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ZPNESVI: Nesse, the Chosen City

More farmland may be useful to alleviate our food crisis, especially if the city is going to start to expand. Perhaps we should consider retaliatory strikes on the Wolves, or buying land from the desperate Reds?

A good suggestion, although if we purchase more land we may come into closer contact with the Golden Barbarians. More farmland would be a great boon, as will our lowered tolls.
Given the relative positions of the two tribes it may be worth it to engage the Wolves and gain land, since we are bound to come to conflict with them anyway. We may also want to lend the Red Barbs some sort of assistance if they help us with the Wolf Barbs.

To: Clan Syncerus
From: Hippus Clan

This deal is acceptable to us, as we are mainly in need of hides.
To: The Elites of Nesse
From: Wolf Barb Envoy

Our chief is sorry about the fighting that has occured. He offers a gift of gold, jewelry and ten cows as a peace offering. And to keep our young men occupied, let us join forces in a raid against the Boar tribe. What do you say?

To: The Elites of Nesse
From: Red Barb Envoy

I have not come to ask shelter, but to ask for your help against the Golden tribe. They grow more powerful every year. Help us defeat them, and we will be allies forever. Abandon us, and the Golden tribe will conquer all.
@ the Syncerus clan: The Drezden axmen just cleared out a large stand of pine that isn't too far from the lodge. With a strong ox, we could have the stumps removed and the ground ready for grazing or planting within a month.
@ the Hippus clan: We look forward to sharpening our axes with barb skulls. The lone injured Drezden has the whole lodge in an uproar. Formulate a defense (or offense) plan, and I'll gladly lend a dozen axmen, each with their axes and billhooks. We also have more bear and beaver hides than we can stand. Send a scout to retrieve as many as he can carry.
Edit: Any barb envoy better rethink his steps if he's heading toward the lodge. We don't want to talk to barbs.
Well Nessers, what say you on these messages from the Red and Wolf Tribes? The Red Barbarians see to desperately need help, and if we do help we can gain their loyalty, as well as possibly gain land from the Golden Tribe. Keep in mind that depending on how strong the Golden Tribe is, our interests may not even just be in gaining land, but in surviving a potential invasion. And if such an event were to occur, the Red Barbarians could serve as useful allies.

The Wolf Tribe offers tribute and an oppurtunity to join in a raid against the Boar Tribe. The Ninticus strongly disagrees with joining the raid, but would like to hear the other Nesser's opinions on the tribute and offer of peace. Should we accept and take their gift, or attack them and gain some more farmlands?
The Hippus Clan and we believe the Drezden Clan are both of the opinion that the Wolf are not to be trusted. We demand the tribute be doubled and shared with the Outlanders. Otherwise, we move that the Wolf Clan is attacked and taught a lesson about dealing with Nesse.

We have no opinion on the Red Barbs except that any major commitment could drain the coffers of Nesse families in a cinch.
To: The Outlanders
From: Clan Syncerus

We would gladly supply a dozen or so light cavalry to form an Outlander Militia, with the intent on protecting our farms and homes from Barb invasion and banditry.

We can also supply hides for armor and shields.
Peace is better than war, and the Wolf Clan's weregild of 10 cattle and gold is generous. It should be accepted, with a significant cut going to the Drezden Clan. If the Wolf Chief is truly willing, and capable, of reining in his warriors than this should be the end of it. If not, then we are slightly richer when we strike.

At the same time, war with allies is better than war without them. We should seriously consider the threat of the Golden Barbs, as if they are strong enough to overcome the Wolf Barbs so swiftly than they may be a threat to the security of the city.
To Whom it May Concern: Trusting barbs is not what kept the outlanders alive as long as they have been. Send the barb envoy away (or better yet, put him on a pike). Any tribute they made would be tainted by the blood of their hands. Blood that spilt from the chests of outlanders.
Their chief seems desperate to avoid a war, we should take the bling while we can. Even if they can't be trusted, we can use the time to build up our army.
Let's make a counter-offer for a greater tribute. If the Chief is truly in earnest, he will buckle. If not, then we will see his true motives.
The Askani House is inclined to agree with the Drezden family. Accept the tribute, decline the raid; lend monetary aid to the Red barbs, perhaps, then let them and the Golden barbs duke it out whilst we bolster our armed forces and defensive fortifications.
To Whom it May Concern: Well The Drezden know a thing or three about fortifications, and we'd be happy to furnish lumber to any parties undergoing renovation. We find the idea of using the barbs against one another distasteful and slightly dishonorable, but it's necessary. Tell us how much lumber is needed, and we'll take it from the stockpile.
To: All
From: The Justo Clan

Trusting the Wolf barbarians would be foolish. We believe we should accept their tribute offer then once all goods have been received conquer their lands. Their current promises of peace will only last as long as there are weaker neighbors for them to plunder. Additional pasturing lands will also allow us to end the food crisis in the city.

If this is accepted the Justo Clan will aid in these movements.

When it comes to expanding the city further the Justo Clan is against this. Taking away prime farming land for housing will only further worsen the food situation. Until further farming land is under our control the cities boundaries would be best to remain as they are.

To: The Elites
From: The Justo Clan

The turmoil in the East is disturbing our prime pastural lands. The Justo Clan is prepared and ready to stop the problems in the Red and Gold Barbarian lands provided support can be given to us.
The Drezden support a direct attack, the best defense is a good offense. The grove surrounding the lodge can serve as a base camp, unless someone is against it. At least one dozen axmen will go with the forces, and more fortifications will be added to the lodge post haste.
To Elites
From the Clan of the Wolves

Give me an army and I will silence the Golden Tribe once and for all!

On that note, I believe we should not work with the Wolf tribe, I do not trust a tribe who uses our name.
Who's going to make our reply to the envoy?

I suggest we go help the Wolf clan before knocking *them* on the head.

Regarding the Red/Gold fight, I thikn it's better to knock the Reds.

And while some of my people have been dying, the Dicchus clan will still stand tall, until age renders us impotent
OOC: so do the money lenders serve some kind of banking purpose? If they're just in the business of lending, it seems like things may go downhill in a hurry.
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