieing in battle against the Cyrian's is far more desirable then the slavery which will surely come if the Cyrian's win the day.
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